Swedeanons, what's the current state of the upcoming election...

Swedeanons, what's the current state of the upcoming election? I haven't seen threads about this even though this is a huge thing. It's less than two months away. What's the most likely outcome and does SD have any chance of changing anything?

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SD polling as majority. we have acheived victory for the moment

It’s getting better and worse. The leftist rats are running out on the street now that their safe space is compromised, so the battle is not over yet. SD is the majority poll but still the sjws are screeching louder.

SD is polling as the largest party currently, but the other parties will just lock them out again.

If SD got 50+% in 2022 would they want to pull out of the EU

Too many retards amongst our countrymen. Socialdemokraterna are importing niggers by the hundreds of thousands to vote for them to prevent SD's victory. We will be the biggest party probably but the media and the 7 other parties will do what they always do, lie, subvert and refuse to cooperate.

We can't leave the EU within 10 years looking at opinion over here now.

user is correct

All other parties dont want to give SD leadership because of "bad values" so they will most likely band together and create a government of all other 6-7 parties (some might need to gtfo because they are too small) which will fuel the chaos for another 4 years with mass migration, no police, no hospital and skyrocketing taxes

We also have a housing bubble thats ready to pop, when it does....

I hope you inform people in the backcountry of what is going on.

I'm voting AfS to push the envelope. SD needs to understand we will not stand for too much civnat cuckery. Overall a mixed bag, we're not as close to civil war as the United States.

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Not sure that’s a good idea desu

The situation is too volatile for a split vote

divide and conquer, jews win every time

The sweden democrates will recognize Palestine as the capital of Sweden so the Jews will get what they want, hopefully we will at least stop the immigration.

I’m thinking about laying my vote on alternative for Sweden instead

Really excited about the housing bubble. While this might give away my identity to glow in the dark SÄPO niggers, according to two of the biggest business leaders (båda inom bemanningsindustrin) in the north of Sweden who I've talked to privately, the housing market is on artificial life support from all major lenders and the government, and is set to crash at any moment.

It's gonna be a great time, not only because the angry and dispossessed Swedes but also because I'll be able to get great deals on real estate.

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I get the argument about purity spiral, but I know I'm not the average SD voter, they can survive without my vote. If the democratic solution fails, I'm literally armed to the teeth, so I'm okay with a violent solution.

I dont have alot of cash on hand so i cant go for the bargain when they do happen but yeah, ive understood as much too that its set to pop anytime now.

Thinking about shorting the major real estate developers?

Quick fix for that is saving 15% of your salary in good index funds. If you're a student or unemployed, you're basically shit out of luck. If you want resources I recommend Avanza Auto 8 (google it) if you want a good option that gives you index equivalent returns without jewing you with hidden fees.

Last year I beat the market by 3 procent, in a period of two months (using BTX futures, but still). This year I'm set to hit 20%+ return on investment. Literally never been easier to make money if you can avoid all the trap options that are out there to jew you.

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Ive invested some cash in US stocks because i want to avoid the swedish stock market since i think it will crash and burn pretty damn soon. Same with the german one

I am a student but i do work part time as well so i make abit of cash

Any tips on courses to take?

You can't really learn about any of this shit in the Swedish educational system, because the system expects your only interaction with the markets to be as a producing goy with state pension (AP, tjänstepension), not an effendi.

Two great resources for beginners are:

and Money: Master the Game by Tony Robinson.

Say what you will about his self help shit, or the fact that he is indisputably part of the ruling class of the globo-homo gayplex, but his financial advice is extremely solid.

DNB Teknologi is the best fund for FAANG (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google and generally the top performing fund available to you. Otherwise I recommend high performing index funds like Handelsbanken Index USA. Investing the United States is the most solid option overall, Swedish stocks are pretty tepid and useless.

Here's a link for the book mentioned.


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SD will become the largest party, or second largest, but won't win anyway due to block-politics. They might form a government with one other party, but that's far fetched.

Anyway, not much will change. The death of the nation will be post-poned by a few decades at best.

Same. I finally decided to go AfS after SD flipped on the EU-issue, that's a deal-breaker for me. We can't be ruled by a supra-national entity.

Yeah ive understood this to be true, ive still studied finance at högskolan and they arent talking as much about how to actually beat the market or make money. Only "practical" things (like marketing lol)

Thanks for the tips, ill start looking into this ASAP
But is it worth shorting the big real estate companies? they are heavily leveraged and new sales of bostadsrätter are dropping at a prodigious rate so at some point the market will prolly catch up
Alot of international investors are doing this currently afaik but whats your take?

Its encrypted, sorry

my bad

>they can survive without my vote.

this is literally what every cuck think of themselves when their girlfriend is having sex with other men.

don't fucking vote for some shit 0.0001% party, vote for the party that actually has a chance to stir shit up, then when they do you can start to vote on your 0.0001% party.

