For/against? Why? What are the good and bad things that will happen to our societies once sex bots become mainstream products?
What is the official stance of Jow Forums when it comes to sex bots?
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I want one. But they are still far off...
Can't wait desu
They could bring eternal paradise... or eternal nightmare, so it's a fair gamble.
A risk I'm willing to take.
Right now, anything that takes power away from women is good for us
It's degenerate as fuck and I want one. It's OK though, I have a good reason. I'm unattractive.
If you don't have an excuse though you're just being degenerate. Society really needs more families now. You guys better get on it.
It’s a great way to make white males further fucking useless, but by all means if you faggots are so pathetic you can’t get a 100$ hooker to boost your confidence every once and awhile. Spend the rest of every day of your life humping a piece of plastic. Pathetic. Why don’t you all just an-hero and take out high value targets
desu I have no problem with sexbots but I personally would never get one, just like I don't own any sex toys or anything.
...but, if I HAD to get a sex bot... it would probably be a Tooby
Why have a sex-bot when I have an asian q.t. willing to respond to my booty call at any time. She loves when I fuck her tight Korean ass.
Id never get one myself but i think they are very much needed to bring balance to the dating economy
Im a good looking guy, im tall and fit but i struggle like crazy trying to get laid or find dates simply because its so rare to find a girl who is single and willing.
Are girls really rare though? well no, but the ratio between men and women is skewed like fuck.
If bots took out ~25% of dating men then we would have a better dating market where women faced some competition
OMG I can't believe there are people that are STILL posting Shinuki even after everything she went through.
>bring balance to the dating economy
Yeah that's what I think too.
>Im a good looking guy, im tall and fit but i struggle like crazy trying to get laid or find dates simply because its so rare to find a girl who is single and willing.
And if you're short and not good looking, you can just forget it.
>the ratio between men and women is skewed like fuck.
The ratio probably isn't so bad, but it's like there's an effective surplus of men due to how women tend to share a smaller pool of men.
If the sex bot with general house work abilities meme becomes reality I will get one.
I think they are still far off. Maybe in 50 years or so we will be able to make one but in the meantime I will happily settle for some holographic waifu like the one in the new Bladerunner. I can handle physical loneliness. It's the mental isolation that really fuck you up.
>The ratio probably isn't so bad, but it's like there's an effective surplus of men due to how women tend to share a smaller pool of men.
Depends on where you live, in Sweden the ratio of men/women is 120/100 in some age brackets
Thing is its not women sharing men, its women not being into dating moreso
Lets say out of 10 women only 3-4 are actaully looking to date/fuck, whereas out of 10 guys its usually 7-8 guys who want to date so the ratio is out of balance to start off with
Dan Bilzerian talked about this once and i remember it loosely
If you have 10 guys per girl at a party she can go home alone and still satisfied because she flirted and got alot of attention, she doesnt need to go home with someone to feel good.
If you have a party with 10 girls per guy however the women who are there to hook up feel competition even if all the other girls are there to get their nails painted or just enjoy the party. The girl who brings home the guy wins (in her mind) so she wont be going home alone
if i get a sex box, id get something exotic that i will never get irl due to my no-race-mixing rules
I'm for labeling all sexbot threads as viral marketing from the manufacturers.
I would only want a sexbot if it was Tay OS running in a Tay Tay chassis
I think people are exaggerating the effect of sexbots.
Incels want companionship, not a hole to fuck.
Yeah, maybe once you have AGI then it could be worthwhile.
I think it's more likely that soon there will be highly complex VR chatbots that fill the void for people who seek companionship.
Lolibot is my right as an American citizen.
waste of money
a sex bot cant clean cook or watch kids.
When the artificial uterus has been perfected, it will literally be the end of the biocunt
Well the modern woman can't do that either.
>no respect for me
L0Lno netTart
feminists will try to stop it, they already are.
if we get them, it'll be pretty much the end of feminism
What exactly did she expect would happen, posting pictures of herself in skimpy underwear on the internet?
The idea of having a woman you could fix with a screw driver has some appeal to it.
On a more practical level, nah, pretty dumb idea. People should have sex anyways only when they intend to make babies. Any other sex is just too much work.
t. A. Bundy
Well then, why not banning dildos?
After all dildos were invented to cure female hysteria. Apparently it doesn't work after all.
It's a machine, not a real thing so it's degenerative
Rome invented a method to keep their soldier calm and level headed all the time. It was to insert a wooden dildo into their assholes.
Maybe feminists should be forced to have a dildo in their asses all the time, by law, in order to have a license to speak?
I’m 22 and of middling fitness with no major genetic problems. I live an upper-middle class American lifestyle, but I grew up in cities, so I’ve been exposed to plenty of plastics and whatever the fuck. Can I count on biological immortality or should I become a Jew and get in on that baby blood action
Um, could you possibly provide sauce? I would have thought that having a wooden dildo in your arse you’ll turn the average centurion into a slobbering, blood lust filled homocidal maniac who would lay waste utterly entire villages, towns, cities and subjugate nations.
Butt plugs in antiquity only pacified the Greeks afaik
>Butt plugs in antiquity only pacified the Greeks afaik
I could remember wrong. Anyways, the premise is still sound. Enforce feminists to have a butt plug in order to have a license to speak. AT LEAST conduct extensive research on this matter, starting with Hollywood celebs. They would provide good data.
I'd rather watch porn than fuck a doll.
With sexbots entering the ring, human females will need to compete. This in turn should mean more traditional women. Capitalism wins again!
What the hell, what kind of woman would dress as Alice?
Google yields nothing
Strange, I can't find any references either. Now, where did I got this idea then?
I have no clue. Somewhere, at sometime, someone has convinced me that Romans or Greeks used dildo as a pacifier.
