I resisted jew-hatred for a long time, but it was the fact that they introduced circumcision which pushed me over the edge. Fuck them for mutilating my dick as an infant. I just watched a video of orthodox jewish circumsicion and I’m a little in shock. Seeing the vulnerable tiny baby shaking and screaming, in enourmous pain as those emotionless kikes slice of his foreskin without hesitation. He needs his mother, not mutilation.
So yeah, Jow Forums I’m finally with you. It took a while, but those fucking kikes finally pushed me over the edge.
checked you are a victim of trauma based mind control much like this guy >Male Genital Mutilation is Trauma Based Mind Control [45m] youtube.com/watch?v=NJ3HNcjr1WY
I hope I get to personally burn you alive when day of the rope comes.
Ryan Gutierrez
It was Christian fundamentalists that popularized the practice here. That being said, anyone who does it to a kid without medical necessity belongs at the end of a rope.
Brody Wilson
Could you give a summary? I don’t have the time to watch that right now.
Isaiah Kelly
of course. It's like gelding a bull when it's only a calf, the younger a male is circumcised the more brain damage they will receive as well as have a stunted testosterone production for life. This leaves many males unsure of themselves, unable to feel pleasure, and seek to be in a group for protection.
Jason Jenkins
who am i shilling for? what am i shilling? >Ritual circumcision and risk of autism spectrum disorder in 0- to 9-year-old boys: national cohort study in Denmark ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4530408/
Unable to feel sexual pleasure, or pleasures in general? I wonder if it’s linked to depression.
I can definitely see how age plays a role. We all understand how a baby being molested would fuck them up, but somehow assume that having your genitals cut the moment you enter the world has no impact. In some ways it seems like that would be more traumatic. The infants probably feel like they’re dying when it happens.
Plus, one of the most important things for babies is to learn to trust their mothers. Such a fundamental betrayal trust immediately after birth must have a huge impact.
it ruined my entire life, it makes me nauseous thinking about my naive gullible fucking goyim parents being convinced to do this
Adrian Taylor
>Unable to feel sexual pleasure, or pleasures in general? I wonder if it’s linked to depression. Feeling less sexual pleasure because a huge amount of nerve endings in the penis are actually in the foreskin. But also being anxious, insecure, and depressed, because they literally have lifelong PTSD from the trauma of having their genitals sliced WITHOUT ANESTHESIA OR PAINKILLERS mere days out of the womb.
>The infants probably feel like they’re dying when it happens. Babies cry so much because for a while, every bad sensation they experience is the worst thing they've ever experienced. They have no baseline. Cut babies experience some of the worst pain a human can endure when they haven't even left the fucking hospital, and their brain is altered forever to expect pain from life. It might make all future pain duller in comparison, but only because they've already known hell. Imagine taking am xacto knife to the head of your dick RIGHT NOW, not even a shot of alcohol to calm you. You wouldn't. It's the worst thing you can even think of. Now think about what it does to a child who has never known any sensations, good or bad, before that moment.
>Such a fundamental betrayal trust immediately after birth must have a huge impact. Absofuckinglutely.
Matthew Morris
What can I even do? I feel so hopeless.
Joshua Wright
Kill all the jews and/or redpill people about circumcision. Go into politics and campaign to ban it.
Jason Perry
>stunted testosterone production for life Source? I could understand why something like pain perception or the subconscious would be affected, but how does this work?
Isaac Foster
My circumcision is the one and only reason I need to fight against the subverter.
Hudson Price
To put it simply the procedure damages males and makes future customers for doctors and therapists. They break you the day you're born to make money off of you for the rest of your life. That's how shitty they are
>Stops mass immigration >Puts American interests first >Rallies Americans against the (((media))) >Pulls out of Zionist bullshit like the Climate accord and constantly criticizes the EU.
You faggots: Meh
>Puts embassy in Jerusalem
You faggots: reeeeeeeeee ZIONIST PUPPET KIKE SHILL
Kill yourself, Trump is the worst thing that could’ve happened to Jews and prevented their world domination for at least 30 years.
Grayson Morales
>the effects on the hormonal system accumulate from generation to generaton >the jews also fucked my potential children up when they cut my dick >my bloodline is forever stunted I'LL FUCKING SLAUGHTER THEM ALL WITH MY BARE HANDS
>it ruined my entire life same >it makes me nauseous thinking about my naive gullible fucking goyim parents being convinced to do this and same
I wonder how many people think like this now, but don't voice an opinion because it's not exactly table conversation.
