Make Jordan Peterson President of Earth. All problems solved

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I don't think he'd like that

sage this jew

he's a UN fag

But what about the hierarchy!?

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what? no he's not

hi shill

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stay up to date on Jow Forums conspiracy theories by lurking more

Have you not read The Lord of the Rings?
You can't give the ring to Gandalf.

No earthgov, kike

Presidents don't really do shit themselves, they just read the script they're given and perform acts for the media to influence masses. Lurk more, retard or in case you're shilling for this not so obvious Soros puppet, get the fuck out.

lol. This is so obviously fake!

Given the amount of JP spam, Id say there is some truth to it.

I got food poisoning I don't have time for this shit

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He's an anti-White faggot.

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"Yep, that Jordan Peterson. He's the man, yo."

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until he drinks a sip of cider and plunges the earth into 25 days of chaos.

I smell a jew guys

Incels raised by him will one day run this bitch.

This faggots is smelling hos own farts.

>a Canadian

Where does he say that these groups are okay? And show your flag

(((the post)))

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So you can't. Cringeworthy. Memeflag shill.

Fuck this, I'm leaving for work early.

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