are they really that radical?
Why is afd referred as 'far right' and nazi party?
Other urls found in this thread:
half of the party are german jews
No. Just the far left in Germany wants you to think that to keep importing Arabs and Africans.
why do they want to import arabs and africans?
To destroy national identity, also somehow they think those people will be their allies when shit hits the fan
CDU and other call them nazi party because they are scared of them... stupid people see this on tv and do the same
most newspapers are owned by CDU/SPD and they push the propaganda
Shut up shitskin third world monkey
in germany you are a nazi if you are pro-germany
what does afd want apart from kicking out refugees?
Cheap labour. Free votes. They vote for bigger government so the government can get more power over citizens. They're trading long term prosperity for a short term power grab. When you've imported so many that they will outnumber native Germans within the next 40-50 years, you are dramatically damaging the country, it's culture, and it's people.
Gonna be fun.
why not asians the? they are less noticible because they commit less crimes
the refuse save these poor refugees like the media tells people 24/7
They tend to be more qualified so won't fill the low skilled labour market. They are also more likely to vote for less governmental power, so it's not in the ruling parties interest.
Plus, when Arabs and Africans are drowning in the sea or coming from apparent '''war zone''' areas, it's easier to play the 'we were Nazi's and we should help them because muh guilt'
Wow a nice building
because anything that does not follow the narrative is a nazi/alt-right
more power for normal poeole and less power for political parties
less bureaucracy
they dont follow globalist agenda and want to make germany great again
Common sense is radical nowadays.
but that's not working though
and its fairly easy to get low skilled immigrants from outside africa and middle-east
what's with the shilling that there is high demand of skilled immigrants in germany?is there any truth to it?
There is neither granite nor marble in northern europe. If you don't have the natural resources for buildings made out of stone you have to make them out of something else.
Northern europeans perfected the wooden craftsmanship building structures made entirely out of wood that survived 1000 years.
No, which is why the other parties are scared.
keep wages down
basic democracy on a federal level
same reason trump was, more votes for kike controlled op bullshit.
He's right you know, the AfD is (((controlled opposition)))
Nice fake quote faggot
Proof? Oh there isn't any proof? Sad...
Yeah but they aren't as desperate to come. Not to mention all that juicy free money to intrigue all those who come from shit hole parts of the world. They get more money for just being there than they do working 80 hours a week in their home countries.
why is Trump called far-right nazi bigot dopey-eyed retard something-phobe for tacobender?
It's and remains a mystery
The man in Hong Kong must know the metapolitics of germany. guys its over.
They do this to artificially create a societal collapse when Hyperinflation hits after 100 years of fiat money. They count on Germans going 1488 on Muds and Nigs when that happens. Then Jews will accuse us of the very thing they'd been perpetrating all along
>Oy vey, I told you Goyim, the Germans are genociding again!
Then swoop in with an international army/Mercs, crush German nationalist resistance and blame nationalism and traditionalism for said collapse.
Establish european nightmare crypto-dictatorship (some mixture of 1984 and Brave New World) against which today's globalist occupied governments look absolutely harmless.
>are they really that radical?
They are NORMAL germans what only want to perserve their german heritiage.
It's the FAKE NEWS and the open borders multiculturialist that brand them as FAR RIGHT to DEMONIZE them. The same thing is happening all over the world. In the UK anybody for BREXIT is a far right RACIST and everyone that voted for TRUMP is FAR RIGHT RACIST.
It's time to start hanging FAKE NEWS for treason because what they are doing is TREASON and TREASON is punishable by HANGING!
No, the media lack any vocabulary to describe counter-elites.
They only seem far right from a far left point of view.