>POLICE PEDOPHILE SCANDAL ? youtube.com/watch?v=z01qB-HeYV8 youtube.com/watch?v=Tsy194wX04c youtube.com/watch?v=KiOXvCvfkaY QUICK RUNDOWN: >guy investigates child prostitution >finds its happening a lot >takes it to his boss >gets told to shut up >keeps digging >finds even more >every higher up he takes it to does nothing >they threaten to take his kids away >they stop paying him >moved around the country to try keep him away and quiet >investigations underfunded and filled with alcoholics trying to cope with how awful it is
His bosses probably told him to stop investigating because VIPs are fucking the kids.... if the VIPs go down then so do the officers that have been covering up the whole thing for the past fuck knows how long. __________ >REMEMBER SELF IMPROVEMENT No matter who you are, you can improve your life. Take control. Move forward. Dreams keeps us alive, fighting for them makes us feel alive. Self Improvement information here pastebin.com/3Qv9B4r1
>The official British army fitness programme theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2008/jan/07/healthandwellbeing.fitness1 __________ >DUTCH NATION-WIDE INVESTIGATION CONFIRMS: DIVERSITY DESTROYS SOCIAL COHESION The Scientific Council for Government Policy released a scientific report which shows that ethnic diversity negatively impacts social cohesion. Full report (in Dutch) here: wrr.nl/publicaties/verkenningen/2018/05/29/de-nieuwe-verscheidenheid Translated from the full report (page 87): Our analysis shows that, when a neighbourhood becomes more diverse, it becomes less socially cohesive. This result is significant. Social-economic factors have been taken into account. Although the social-economic status of a neighbourhood impacts cohesion, the impact of diversity on social cohesion IS LARGER THAN THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL ECONOMIC STATUS.
Skills based immigration will wake up the middle class who will begin to be displaced as the working class have been. Then phase two can happen.
William Murphy
Logan Smith
what ?
Thomas Turner
High time, we made a stand And shook up the views of the common man The love train rides from coast to coast DJ's the man we love the most
Could you be, could you be squeaky clean and smash any hope of democracy As the headline says you're free to choose There's egg on your face and mud on your shoes One of these days they're gonna call it the blues yeah, yeah Sowing the seeds of love, seeds of love, sowing the seeds Sowing the seeds of love, seeds of love, sowing the seeds
Give me a ticket for an aeroplane I ain't got time to take no fast train Oh, the lonely days are gone I'm coming home Oh, my baby she wrote me a letter
I don't care how much money I got to spend I won't find my way, way back home again Oh the lonely days are gone I'm coming home Yeah my baby, she wrote me a letter
Well she wrote me the letter Said that she couldn't live without me no more Listen to me mister please don't you ever My baby once more Anyway
>how common do you sense that is among /leftypol/? obviously everyone will be different and will be at different stages but do you feel alone over there seeing socialism working within a nationalist setting?
I sense both the far-right and far-left have a common desire to help their countrymen. But we see it in different perspectives. A large chunk of brits on /lelftypol/ see the cultural degeneration of the past 70 years as a result of unrestrained capitalism and consuermism, whilst Britpol see it as a result of immigration and Liberalism destroying much of our identity.
In some ways, they're patriotic. Few actively post about how they love Arabs and banning hymns in schools. But in other ways, they have completely separate perspectives as to what Britain we ought to be fighting to preserve.
Michael Scott
>[embed] >[embed] >[embed] ffs, the civil war retard is back
>fighting to preserve. There's nothing to preserve. Whether you have the military splendour of Marlborough or the common uprising of Watt Tyler at heart doesn't matter when both of them are representations of a nation that no longer exists.
Asher Cook
>welsh thinking they are relevant
Luis Brooks
Personally I think immigration, liberalism, crony capitalism and consumerism are all heads of the same monster.
Alexander Howard
kys queers
Samuel Thompson
>I sense both the far-right and far-left have a common desire to help their countrymen. But we see it in different perspectives. A large chunk of brits on /lelftypol/ see the cultural degeneration of the past 70 years as a result of unrestrained capitalism and consuermism, whilst Britpol see it as a result of immigration and Liberalism destroying much of our identity.
wrong, the "far right" believe all of those things have destroyed this country but we aren't anti white traitors like lefties are
there is no difference between them and the lefties they claim to hate just other teams
Ethan Rogers
>what does it mean to be english? Watching your whole town, city, country be ethnically replaced #justenglishfeels
Jason Miller
I feel deep down, there's still something left in our country that keeps us going. It might be memory, but I feel that the British spirit that embodies our culture of our island is alive, if battered.
Ultimately, the culturally upheaval under the Labour governments of the 60's and the Neo-liberalism of Thatcher are the same enemy, but I'm hopeful of a change because the dream that we're working towards has never been achieved.
But we can only hope, because the alternate is well, dystopia.
That's the thing we need to emphasise. The Far-Right are plagued by Thatcherites and Rees-Mogg loving retards, and the Far-Left are plagued by Diane Abbott's and Blair's.
Fund the NHS, close the Borders, and bring back free school meals. Give welfare and support to Northern ex-mining towns, and clamp down hard on Islamic grooming gangs. These should be common sense, but they're not. Because we're plagued by a common enemy, liberals.
joyce doesn't mean be a virgin, he just means not letting your lust drive your decisions.
