Explain this

So apparently there is a board on the UN which can suspend and supersede governmental constitutions in favour of a a global one.

Whaddya think guys?

Attached: trudeau-podesta.jpg (734x540, 87K)

International court of Justice has jurisdiction wordlwide for certain crimes like... Acts of aggression.

They've made their rules, let's see them enforce them!

Can you think of any contemporary acts of aggression which would facilitate such a jurisdiction?

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molon labe

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It’s a meme. Nigger dictator in Sudan killed half a million and nothing ever happened to him, even though he broke every rule in the book and was “”””indicted””””” by this court

I think 20 gallons of gasoline should be enough.

Attached: dualcolt45_BAS.png (448x433, 261K)

Looks like you've been making plans for a while buddy.

it was a joke, FBI. everything on this site is satire, now fuck off.


the number of civilian owned .50 BMG anti materiel rifles far out number the UN white APCs here in the US

mobian strip

Why do you fear world government when it is the system which has always been in place?

We have more guns, that';s what i think, like literally 50 percent of all the worlds guns are in America, we can't be stopped or taken over by the UN..

hahhahahahah how the fuck is United Nations real hahaha nigga just walk away from unelected plutocrats like nigga close your borders

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stfu mutt, leafs would rek your asses into the ground.

What, you moosefuckers gonna throw some maple syrup at us? HAHA get rekt leaf.

Jesus Craig Christ, calm your pants hyper autism

Las Vegas FBI Aaron Rouse and Trumps Uncle Anonymous (ID: bsAuwF3b) UN 07/14/18(Sat)14:35:47 No.178703475▶So I was minding my own business researching some details relating to the Route 91 Harvest festival when I came across this image.

That's Aaron Rouse Las Vegas FBI and Trumps Uncle. Now I know we have been seeing the insinuation that Julian Assange is Trumps uncle in light hearted tom foolery but you have to admit these images are pretty creepy comparably side by side.

Trumps uncle worked with Tesla's patents. Tesla was under the impression he was in communication with Mars.

Mars cropped up in the Vegas stories as a statement about it falling to earth by the brother. Then it was a comet, then other places were also reporting mars. I mean mars is a planet and a comet is well, a ball of gas and dust right? I don't know the major differences but I reckon an asteroid is bigger than a comet.

Occultists welcome to offer their esoteric political view.

At this point WE could kick your asses, so behave.

fight fight fight