Illegal immigrants are a side effect of capitalism.
Illegal immigrants are a side effect of capitalism
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>t. someone who has never played papers please
Capitalism, makes no difference. If I have to think in philosophies before I can apply practical solutions, I'd rather not care about the philosophies at all.
True, a prosperous society WILL attract a lot of parasites.
Last time you posted this you didn't give me her name, fucking tell me already.
And getting arrested is a side effect of illegal activity.
They are a side effect of welfare.
Low IQ migration isn't likely in an economy that doesn't have jobs for low IQ workers without price controls and welfare
>This thread again.
Capitalism does not require laws to be broken.
glory to arstotzka
They are a side effect of open borders and a welfare state.
>literally citing video games as arguments
the name of the porn actress in op picture?
True, but not the FINAL side effect.
Companies want to pay Jose, who lives in a 2-bedroom apartment with 11 other people, minimum wage. Jose can live on minimum wage because he lives in a 2-bedroom apartment with 11 other people.
John doesn't want to live in squalor, but he is forced to compete with Jose for wages.
The solution: fewer Joses.
Give name.
sonya durganova
Thanks, based portubro. You have no idea how long i've spent searching.
You are an idiot. If I am a capitalist, do I want open borders or not? Why do I have to pay my laborers enough to reproduce if I have an infinite supply labor who can can come from other countries?
I'll just leave this here, for those who want to actually educate themselves rather than spewing ancap memes.
Illegal immigrants are a side effect of welfare.
Welfare is a side effect of socialism.
Socialism needs capitalism to survive.
Typical lolbertarians impermeable to reason. I've already responded to someone who made the same claim. But, it's too much to ask you to read.
Sad that the people who love capitalism the most are the ones who are slowly destroying capitalism and the things that allow capitalism to work (closed borders, no globalism).
Also, illegal immigrants are not eligible for welfare you fucking idiots.
capitalism want illegal immigrants to lower the wages
Ugly fucking pootin whore! Ashkenazim!
The solution: John gets some fucking skills
side effect of capitalism creating far superior life conditions yeah
>capitalism want illegal immigrants to lower the wages
Why not just start a company to stop shitstain illegals?
The financial system is desperate to import new customers.
Absent social services and political incentives to bring shitskins into a country, why do you believe this to be the case?
>if I'm a capitalist
You're separating somebody's opinions on society from their opinions on work and generalizing capitalists
In reality only low skilled businesses want the immigrants and everyone else doesnt, which results in a policy of no immigration unless you have have distorting effects like welfare and social politics
>Also, illegal immigrants are not eligible for welfare you fucking idiots.
Right... like how all the illegal Mexicans tell me they can't welfare, yet, they are all the ones sitting in the welfare office getting welfare. Because also there aren't plenty of videos around he internet show exactly his scenario, especially in California. Must be fake news.
You're more likely an illegal faggot in the US, because every discussion I have with illegals say the same drivel. You have to go back faggot.
What percent of American jobs are low skill service jobs?
>Also, illegal immigrants are not eligible for welfare you fucking idiots.
Gee whiz, you mean people from an inferior society will actually want to immigrate to a superior society by any means necessary?
Do a bit of research into MindGeek and reconsider your choices. You wouldn't want your child to watch porn, right? Why not? Because it's mind poison.
Minimum wage and lower is a very small percentage of the population, as long as it's less than the amount of people who dont want immigrants it's irrelevant isnt it?
Even in the modern shitskin infested clown world somehow immigration is still being rejected
If I am a business owner, and I own a business that employs low skill labor (doesn't even have to be low skill labor, can be any kind of labor) do I want to pay my laborers as little as possible in order to maximize my profits? If there is a disproportionate supply of laborers, compared to demand, regardless of type of labor, will the market naturally reduce wages or not? Note, i don't have to care about whether or not my owned laborers reproduce because the next generation of laborers is secured thanks to immigration, or offshoring.
They file false tax returns and they use our hospitals and never pay and they get in vehicle accidents without insurance and they fill our courts and prisons and the steal and send their children to our schools and use ever other service imaginable. Just them existing in our country costs tax dollars
You're pretending that business owners as a whole both outweigh the voting of the general population and collectively all seek to depress wages generally
I'm an actual business owner and I can tell you that depressing wages is only a concern of megacorps and those employing shitskins for absolutely nothing. You're welcome to show polling indicating business owners believe in more immigration rather than your feelings.
>People desperately try to escape country
>People desperately try to enter country
National socialism
>Just right!
Also, stop appropriating our culture.
>just right
Just right being lukewarm retardation
you misspelled kikery
Capitalists and Communists work hand in hand to destroy Europeans
Keynesianism isn't capitalism you dolt.
>state propped up megacorps are capitalist
Yep. Also, great men. Ie. the slav Nikola Tesla
I don't need an American's opinions on nazism. It's no surprise you don't like it, seeing as how it's directly opposed to your masters.
You dont have an opinion of nazism, you have an autistic fantasy of it
>You're pretending that business owners as a whole both outweigh the voting of the general population and collectively all seek to depress wages generally
Yes, that's exactly what I'm pretending. This is what an intelligent business owner would do.
You might be a business owner who doesn't do this, but you will be outcompeted by the 'megacorps'. You are behaving unintelligently.
Sonya Durganova
>this is what an intelligent business owner would do
No, because the same sort of meta calculations a business owner would never do around immigration depressing wages could also be applied to things like immigrants being a blight on society in other ways
>you will be outcompete by megacorps
No, all things equal small business account for the vast majority of employment and owners are Republicans that oppose immigration
Like I said earlier, it is only when you inject things like welfare and social politics that you start warping the scales.