Lincoln Baker
Meant for
Nathaniel Hughes
>stop wanking to thai ladyboys No.
Jacob Green
The focusing on grooming gangs is kind of a problem too. It's sort of implying that as long as immigrants don't rape, we're happy to have them here.
Plus it just feels like a fringe thing anyway, not a problem with immigration as a whole. Groups that focus on it are going to get no further than the EDL and the like because it's fundamentally not a significant issue, just a symptom of them.
Daniel Gutierrez
I want to work and live in Cambridge in Computer Science research, it's my endgame.
David Jackson
This bitch is literally asking to get jihad'd again, does she never learn?
imagine getting raped in the kebab shop on the way home from school, then crying, hobbling down the street a a taxi driver stops and offers you a lift, then him and his mates take you back to his flat and rape you. Then you call your dad and he come round but the police have already been called so he's arrested for threatening behaviour and dragged away, you look up at the policeman and grab his hand, he takes you back to the station and rapes you.
Aaron Gray
Oh, I quite agree. I more mean it as hyperbole of what should be the obvious policies of the country.
its just marketing a team of people decided that title it took them weeks of meetings and brainstorms
Cameron Gonzalez
Everyone involved in this sort of shit needs to be lined up and shot. It makes me feel physically sick.
Jayden Powell
it isnt
Grayson Wilson
>imagine yeah, that is what the article is tying to manipulate you into doing.
Jonathan Hernandez
A people with a will to survive don't let this happen to them in the first place.
Caleb Gray
Did you see Sargon's footage of the Anti-Trump march in London?
All white, mostly students.
The enemy isn't ethnic or religious minorities, but self-abasing British people who insist on taking offence in their name.
The old Pakistani gent across the road is red-pilled as fuck, he wouldn't vote left if they payed him because he doesn't want to be lumped in with mentally disturbed trannies, race-baiters, in-your-face screaming faggots and bloody communists.
The enemy is the white guilt self-abasement narrative, and the white middle-class wankers pushing it in the name of people they don't actually have the right to speak for, ironically, they assume ethnic minorities "can't" speak for themselves because whitey is keeping them down, but in reality most of them are quite happy to live in a British Britain.
Tony Blair wanted to change our demographics because he thought minorities would all vote labour.
Thankfully he wasn't quite on the mark
James Torres
only because it gets covered up and forgotten it's relevant to the victims
Nathaniel Williams
Carter Bell
Better than state enforced homosexuality sponsored by Coca Cola (tm)
Carter Campbell
That's part of my point. The enemy is Liberalism. Immigration is a problem because it changes the cultural elements of society, rather than the political fabric.
Jaxon Bennett
no it isnt they would grow up to be useless scroungers anyway
i dont give a fuck about them and neither do their parents... untl they get raped by some paki and the papers are knocking on their door
Gabriel Clark
Kevin Fisher
you're a complete retard
Nathan Bennett
The old Paki will vote left because they'll let in more young Pakis. The trannies and faggots aren't in his community, but in the white communities, which he's happy to support because it weakens the out-group.
Specific video I'm talking about is basically just unedited footage of the march.
Are you a plant?
Your posts in this thread are all suspiciously non-conducive to actually solving the problem with self-hating British society.
Noah Campbell
are you a ted poster?
Jayden Allen
Why are you so angry
Jace Wilson
i love goals
Eli Moore
how do you know? even some low class estate niggers grow up to be lawyers the fact is the crimes wouldn't happen if the people weren't allowed here in the first place and that is an issue that needs addressing
>The enemy is Liberalism Liberalism works when the society understands that rights come with associated responsibilities. The nation defends your liberty so you defend the nation. feel free to enjoy a line of coke or an E, but don't become a societal dropout and live for mindless hedonism
Easton Cox
I'm quite nice experienced in Computer Science, I wrote a CUDA computer graphics renderer, with nVidia's BVH though. Do now reinforcement deep learning. My endpoint is Cambridge. I don't care about london hipsters career success, I want to be with the people who do our future.
Connor Perez
Nah, he thinks homosexuality is an abomination and wants to see it wiped off the face of the earth.
Which ironically is a view that puts him more in line with certain facets of Jow Forums than I am.
But shit man, we can have a civil debate despite our differences.
I talk to him about what I perceive as the problems with Islam and he tries to answer them honestly, he's just a decent old chap.
Dylan Harris
no haha yes genius a "plant" ironically the person im replying to in this thread and the lulu trip fag are literally gays who came here to consensus crack originally >self hating british society that isn't the problem you sub 90 iq faggot
James Gray
>bad language means anger kill yourself senstive cunt it doesnt matter. look what you're doing... muh nitpicking over shit that doesnt matter how does it matter in the long run or grand scheme? care to tell me? i'd love to hear it genius
Ethan Price
do a noose and do yourself with it
Jayden Wood
fuck off "lads" lads lads lads
do you say lad in real life? lads haha lads innit lads haha lads innit
fuck off idiot
Logan Ortiz
weak little pussy boy
James Robinson
Kevin Reed
Friendly reminder that immigrants who come here and respect our laws, pay taxes, and go into skilled work or start businesses are far more insidious and harmful than any welfare leeches or rape gangs could ever hope to be.