tell me again why you're against abortions?
Tell me again why you're against abortions?
Unironically depends on the race
>Planned Parenthood
and they say eugenics is dead!
i only support abortion for the three exceptions.
1. eugenics
2. eugenics
3. eugenics
Generally speaking, niggers would use coat hangers thus we could lock them up and still get rid of unwanted population. White women would either use birth control or have a baby. Bonus effect is the population willingly separating into red and blue states which will accelerate the race war timeline.
Pro-lifers are christcucks who don't value a White society.
I’m against white abortions. That’s about it actually.
>he thinks niggers are smart enough to fashion a simple tool out of a coat hanger
Nah, we need PP.
Christcucks are such pearl clutching blowhards who all have a stick up their ass that they don't realize that without abortion our population will be overrun by minorities who will grow up and eventually vote against their interests anyway
Because chr*stards wouldn't want us to, unless we start hanging them all.
Mohel Rabbis running out of victims?
>Israeli flag
Checks out. Sorry, we don't even want niggers being sacrificed to Moloch/Yahweh. The nigger problem will sort itself out, we just have to stop feeding them. Abortion is more about the cultural attitude it brings. There are white girls who will never get an abortion yet fiercely defend it just in case. The reason Jews and GloboHomo GayPlex support it so much is it guarantees there are no consequences to sex. They want sex to just be another consumer good, completely removed from the idea of starting a family and reproducing. It's the same reason they support the gay stuff.
its all d&c mate
I'm not, for precisely this reason.
We value individualism and salvation. You value tribalism because on your own, you would be helpless.
>be individual
>get devoured by a tribe
wypipo need to think tribally. Our enemies sure as hell do. Take that Peterstein individualism shit elsewhere.
this and checked