Josiah Perry
Hormones don't change your genes directly.
Thomas Cox
i thought gelding was basically neutering bulls, youre telling me the circumcise bovine now?
Carter Miller
>implying circumcision is mutilation
eurocucks, beaners, mongoloids and street shitters stay mad because of your oily cheese anteaters.
Connor Moore
Kill yourself cuck
Samuel Cooper
>I resisted the facts now I want reddit gold Imagine going through your life being unable to recognize and learn from your own world history. Literally a fucking enemy of the world kicked out of more countries than I knew existed, it cant be ALL of those countries fault CAN it? >It's actually unavoidable not to reach the same conclusion that's why it's a redpill >The fact that you "resisted" it just means you are a fucking idiot
Congratulations, now you can do something about it.
What, did you come out of the womb hating jews? No one swallows the red pill instantly, buddy
Fucking brutal
Somehow I doubt that will make the pain go away.
>75% will not readily breastfeed Jesus, how do people not recognize what’s going on, that an infant’s relationship with his mother has been damaged?
Samuel Lewis
This picture makes me fucking rage. What the fuck is wrong with Jews?
Ryan Walker
I have a idea. Every man who was mutilated as a baby has an important job to do. Denmark is going to vote on changes to civil code in order to protect babies from this barbaric procedure, the government is afraid of the jewish social media backlash if they vote for it but every man outside the country must support them too in order to counteract the propaganda. ... no but the mutilation of an infants penis will cause the same trauma that a calf goes through and both are forever changed from it.
Brandon Howard
Are you trying to say I learned about the jews in the womb? stop being a brainlet.
I said WHEN I learned I learned, I'm not some brainlet that represses logic for muhmedia.
Easton James
>Jesus, how do people not recognize what’s going on, that an infant’s relationship with his mother has been damaged? remember that story recently how the American side wasn't interested in promoting breastfeeding like the rest of the world, they want to separate kids from parents and young as they can in order to start the indoctrination immediately
Thomas Rivera
Seriously fuck these kikes. I was circumcised without my parents’ approval or knowledge. How the fuck is this legal in the first world?
I don't approve of circumcision and think it's a barbaric practice, but still, if I have a son, I don't want him to be made fun of or look different....
Jace Harris
>BLM flag >too stupid/lazy to wash his dick *snap*
Daniel Wilson
How does it feel to have a dry, numb, dick? Oh wait u can't feel anything because the kikes stole half of the nerve endings from your dick and sold them to the cosmetic industry.
Just so youll know, those babies are kikes as well
Gabriel Davis
Any woman who makes fun of him will have her mind changed when his COMPLETE, UNALTERED manhood ravages her. Any man who makes fun of him is simply seething with jealousy. But anyway end your genetic line now for even thinking about it.
Colton Carter
Does anyone have those statistics/infographs on how much muslims rape kids than whites? I'm in an argument with a guy that things muslims dont rape any more than whites.
Easton Brown
How do I affect a vote going on in Denmark? Shitpost on facebook.dk?
Lincoln Anderson
Here user. Have a redpill. By the end of the artical you'll actually want them dead. archive.fo/bUarE
William Cook
Join us. Send the Jew back.
Gabriel Brown
>send the jew back It should be obvious by now that shooing them out of your country does nothing and only makes things worse in the long run when they infiltrate your leadership for revenge. They deserve nothing less than total extermination.
Luis Thomas
But still, circumcised people are less likely to get UTIs and basic hygiene is somewhat easier for them. If it's done in a hospital with a qualified surgeon, I don't think it's THAT bad.
Kayden Ramirez
I can still cum in under a min, I don't know where these fags are getting "dicks fucking numb" from
Brayden Long
I don't know whether the current widespread practice of circumcision is the result of the influence of Jews, or whether there is a widespread perception that this is the case. Would be interested to see documentation regarding how it was taken up as a medical practice in the English-speaking world. What do "normies" think?
