This really made me rethink my racist views
This really made me rethink my racist views
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Doesn't make up for their shit race
Aren’t libshits and nigger lovers the first people to claim that “IQ is not important” or “IQ doesn’t make you smarter”?
I’m sure Albert Einstein sat down to take a standardized test formatted for niggers in 2018.
Remove the glasses and watch his IQ drop like a chinese baby
Saging until I get a screencap of the article or archive.
To be fair, proving black high IQ would still be a worthwhile argument to use against people who believe in both IQ and low black intelligence.
Thing is though, that one nignog taking this questionable IQ test doesn't disprove the general low IQ.
I scored I64 on an IQ test in high school.
But nobody cares because I'm white and that's far more common.
einstein never took an iq test
Why is it so hard for you accept that the smartest kid alive is black?
I have an IQ of 164. There are kids that have scored higher than that. He scored 162.
I'm not impressed.
The fact this is a news story goes to show how rare it is for a black person to be " smart ".
I scored a 180 when I was a 13 year old. I'm on Jow Forums now. IQ means fucking nothing. Oh sure you can spend $500 a year to be in MENSA to get nothing out of it. It's pointless.
Differences in IQ are all about distributions and averages. The smartest man alive can very well be black, and the dumbest can very well be Ashkenazi. It changes nothing.
The black author of that piece sure does not sound racist...
>IQ is just a construct until we have a snowflake to prop up!"
Imagine being such a fucking retarded idiot that you making huge, sweeping blanket statements over ONE example out of hundreds of millions.
Isn't this like the fifth nigger doing it? They should probably start changing up the IQ test.
It's like the guy that kept doing the same official IQ test until he scored 180+, kek'd.
>But nobody cares because I'm white and that's far more common.
Should have gone to your local KKK, they probably could have written an article about it in their newsletter just as racist as the one in OP's pic.
fine, let him research some science stuff, niggers really needs a Nobel prize :D
I know for a fact Albert Einstein never took an IQ test.
And I'm pretty sure Bill Gates didn't either with any time someone reference Bill Gates' IQ involving an attempted estimate based on his SAT scores.
hi, nigger.
>one deviation from the standard
Wow, really activates the almonds
>IQ tests are racist
>IQ tests are biased against black people
>that's why they consistently score a full standard deviation below whites.
One black guy gets a good score.
>See, you stupid racists! Black people are smarter than Einstein and shiet.
It's a shit test that hinges on mostly pattern recognition, most of us autismos do fairly well, 160 some odd is not that phenomenal
>one black dude.... higher than said kid too, tons of whites, 3 asians, and white dude ultimately wins the thread
Now do something useful with that intelligence to fix shitty Africa so we stop wasting money there.
Fuck off nigger lover
If you look at IQ distribution, despite being generally retard-tier it is quite widespread in either direction and there is a very small part of the graph that shows there is a section of Nig IQ that goes beyond the highest found in Whites. Very fucking rare and the majority of Blacks are generally retard-tier as mentioned before, but all this does is back up that IQ data.
If he is a Genius, it literally shows that the data is right and the rest of his race are mostly borderline retarded.
BBS is gonna be broke when Bill Gates lawyers up. Remember: Rights>Money
Einstein never did an IQ test thou.
So how many niggers is it that are smarter than those men are we up to now?
This is a real shitty article to read through. it's pretty much:
>if you listen to this dudes podcast, he is RACIST
>look at all these psychologists that DON"T think IQ difference is due to IQ
I'm only half-way through the article and I think I am gonna stop because there really isn't any real data that they are presenting that conflicts with the data from the experiments.
Every month for the last decade a darky is heralded as the next Einstein or Gates but you literally never here another word about any of them. No great invention, not solving some great math problem, nothing. I doubt even half these kids are actually real and not some made up story entirely.
also this.
fuck off nigger lover
There needs to be alot more of them, and they need to actively disassociate themselves from the monkeys. As of right now if a monkey chimps out and gets shot even smart black stick up for him and that shit just wont work.
Modern IQ tests don't really bother giving scores above 160. You were probably given an outdated Child IQ test. I was given something similar when I was 10, and I scored a 200. Give either of us an IQ test today, however, and we'd probably end up somewhere in the 140-160 range.
That being said, same thing probably applies to this kid. Sure, he scored a 162, but he was also 11 at the time. I'd bet money that it was the same child IQ test.
WTF I hate averages now.
IQ is such a dumb area to place your beliefs because humans can strong in one field and weaker in another. I know this board absolutely loves their dumbass fake IQ tests but it's all meaningless if the person isn't a good one to begin with. if you're "racist" because you think blacks have low IQ's, then sorry to say this, but you are everything that is wrong with white race, you are the low iq sub-human.
