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Tell us the lyrics
LOL so true BTFO
so cringe just imagining someone listening to that thinking of Trump
Now this one actually goes into my cringe compilation
Isnt the lead singer 55 or something? wtf.
>Tell us the lyrics
Something something I hate fake news
Been a while
we did it lads
we stopped it's coming home from getting to number one
Fucking retards. Literally /our song/
>Don't wanna be an American idiot
>One nation controlled by the media
>Information Age of hysteria
>It's calling out to idiot America
The song about Bush? Weird.
Thread reminded me that I used to be a greenday fan.
Song posted for fun.
>reveal terrible taste
>haha yeah we showed him!
The other lyrics are pozzed
More sale for americans
> bong BTFO
American Idiot was dedicated to GWB though...
I feel like the only thing england can consistently organize is shit like this
imagine being so obsessed with one person you play a song over and over again hoping he'll notice
>no-notice me trump-senpai
I want to punch that front guy right in his fucking mouth.
>UK trends song that says "Well maybe I'm the faggot America"
Wow, you really got him good.
Jews pretending to be Americans pretending to be a punk band pretending to have a British accent and Bongs buying it.
so are these faggots now siding with what they once claimed to be against.
>40 year old faggots wearing eye shadow
worse then that they're nearly 50
Fuck Drumpf. We dont give a fuck.
>guys its time for makeup show starts in 45 minutes
Great nothing says I dont give a fuck like 45 minutes of makeup.
>music charts
What is this? The 90's?
>cheasy pop punk band that rips off UK band that wore swastikas around for the lulz
Green Day is still a band? Also, posting this from an iOS device and it autocapitalizes Green Day. Fuck this gay fucking phone.
>Green Day
Pack it up boys, it’s over.
when masturbation's lost it's fun let's go resist drumpf
Based Brits became the american idiots
Thanks to Trump without even realizing it they achieved Nationalism.
What are you gibbering about user?
>when masturbation's lost it's fun let's go do drugs
The song criticizes a nation “controlled by the media.”
This song is actually pro Trump.
>What are you gibbering about user?
Not jibberish. For all the claims for "fighting fascism" and doing damage to Trump. In their blind rage against Trump the brits literally worshiped him and his fascism openly and publicly.
Don't know how it feels to be smack so hard that you go from a 180 to a gyroscope 360 but brits achieved it in real time.
Nah mate
It's at 25, and it's just like the retards in this country who organised a petition to get Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the name of to number 1 one christmas.
It has the lyrics "And now you do what they told ya". I swear brits just don't understand irony.
they really showed bush this time!
>the brits
You seem very intolerant for an American, we all know how tolerant The Americans are and how much they love cock and cock accessories.
The average lefty is very low IQ and doesn't understand much without being told so when they act on their own they make complete fools of themselves. That's why they need organizers to keep their movement in check, aka sheep herders.
Which ironically coincides with how historically accurate it is that they depend on Muslims to herd them.
>40+ year old men wearing eyeliner
Söyday has always been garbage.
so cucked.
(((who))) could be behind that?
Drumpf (der um ph) [noun]
1. A word used by smug butthurt losers to show disdain for
those that BTFO of them.
2. The sound made by a Democrat just prior to shitting its pantyhose.
3. A general shitposting of shit in some shitty thread started by a shithead.
4. The noise OPs mom makes when she takes you up the ass.
the fuck you on about the same can be said about alt right or whatever
no the leftys you see pictures left are just retarded
How can another country be so assblasted by someone elses leader. I know we make fun of Trudeau alot, but I seriously doubt anyone would care enough abuse their govt position (as did the monkey of Sheffield) or protest the meetings. Literal mindless drones
The song is about the left. You should read the lyrics.
those who SUPPORT HILLARY are pedos, psychopaths, marxist bullies, rapists, human traffickers,
liberal in name only, jews, subhuman useful idiots and those who hate america like her. NICE BASE.
>One nation controlled by the media
Talk about appropriation. Why don't you hear them crying about this? (Image related comment).
>and sing along to the age of paranoia
lefties are the stupidest mother fuckers ever.
>getting THIS buttmad over a balloon
"One Nation Controlled By The Media"
yes, the best way to fight trump is buying greenday's music
Don't want to be an American idiot
Don't want a nation under the new mania
And can you hear the sound of hysteria?
The subliminal mind fuck AmericaWelcome to a new kind of tension
All across the alienation
Where everything isn't meant to be okayTelevision dreams of tomorrow
We're not the ones who're meant to follow
For that's enough to argue
Well, maybe I'm the faggot, America
I'm not a part of a redneck agenda
Now, everybody, do the propaganda
And sing along to the age of paranoia
Welcome to a new kind of tension
All across the alienation
Where everything isn't meant to be okay
Television dreams of tomorrow
We're not the ones who're meant to follow
For that's enough to argue
Don't want to be an American idiot
One nation controlled by the media
Information age of hysteria
It's calling out to idiot America
Literally /our song/
God I miss the early 2000's