>Stops mass immigration immigration numbers are up and deportation numbers are lower than Obama. >Puts American interests first Only if they're the same as Israeli interests, otherwise they're 2nd. Bibi comes 1st. >Rallies Americans against the (((media))) And yet sucks ((Fox News)) dick. >Pulls out of Zionist bullshit like the Climate accord and constantly criticizes the EU. criticizes the EU is anti-Zionist, sucking Zionist cock isn't pro-Zionist though. This is your mind on MAGA. >Kill yourself, Trump is the worst thing that could’ve happened to Jews and prevented their world domination for at least 30 years. AHAHAHAHA. Literally every jew in power has called trump the best thing to happen in their history. They threw him a party in Israel, they named a train station after, they named a University after him, they named a football team after him, they've started naming their their kids after him. Loooooool.
Lincoln Lopez
>but the mutilation of an infants penis will cause the same trauma that a calf goes through and both are forever changed from it. that's actually really interesting. But don't they do it to babies under anesthesia? I know I was under deep sleep when they treated my phimosis. Later on I wondered, why such a simple procedure required that, but maybe they knew what you're saying. Or maybe they wanted to rape me in my sleep, and I never knew.
Jace Powell
>trump the best thing to happen in their history What has he done substantively to help them?
Xavier Walker
Circumcision can also cause premature ejaculation. It basically prevents your dick from functioning normally.
Aaron Barnes
>I don't want him to be made fun of or look different.... you'd risk giving brain damage to a baby to protect him from a myth? >The effect of male circumcision on the sexual enjoyment of the female partner onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1046/j.1464-410x.1999.0830s1079.x
more like talk about supporting the same type of civil code update in American law on every site you can. Denmark citizens are overwhelmingly supportive of the update +80% it's the government that's afraid of social media backlash from jews
Cameron Russell
The medial industry is still arguing over whether or not to use a general anesthetic. As far as brain damage goes it's when the procedure is done to a days old infant, that's when most of the damage occurs as proven by MRI and peer reviewed by other neurologists.
increased aid, effectively ended US support for two state solution and totally sided with isreal, given them the biggest most historic moment in their history, weakened iran. And it's been less than 2 years. Most US presidents don't even achieve a fraction of that in 8 years.
Gavin Brooks
You stupid nigger it is almost impossible for men to get UTIs at all unless they're shoving things into their dick hole. Our tract gets cleaned out every time we piss and bacteria would have to make it at least 8 inches to get into the bladder where an infection would happen. Women get them all the time because their urethra is like 1-2 inches max, and always gaping open. Penis is the superior evolutionary design and this fact stands regardless of whether there's a foreskin. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR CIRCUMCISION.
Lincoln Butler
I don't have that problem either, It works fine
Evan Thompson
>cums in under a minute >not premature ejaculating mmhmm okay sweaty
Daniel Hernandez
>It took a while, but those fucking kikes finally pushed me over the edge. They do that a lot.
I was about 6 years old, so I can't blame it for me being a failure at life.
Joseph Sullivan
checked Denmark study showed an adverse affect between the ages of 0-9
Matthew Mitchell
I dont know if you can call them "traitors" when they've always been libtards.
Anthony Nguyen
Their intent is to disarm us so that there is no resistance to Jewish/Israeli control of the US. I don't have the link, but the thread I got that from also referenced an Israeli strategic plan that required us to be disarmed.
Ethan Brown
What they are doing is so obvious.
If they did not own the Mass Media we would be running them out of another country.
My mother was drugged up and out of it, and even still questioned if it was a good idea but the jew doctor kept going on about "health benefits" I'm told. You know the female brain is going to want more health benefits for their baby, what a fucking deception. Even worse is when a father has the "I had it so it isn't that bad" mentality.
Then you hear stories of family members fighting to get it done, and they go out of their way to defend baby genital mutilation. Sick in the head, all of them. Oh, little billy might not look like the other boys. Faggots, so much for "diversity". Yes, let's traumatize a baby so they may not be mocked that one time in a locker room.
This pisses me off. I apparently was bottle-fed instead of breast milk fed. So I got the mark of the goy, formula milk, and was taught in kindergarten about "evil racism". K-12 was holocaust, holocaust, black culture, holocaust. At least they can't take away your kids if you don't accept their tranny fag brainwashing...yet.
It's quite devilish: exploit the natural narcissism and conformism of women in order to sabotage their progeny. I'm convince that circumcision is one of the most significant social issues of our time. Truly mind-boggling to consider that this is allowed at all, let alone the norm.
Ryder Baker
Baby foreskin is a sacrificial offering to propitiate Yahweh, the Volcano god who lives in a box.