1) Bill gates is a jew loving amerimutt faggot nigger piece of shit who created the shittiest OS in existence
2) Einstein was a hoax and a fucking jew who couldnt even tie his own shoelaces, stole all his theories from actual physics
3) This nigger is still a nigger
I have a black friend who is highly intelligent and even self-employed, unlike the NEETs on here who shit on anyone with a different skin tone. Damn you guys truly are superior.
ability has to meet drive for success
bill gates is a very smart guy but he's not really note for his iq. he's noted for his business acumen. there are probably loads of people who have a higher iq than him. and they all work for him.
Black is a skin color. Not a race. Black can be Jewish, as with Obama, Drake and shit.
*Proof needed
One or two special niggers doesn't make up for a race, start watching GLR,
No it didn't. You're still a racist prick.
Wait, is IQ important now? lol
Anyway, here's some facts :^)
Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible
Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.
Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.
Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.
The average African IQ is estimated at 79.
The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.
The white-black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing.
Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.
Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.
IQ scores are the best predictor of success in Western society.
IQ is 75% heritable among Whites.
Quite right. No one ever said that blacks don't have geniuses among them. There are, just fewer per capita than say the asians.
I will believe this article the moment that this nignog creates a corporation bigger than Microsoft and comes up with the next theory of relativity.
What field do you work in?
crazy that a black boy is named Black Boy!
Don't they also claim liberals have higher IQs
>Don't they also claim liberals have higher IQs
Only to help stroke their demonic egos, sure.
why was the average iq in the united states 70 for whites in the 1920's?
There are people of color on both ends of the IQ spectrum. For every smart black guy, probably 1000 not so smart ones.
Have you tried printing these out and giving them to people in public? I mean, if this is really what you think, you should be able to stand behind it.
> nanalt fallacy
Good for him. He can go to Africa and help them sort out their countries.
>IQ is such a dumb area to place your beliefs because humans can strong in one field and weaker in another.
Depends on what belief you are placing.
>but it's all meaningless if the person isn't a good one to begin with.
Not meaningless, but bad.
>if you're "racist" because you think blacks have low IQ's
Why is racist in quotes? If you believe blacks have lower IQs, then you believe they have inferior intellegience, which would unarguably make you racist. It would be illogical to declare yourself not racist.
>then sorry to say this, but you are everything that is wrong with white race
So you are racist.
>you are the low iq sub-human.
So you are racist, and believe iq determines sub humanism. Exactly what you were just trying to criticize people here for.
And also scientists/people remotely acquainted with the concept of learning about a subject before discussing it.
Everybody already knows this, there would be no point.
>"You will die first Kunta, then I Zarua will be Queen!"
What good is a high-IQ without creating something of value with it?
"STATISTICAL ANOMALY" read a book faggot.
Well, it takes intelligence to be rational and not be guided by feelings alone. Many people on Jow Forums are guided by hatred. Most of people here are insecure dummies that blame "niggers" for their shortcomings. That's not how an intelligent person operates.
But what many of you lack too, is compassion.
One swallow does not make a summer. Can he do his part to end racism by breeding with a large enough group of his race's women to change the statistical reality? No. Because no one has that much sperm.
>one person doesn't follow a trend therefore the trend it invalid
> Anons scoring almost 300 in IQ tests.
> America standards
is this another "The outlier negates the mean" thread?
bragging rights for your new mixtape
No we blame niggers for their crime statistics, low IQ, and keeping the most fertile continent on earth in a perpetual stone age.
>t. low IQ nigger
china lol
Thats settles it...
Problem is fixed
Blacks are now equal!!!!
Time to end affirmative action and kick everyone off welfare...
Thanks kid
>In the charge of armed robbery and 1st degree murder, the defendant claims Not Guilty
But we have you on video committing the crime
How about you try and help them. Instead of pointing fingers, come up with a solution.
I mean, you've got whites who live in trailer parks, abuse opiates and stimulants and are killing themselves with obesity.
Blacks aren't your only problem. Why is all your hatred directed towards them? Because they don't look like you? They aren't in your group?
how much you wanna bet this isnt the same iq test either one of them took and or this kid gonna go with both
>This really made me rethink my racist views
fake and gay and sage
What's surprising about that ? Do you know what is a bell curve ? Blacks have a lower average but that doesn't mean there are no black geniuses out there.
This is why collectivism is worst mentality ever. The brainlet nazis with their "niggers are all bad" are just as dumb as the antiracist leftists with their "everyone is equal, blacks' IQ is not different".
Everything would be better if we could focus on the individual instead of the collective.
Let me guess why. Is it because if IQ differences were genetic than humanity if pretty much fucked? We keep giving resources to Africans that are never going to improve. We are growing a horde of negros that will wash over the rest of the world, killing off humanity in a real life Planet of the Apes scenario.
>not knowing how averages work
>not knowing how a bell curve works
You were never smart enough to be a racist
There is no metric for a Creativity Quotient(CQ). Jews (ashkeNAZI's) have elevated IQ's (so we're told), yet they are a welfare nation that relies heavily on international gibz. Were there a CQ-metric, we would be able to solve the perplexing mysteries of the Caucasian mind surpassing all others at 'Creating' the wild, fantastic and previously thought to be impossible
>How about you try and help them.
How about you. And start in Haiti.