Let's settle this once and for all!
What the FUCK do you really think about Lauren Southern?
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't think about her.
she's not nearly as important as this board makes her out to be.
She has great assets, have you seen her recent body of work on the farmers in Africa? And the shenanigans in australia. based!
I seriously thought her boyfriend in that photo was Pakistani.
I can't believe he's actually half-black (and half-Irish). He doesn't look it.
I've dated plenty of black guys so I think I'd be able to identify a half-breed.
I don't think Lauren Southern is a coalburner. Half-black doesn't count in my book.
Coalburners are white girls who specifically get with black guys.
We don't go for light-skinned dudes that don't even look black.
I went on a date with a good looking light-skinned half-black guy because I figured I'd give him a chance.
When I kissed him I didn't feel that primal desire that I usually feel when kissing a sexy black man.
To me he was just a mocha Chad.
It upsets me when I watch a porn video titled "girlfriend's first BBC" and the guy is so high-yella you can't even tell he's black.
Actually retarded, pointless, and a complete attention whore. Not even worth discussing.
That her tits need to be bigger to suit that cosplay.
i think about her all the time
old and time to upgrade for a better waifu
inb4 300+ replies from faggots
I want to marry her and make blue eyed babies
Farmlands documentary was good. Redpill material for family and friends who deny basic reality.
I don't care about her, really. But hopefully she makes something like that again. More useful Redpilling material.
the stuff she did in south africa was pretty big. usually though it is just goofy drama between ecelebs and retarded. she is hot but looks ten years older than she is
There's no denying her outstanding work in bringing attention to the white farmers in SA.
She's also a pretty face that lets newcomers know that conservative women don't have to be old / ugly / lonely / weird.
There's literally no reason to hate the girl other than she dated a non-white guy years ago, but honestly who gives a fuck.
>this board
It's clearly Lauren's pr team creating memes. Nobody would care otherwise. You see a lots of forced shilling for ecelebs.
I don't think about lauren, at all.I think faggots that post about her and other ecelebs are worthless cocksuckers and should be permabanned though. kindly fucking kill yourself worthless faggot OP, i'm tired of seeing this bitch. the only time it should be OK to post her here is if she drops nudes
guys who are really invested in her are really really pathetic but that South Africa doc was excellent and reached a lot of people that most would have a hard time getting to.
>as this board makes her out to be.
no user
>Jow Forums
Pick one
>but that South Africa doc was excellent and reached a lot of people that most would have a hard time getting to.
also this. She chipping away and redditfags on niggers.
Truly /ourgirl/. She is using her sexual appeal to entice betas into taking babby’s first red pill.
I wanna lick her feets.
Really? All I see in these threads are people bashing her.
>everyone is a shill
...I dont know what to tell you. You are not very bright
Unless she submits to me and becomes my submissive wife, she is trash.
Any one else bought tickets to see her in Australia
>honestly who gives a fuck
I just threw up in my mouth a little
Who gives a shit you mongoloid? Who gives a fucking shit about a talking vagina?
someone needs anger management classes.
>bought tickets
Absolute state
...but I never said "everyone is a shill". lol. Should I be thinking this? That never even occurred to me. I just said I see lots of people in these threads about LS are people bashing her. Read through this thread if you don't believe this.
She's a nigger lovin' jew, OP.
Her last name is really simosen, and she fucks black guys. Her hair ain't even blonde, and she has poo colored eyes.
She's just another roasty making money off of desperate men online.
>being jelly
She is too perfect for us. Better than we deserve.
Unimportant conservathot who is looking for orbiters and ad revenue nothing to see here user
I'd breed her. Her coalburning past is forgiven with the "its okay to be white" stunt
I find it interesting how many negative comments there are about her in these threads.
nigger lover.
Her sister is hot
Fuck off, antiwhite kike.
She has brought more attention about important issues (to normies) than most.
I’ve never cared enough to think about her or look her up to see what she actually does. I know people like to talk about her but I honestly have no idea who this person is outside of people on pol talking about.
coalburner roastie
Wish i could smell her pussy, feet, and armpits
No, shills like you just infuriate me. Have you paid $1500 for a 1 on 1 dinner with lauren yet, or you a beta on a budget and can only afford her $30/week social media package ?
Faith is superior in every way
>smell her pussy, feet, and armpits
coalburning jewish coalburner whore who burns coal, wears diapers, and LARPs as being white and LARPs a trad nationalist when she's not busy mudsharking and being jewish
Jess Southern - Real Anime Wifu
>banged a shitskin
but he's a "le based" MAGApede my crumpet consuming friend!
I think I'd like to pound her really hard.
Jess is best
> No, shills like you just infuriate me.
Why? You haven't explained why. Get it off your chest. That's what this thread is about.
> Have you paid $1500 for a 1 on 1 dinner with lauren yet, or you a beta on a budget and can only afford her $30/week social media package ?
I didn't know you could do this. Thanks. I might save up for that dinner soon.
Wow. The southern gene is strong.
I can't stand her fucking voice. I don't listen to her shit ever.
she has done more good than bad, especially more recently
I don’t think about her at all
worthless bitch
Jewish opportunistic coalburner
kike coalburner
Don't care, what's up with that picture of Samus Aran?
Presume she's doing an adequate job, whatever it is she is currently doing, good initiation into conservatism and right-wing politics for people in their late teens and early twenties who are only starting to pay attention to politics, but beyond that I don't see her as worth her own thread or any serious discussion.
Also, there is pretty much no one beyond Adolph Hitler...maybe, who has majority approval on Jow Forums, so you making this thread tells me nothing beyond you being a newbie who is angry that some people don't like his waifu.
I'd fuck her in the ass, if you catch my drift
Paypigs will never get that juicy vagene.
Paid controlled opposition.
no bullshit, I think she's doing a good work propagating reason
I love her and I sent 10% of my wage to her.
She's obviously good looking and makes semi interesting content. Her documentary about South Africa was good. As female e-celebs go she's tolerable.
Go be a sperg somewhere else.
Which ass?
it has been settled a long time ago
I wish she was my waifu
She hates multiculturalism as stated in a video, so in my eyes that's the perfect woman
Holy fuck I am kill.
Lookswise is waifu. Mentally no thx, needs a different brain.
>I can't believe he's actually half-black (and half-Irish).
He’s 100% black, the Irish aren’t white
classic pasta
does anyone have any kind of proof that shes a kike? i see that thrown around here a lot.
>Fell for the make up jews tricks
"Conservative" millennials in the suburbs of Vancouver LOVE to talk about her on Facebook
i dont think about her nor feel anything can be settled based on whose lurking on pol on a specific day
I think she should get blacked. I would pay to watch that.
Indeed I am secretly gay.
She could have been already.