Well, shit. Cancel the research then. Shut it down.
For unattractive guys who arent getting laid anyway its fine, it also reduces the beta orbiters and stops Captain SaveAHoe.
Because Canadian law makes guns too hard to get.
finally fuck off. i want a real woman. go fuck yourself with your autism sex bot bullshit.
Retarded. Just kill yourself. Or buy a hooker.
Sex bots are elaborate masturbation devices. Masturbation is wrong.
Neither can modern women. Also, the Nips have come up with a nannybot so pretty soon robots will be able to do tbose things.
Because a dildo cant work a job and make money, so a dildo cannot replace a man.
Because modern women are nothing but holes, a sex bot can replace her.
>Now, where did I got this idea then
Ever been to Sweden?
>It’s a great way to make white males further fucking useless
>by making women redundant we make white males useless
Are you a woman? This sounds like pure unfiltered woman logic
My life is already nightmarish after several insane girlfriends have set me back years
Pillow waifu for the win so I'm not bothered about rusty sexbots.
The free market fixes everything. It always has. When will these authoritarian fuck learn to leave shit alone?
Net positive for society. Beta orbiters get a robot GF and don't pay twitch streamers for cleavage shots anymore, or enable IRL sluts they know. Sex robots can be raped and beaten and have all the illegal or immoral fetishes acted out on them with no repercussions, removing a good segment of sex criminals. Robot lolis can satisfy pedos and keep them away from real kids. But most importantly, the competition will make women know their place again and eventually act like submissive cute housewives to maintain their value.
The Day of the Roast is coming.
Probably wouldn't work, rapid movements are really unpleasent with something up the shitter
A friend told me
>Ever been to Sweden?
Yes. But that's not it.
I suspect this came from Roald Dahls book My Uncle Oswald. Which I highly recommend to everyone.
"Oswald Hendryks Cornelius, an extremely attractive and wealthy bounder, was the greatest fornicator of his time. "
I don't want a sex robot, I want a cool detective buddy robot like Connor from Detroit: Become Human.
food is obsolete, all we need is nutrient paste.
i mean, what can food even provide to you that nutrient paste can't? and you don't have to raise or grow nutrient paste, you can just synthesize it.
nutrient paste will replace foods, get over it. foods are obsolete.
>going with wet noodle twerp that needs magic to fight and satan's offspring
>not going with day zero master race waifu who'se death caused Paradox
On an individual level I am for, because it'd enhance my masturbation immensely.
On a societal and more general level I am against, because it will probably lead to even more declining birth rates among westerners.
Big hands.
>You'll never be melonpan
Good that you bring this up, What attention is for women sex is for men. That is why instagram and other media is giving your average 5/10 girl inflated egos thinking she can settle with an 8/10 guy. Instagram for women does what pornhub does for men(btw cut porn out just ask yourself why would jews give anything for free to you)
that straw would be an Irishman's wet dream. think of ale kegs.
illias did nothing wrong
she can't create life but she sure as hell can make bioweapons (the only cute one being S-2) with some assitance from a Jewish angel (the irony is not lost on me) Now, if she wanted a hard reset, why did she not go to the fucking moon? the MGQ universe earth has one, yes? Or retreat everyone worthy into heaven and seal the navel off. I also loved how the next dolls telegraphed their weaknesses to the heavenly Knights. Fantastic how an arrogant jewess put part of her personality in her creations.
i'll wait until the make the leap from doll to android.
>topic posted 4-5 x a day
This is spam at this point and will most likely be treated as so.
Inb4 muh rohstea
The official stance of Jow Forums is that that sexbots will fix feminsim.
Its okay, she went off the internet
Don't be retarded. I'm against them for whites, in favour for all other races. Seems like a good way of keeping niggers, nappies, poos, and beans complacent
>im being a degenerate
>but im ugly and a degenerate
>so its cool fellas
>a leaf's all so tiresome...
Detroit: Become Humans made me want to surround myself with Androids since I'm socially incompetent
On Fantasy Fridays at my house, sometimes my wife will pretend to be a sex bot. She just lays there.
So, I'm kinda against sex bots.
5years they will speak, 10 years they will walk and speak.
20 years they will do simple tasks.
30 years they will do complex tasks.
After that who knows.
When the welfare ends so will feminism.
No money, no feminism.
They speak now tho...
Machines are utilitarian, utility is not degenerative.
Men require services that the machine can perform.
Men use tool so they can become more productive.
Dishwashers, washing machines, coffeemakers, etc all serve a purpose.
Housemaid machines are just the next step in automation.
They are probably bad for everyone, still gonna get one. Also I want to see what kind of shitshow sex bots create in society.
These are going to be so ridiculously expensive when they finally become commercially viable... Surely it wouldn't be less than 59 years before an average middle class person could afford one
You don't understand, without welfare, foreign aid, and other services from NGOs, there will be no one else but white people and Asians.
Women want to send aid not men. Women will decrease because they aren't needed and men will choose to have sons over daughters.
With robotic females, the reduction in compassion and sympathy for other people decreases.
Population decrease as the rest of the world starves to death and no one in the west will do anything about it.
Women caused these populations to increase and when women decline so will these other populations.
Who cares either way? They are pushing trans humanism which is a really dangerous thing so robots don't grind my gears too much....
A distraction from the furtherance of our people but they might knock female sexual market value down a peg or two.
>viral marketing
>for a non existent product of a non existing company
Did you have a bowl of stupid for breakfast?
Now it’s not.
Why do we have this thread every single day?
Because when you are drowning in daily blackpills, it is sometimes good to read about something comfy
One day they will become sophisticated enough to be disgusted by you and reject you for the same reasons that real women are disgusted by you and reject you.