Also not even megacorps would support it as much. Walmart only does it because they arent paying out welfare. Its only the largest lowest common denominator chains paying minimum wage and things like pickers and mowers that support it absent welfare
I like the way OP plays the game
Why don't you have retail chains paying the wellfare?
The very concept of open borders is statism, not Capitalism.
You might want whatever the fuck you want, but in Capitalism you can only open the borders of what is yours.
Non sequitur. What are you getting at?
So is everything illegal. Which "illegal" things am I suppose to support my police and country from removing and which things am I suppose to reject the removal?
fuck you cracker
>No, all things equal small business account for the vast majority of employment
100% BS. You are telling me that big chain brands Walmart/Target/McDonald's etc employ less people across America than small no-name shops? Cite me source.
>No, because the same sort of meta calculations a business owner would never do around immigration depressing wages could also be applied to things like immigrants being a blight on society in other ways
How is immigration hurting me in my high rise penthouse apartment and bulletproof car? How is immigration hurting my children who go to expensive private schools where there are no low IQ immigrants? How is immigration hurting the amount of money I make as a capitalist? Immigration is increasing the amount of money I make.
Maybe you're right. Under socialism, people desperately try to escape.
Illegal immigrants are organ transplantations in a failing body.
>how is strawman after strawman
You really have no clue how business owners are. I wouldnt even know where to start with that fantastical bullshit
Only greedy people which is most of them. In order to love capitalism one must be making capital. In order to love socialism one must be social. I would prefer socialism as at least it will keep the migrants out.
Incorrect. Illegal immigrants are what happens when predatory people are let in by well meaning, but naive people.
Start enforcing your border with bullets, and making examples of people, and dumping them off in the nearest shit hole with a similar language, and you'll see how fast it drops.
Maybe in Europe but not in America. They come here for opportunity, to make money. In Europe they come for welfare and to have kids for the state to tax in the future.
>socialism will keep the migrants out
>the main draw for the migrants will keep them out
>but not America
Dude you are fucking delusional. We might now be as bad but goddamn
Depends on the nation. A socialist country with strong immigration laws will remain stable. A nation that accepts illegals will fall.
A good example of a socialist nation with fairly low immigration and GDP increase will be Norway.
Europe has a birth rate problem America doesnt. They come here for money. I see the Mexicans working lawn care and construction all the time.
Every country is going to have mostly low IQ work. There isn't enough high IQ work to go around, even in developed nations like the USA.
So in places where wages are high because of good infrastructure and capital, there will be an influx of migrants who are attracted to the higher wages.
This puts downwards pressure on wages, turning your country into a shithole.
No you fucking retard, an overly gibs welfare state is.
Evidence #1: fucking Europe
Evidence #2: American welfare hemorrhage (we spend over half our governmental budget on SS and Medicare/caid
Also dollar dominance as a lot to do with. You can save up 100 grand and retire in Mexico at 40 which many illegals from Mexico do.
>a nation that keeps immigrants out will keep immigrants out
Well, yes, but that's only one factor. It's more nuanced than you think.
Yes but the problem lies when socialist entities take immigrants in like the European Union. I dont mind the EU much per se but i do dislike their immigration laws.
I agree but im going to need you to post the rest Raul.
Socialism without massive illegal immigration is actually a pretty stable system. The tech industry wont advance nearly as fast as capitalist countries because the profit motive is diminished, but I would let go of that for a more stable, peaceful society where everyone does okay.
>can't immigrate into a commie nation because there is no food
Inmigrants are the result of corporations being greedy assholes wanting to pay people pennies.
>socialism grants all these things inherently
It's so jarring to see somebody spew delusions like that without flinching or thinking other people will just agree
Corporations can only pay people pennies because welfare and roaches coming from roach infested shitholes with no mitigation exist
Socialism in America will work. All that needs to be done is booting out the illegals that came here for capitalist dollars.
Pennies in America is dollars in Mexico. I hate corporate america and the federal reserve that incentives illegal migration into this country.
they work for cheap!
businesses don't have to pay taxes on them!!!
>will work
Socialism anywhere will not work
If it is implemented and doesnt cause failure it is only in spite of the remnants of the free market or past successes carrying the day
Kill yourself you commie faggot
Its working right now in Norway.
Oh did i mention Norway has a 1 trillion dollar surplus while America has 20 trillion in debt? I hate you idiots that blindly defend capitalism like the free market still exists in your mind while this country is being raped.
>Norway is socialist
>debt is tied to system of economics
>American debt isnt due to its socialist programs most notably Medicare
I'm done, Jow Forums is more autistic and stupid than it has ever been and I cant take replying to you fucking retards anymore. It's the same shit but dumber every fucking day
marxists want illegals to create a disconnected underclass they can use as shock troops (or probably the only troops) in their revolution, the only reason people can immigrate in illegally in large numbers in the first place is because the left has done everything possible to hinder enforcement for decades
also worth noting is all of these people come from fucked up socialist states with nationalized industries and other bad policies, so maybe illegal immigration out of the country is the side effect in that case
America has a spending problem, immigration and a tax problem. Taxes are too low and spending alongside lax immigration laws are causing money to disappear.
Increasing the GDP to solve complex internal problems is not the solution. It only leads to a larger crash down the line. Trump is ignorant to the long term effects of a bull market.
>Raising taxes is necessary
>Fixing our immigration laws is necessary
Ending the federal reserve is necessary to dissuade people from poorer countries to come here for easy money. The purchasing power of the ruble to the usd is 20x weaker. That leads to Russians bringing crime to this country. Mexico has the deal.