Shorting is never worth it if you're small fry like us. You're talking about borrowing on margin in a financial market ruled by high frequency trading and quants.

I made my starting money with serious crime, so I can't really tell you any silver bullet type solutions to get rich quick, but if you use the power of compound interest and invest wisely in low cost index funds, you're guaranteed to be a multimillionaire many times over by the time you're 50, unless SHTF and day of the rope comes, in which case you'll be a socially enriched by the end of Jewish usury.

This is a serious consideration you have to make if you think that most jobs are gonna be replaced by robots and that the state pension system will basically collapse by the time we're old.

>I made my starting money with serious crime
Quick rundown?

hm...true i suppose

Prolly gonna get wiped out pretty damn quickly but it can make you alot of cash if you know its going to pop.
Serious crime?
How did you manage to launder it?

Why not the NMR?

Var investerar jag då? Hos min bank eller avanza eller någon annanstans?

Jag har Nordea men flyttar över mina besparingar till Avanza varje månad för att investera i de aktier och fonder som jag valt. Kan automatisera detta på avanza också med något autogiro-liknande system.

If you want a job, a social life, have dates and not life in fear everytime you go out in public then you wont join NMR

Im not against them but you have to understand, youre a very small minority within a minority who are being hounded and hunted by society at large

SD seems to become the largest party but AfS and MED seems to be taking some from their demographic. Even Angry Foreinger endorse Medborgerlig Samling.


Hail victory from Greece, bros.

Im using discord to convince Swedes to vote nationalists. I have succeeded with 2 who were undecided and 1 who was a nihilistic fuck, but all 3 of them will vote Nationalists.

Much love

You can still vote for them without joining them.

But why the fuck would you want to?

Im not familiar with their policies so i have no idea on how competent they are but i do know they have NO chance to get enough votes to enter the riksdag or even get significant representation in the kommunalfullmäktige

Avanza eller Nordnet om du vill.

More drugs than the rest of sve/pol/ will ever see and consume in the rest of their lives. Today I regret having by extension put money in the pocket of Albanians and Serbian niggers and bringing drugs into mostly white communities, but I'm trying to make up for it by working with kids in bad situations, addicts and promoting white nationalism.

Laundering money is fairly easy. Costs between 20 to 50 000 SEK to set up a company in Malta. Then you need an economic activity. I essentially bought things and sold them to myself. Also did the most common real estate trick a few times (not burning it for insurance money, try again).

also voting for AfS

Why waste your vote on a cuck party? If everyone says they can't get in, no point voting for them; they won't get in.

Show your real flag.

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>Also did the most common real estate trick a few times

I want to become a tax advisor when i finish school because i want to lessen the tax income since its mostly being wasted currently anyway and your story gives me some hope of doing this
Its not cheating the system if the system is corrupt and wrong.

Slippery slope mate, upcoming election is important for SD to reach as high as possible.
After that (in the next election) you can swap and honestly AfS is more appealing than NMR
Right now unless SD gets 50+% of votes, they still will fail and we will see chaos spread. Whats good about this is it will prolly galvanize those who dont want to see chaos reign and bring them to demand order of their politicans which will see them stopping the SD-isolation

>Laundering money is fairly easy
People are always vague af when describing this step (understandably) so I can't really tell if it's bullshit or not. But your not doing it anymore so please be as specific as you can, senpai.

NMR are totally incompetent when it comes to PR and politics, they're useful idiots in the same way SA was

Yes, I used the cat's butt (and introduced drug money by obfuscation into the deals). And it's easy for me, because we're not talking about tens of millions. I have an E-commerce company, I paid a guy in another country a percentage to buy my shit and generate profits which are effectively not taxed due to business and tax regulation in Malta. I have a lawyer in Malta who helps me with all these matters (except the strictly illegal parts).

There are dozens of legal firms/accounting firms that can do the same for you and advertise these types of solutions.

And most of the money I saved beyond that is hidden, which I use for day to day consumption, whether it's grocery shopping or getting spare parts for my car and mundane shit like that. So now I have enough legal money that there's essentially no point in investigating me. I have a house that's nearly all paid off, but I don't live an extravagant lifestyle.

So basically the hardest part is making the money, afterward its fairly easy to launder it?

but unlike the SA they don't have a genius leading them

Yes, making the money is a fucking endless quagmire of pain, paranoia, drug abuse (cocaine for me), intimidation and violence. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, and probably 95% of the people who are career criminals fail in the most spectacular ways. I only did it because I come from white trash with no discipline and tradition and I had no education worth shit on the market, and probably a mindset that is naturally inclined to banditry.

An ideal society has a place for men like me too, probably pointed outwards at the enemies of our people. but as you know Sweden does not.

