What went wrong
What went wrong
fake news made him out to be a traitor
what they were doing was just to big and to monstrous.
Martyr for the American people.
Sacrificed his own safety to warn America.
Mossad was not happy.
Pic unrelated
NSA float. He's just doing his job.
He leaked National Security secrets instead of blowing the whistle through proper channels.
>What went wrong
pic related
He's a double agent.
he approached the proper channels first
Americans have, for the most part, been turned into mouth breathing retards with an attention span equal to that of toddler
How has that worked out for most people?
He wanted to change the world.
He only succeeded in changing his own.
>being this dumb
Go lick some boots
>(((proper channels)))
He went out of his way to throw away his life to expose what everyone with half a brain already knew, that the spooks know everything.
Whistleblower protection laws only apply to liberals
Fled the country instead of staying and defending himself
Gives the illusion of guilt
>What went wrong?
He underestimated our collective intellegence.
He should have used a Kardashian as a rep.
China was not a safe haven, despite being a dark spot on Majestic's map
What was clear in his mind was far beyond the common man's understanding.
He had to deliver a message that was longer that what he could fit in a tweet.
Americans don't care about covert actions or heros that do.
He underestimated the numbers of polliticians, media producers, and bankers that are in a compartmental loop to controll THE narrative.
He wouldn't have made it to trial.
The stress of it all would have driven him to commit suicide by shooting himself twice in the back of the head.
Nothing, he's still free and Americucks can't do shit about it.