What makes reddit so popular?

What makes reddit so popular?

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Because Tumblr abuses you for wrongthink.
This site is anonymous no accounts
reddit is mainly centre left

Also I survived Thanos snapped >.>

People go to Reddit for news, unlike Jow Forums where people post memes and type dumb things ike
>oh no no no no

upvote system

Nothing too particular. It was the one that got popular so they bought it.

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>People go to Reddit for news
No they don't pajeet. They go on news sites to do this.

based pajeet

Because you can silence people on reddit by downvoting its very good for liberals.

You dont get called a fag every five seconds


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because r/wallstreetbets is the best place on earth

Pure cancer

Might as well go to Jow Forums if you want to throw away your money

Tbh I agree on the news part. Some faggot posts the shit there and it's filtered to the top pretty quick. But if you look at the comments it's always a leftist opinion at the top and 5 other numales gaping their mouths in autistic agreement.

not only that but most major subs have completely leftist mods and will ban anyone who steps out of line

comparing wsb to biz is like mixing chocolate and shit, they're both brown but not really the same

sweet jesus anupam what have you done

Reddit news is filtered.

Worldnews subreddit was fine until Trump made the whole website lose their fucking minds.

It does change over time, though. There have been multiple cycles over the last 11-12 years on reddit where the political angles have swung back and forth in popularity. Same has happened on Jow Forums and its previous incarnations. I think these days gaming the system with bot accounts and comment histories is more common, and social media think tanks are starting to get this form of broad manipulation down to a science. I think that is just gonna be the name of the game from here on out.

It adheres to the lowest common denominator of user whilst simultaneously promoting onesided beliefs.

If you notice, Trump related stories on worldnews bring in lots of leftist shilling and brigading, but overall (especially in European or 3rd world related news) it is very conservative comment wise.

No it was shit even before that.

The whole site is gamed by corporations and political groups. Look how quickly it turned from a Bernie site to almost totally controlled by Clinton shills once she won the nomination. She got her change the record team to infiltrate all the major politics and news boards.

Go on the site now you will see a grillion posts about Star Wars, the latest shitty super hero film or some Disney garbage. Disney must spend a lot of time and effort getting like a third of r/all talking about their products 24/7.

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Yup. Jow Forumspolitics was actually pretty anti Obama / torture / drone / war in general for the latter part of Obama's 2nd term. Around 2016, It went from Vehemently anti Hillary in Jow Forumspolitics/ (the worst offender by far), to revisionist Obama worship & 24/7 anti Trump.

>sucks teeth
You aight curry boy.

post reddit

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The whole upvote/downvoting system can be bought and sold via botting. Rig your agenda to the "best" results. Massive cash cow for marketer's.

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You know this isn't the first I've heard of something like this. I've been friends with a few people in my life that "experimented" with guys to find out if they are gay.

I don't get it. Either you want to fuck a guy and are sexually attracted to them, or you're not. It's not like finding out if you like mango's.

reddit is one of the most cancerous websites I have ever seen. I just looked at it, this is currently their "worldnews" subreddit. Its just endless propaganda garbage. What worries me is that millions of people, especially young people, read this every day and its where tons of them get their news. Reddit is the 5th most popular website in the USA and 7th in the world

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I don't even care if this is bait, it's so reddit you get a (You).

>Reddit is where stupid people go to act smart
>Jow Forums is where smart people go to act stupid

Theres tons of good subreddits on reddit.

But default ones are pure trash.

why? do you like sucking dicks faggot?

It’s a liberal normie cesspool. Very low IQ posts, most of thof comments derail into some gay neck beard ‘joke’ within the second comment. The commenting system is also gay as fuck.

>edit: thanks for the good stranger!

I wish that site was DDOS’d everyday.

Weird way to spell: propaganda and liberal brainwashing

This once Aaron left and spez took over, all down hill

its unbelievable the shit that gets posted on r/worldnews. Only waded in with a hazmat suit about twice and that was enough for me. So much butthurt over skronald zeurlumpf

This. Free dopamine.

There are good subs btw but everything that makes /all/ is fucking cancer.

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>I am smart
Thanks best ally

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Because it allows me to point out how retarded kids who play video games.

The number of times I have told some 12 year old kid he is stupid for losing his shit about an insignificant aspect of a video game, I would actually be rich.

Based and Redpilled.


I'd laugh but honestly I wish I had a gf even if she was a reddit meme :(


Its all about those (you)s, man

Reddit is the most deceitful website on the internet. Beneath the chirpiness is a system of deception. You have the upvote system, which is built for shills, you have the very scummy shadow bans, which by itself is a reason not to use the site, you have the "moderation" which is really just censorship of viewpoints that don't support their propaganda objectives.

You'll catch cancer if you use the site.