To get back to the politics side of it, ironically a lot of my 'friends' from that period are hardcore Nazi. One of them was one of the biggest foreign donors to NMR before he killed himself in drug induced psychosis.

>Sweden does not.
Honestly mate, as bad as you think you are youre prolly not even one tenth as bad as even the lowest of the low politicans currently running shit or even as bad as the journalists who are hunting innocent people for "hate crime"
Youve done bad things but fuck it, we all have and there are diffrent circles in hell.

I grew up similar to you but i retreated into video games and tried to get a family instead, dating is a fucking nightmare so lets not get into that but i can relate growing up in a bad way.
Its sickening because i can imagine alot of young men in sweden are growing up facing the same (if not worse) problems today and they get no help at all.

You involved in politics at all?

I'm involved in politics on a private level. I've basically redpilled all my family and friends and I've given money to occasion to SD. However, I would do a disservice to our cause by getting involved as a representative, because I've been to prison on narcotics charges and that's bad optics.

I honestly think that for the situation for young men to change, especially young working class men, we need a national socialist society that is based in real, actual social justice. A society that looks at young unemployed men and is willing to give them a fair shake in the armed forces or in national projects like infrastructure (Autobahn being a great example, as well as the hydroelectric power projects of the pre-Palmé era), not this quasi-liberal bullshit that only rewards feminine qualities and studying soft science until you're 23 so you can go be a paper pusher for your local municipality.

Yup, i agree with both of these statements
NMR are overall bad optics because they handle PR so poorly and the best they can get is fed-up "resistance" votes but if they were to change...

This is also a worry of mine, currently we are funding feminist research and socionom-utbildningar which are a feeding programme for underqualified government busy-bodies instead of productive things
Take the state of Västtrafik i Göteborg, we could easily fund Chalmers to automate the busses but instead whats happening? We import people under the guise of them taking jobs we cant find people for

Even if SD wins and gets in power, it won't matter. They're shit.

It only makes sense if you accept that what they say they want is not what they actually want (i.e basic definition of conspiracy). The main employers of niggers and Arabs are various state or municipal companies like you pointed out with bus drivers.

The private sector wants nothing to do with immigrants unless they can get 80% rebate on their wages and if even Koko the gorilla could do the job.

Which means that any arguments about economic benefits are bullshit, it's literally about white genocide.

I think it will matter, because then you've shifted the Overton window of acceptable policy positions regarding immigrants. The next logical step is mass repatriation aka AfS.

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this, but i dont know what else to do at this point
im living a comfy life and i value my immediate comfort above anything else

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>I think it will matter, because then you've shifted the Overton window of acceptable policy positions regarding immigrants. The next logical step is mass repatriation aka AfS.
It will matter about as much as Trump winning has mattered for the US.

SD is only Eurosceptic, not anti-EU. They are only LARPing as if they want Swexit to win back some AfS supporters.

He made the US Supreme Court conservative for generations to come, successfully implemented the Muslim ban, kept them out of a war with Syria/Russia/Iran and has accelerated the start of the inevitable conflict against the ZOG by an untold number of years.

The only reason they haven't impeached him is because they think they'd lose the ensuing civil war. Closest thing to a Fuhrer they've had since Huey Long.

Agree desu. SD is only a stopgap solution.

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>The main employers of niggers and Arabs are various state or municipal companies like you pointed out with bus drivers.
To be fair mate, i dont think even half of them are employed.
the Gf is studying to be come a socionom (im not thrilled...) and in her lecture books there was statistics on migrant employment over the years ~1970-2010 iirc (doesnt matter) and some of em were as low as 0%...

>Which means that any arguments about economic benefits are bullshit, it's literally about white genocide.
That too but ive made a case for migrants simply being a vessel for transfering money from the public to the private sector.
Tax money is collected from honest hard working people and this tax money is given to people who use it to consume the goods those hard workers are producing. Its like having a discount on wages because they filter the wages they pay back through migrants and into profits (through increased turnover)
When the tax money isnt enough for the migrants they turn to lending and this it creates more demand-pull inflation
Just look at the housing bubble, why do you think we have one? because normal Swedes cant wait 5-15 years (depending on city) for an apartment and since the politicians only care about migrants and their housing needs people need to buy which creates more demand.

The need for security also increases and a representative of some financial institution came out and said that Securitas has potential to double its value, i believe this simply because there is so much fear, panic and chaos overall currently and the demand is sky-high


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AfS here as well. Normies will carry SD.

Not directly related to Swedish politics, but our PM (Erna Solberg) got into a bit of trouble by saying that "Norwegians, when considering the EU question, vote with their hearts rather than their brains". Condescension, smugness, holier-than-thou-ness and classism doesn't fly here and will be immediately shut down.