America should take germany for an example

If your civilians are able to legally purchase military grade assault weapons that can shoot bullets fast, then you know you have a problem.

We don't have guns and we don't have shootings. Why do you think that is?

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Other urls found in this thread:’s-m107-sniper-rifle-failed-during-battle—so-he-called-customer-service-25636

>that can shoot bullets fast

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you don't have shootings? ha ha

you're government is a totalitarian orwellian nightmare.

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Why would anyone in the army want to be anti-2A and risk their life to end it.
The left truly can't meme

*gets run over*
*gets stabbed*
*gets covered in acid*

Someone post the Pasta response so we can bury this thread.

How low have you fallen since WW2 Hans, for fuck sake, get a gun and let's start a war against the mudslimes.

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We had this thread yesterday. Fuck off, we're full of guns.

>The solution to the government having more power than civilians is to take away the last bit of power that civilians have left.
Why do leftist shills think like this?

This is the exact same argument British loyalists were making before the revolutionary war. Funny how some things never fucking change

Well meant your pic related

>We don't have guns and we don't have shootings.

Bull shit. You not only have shootings, you have bombing and stabbings too. You need to read the news from time to time. Not your EU germ propaganda.

>America should take germany for an example
You mean make your army so fucking awful even Finland could steamroll you?

>become servile and complacent just like us.

it's not about resisting
it's about dying with honor
would you rather live on your knees,
or die on your feet?

or probably be gangraped by "asian youth" migrants

reminder to normal fags and boomers this button at the top of the thread on the left hides said thread

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The military would work for the people in a situation where the government gets corrupt in the US. It’s not an issue of the individual vs the military but rather a rogue military group + people vs government. As far as school shootings are concerned guns aren’t the issue. The American education system is different than other nations and brings forth different variables. Society is also different in the US compared to other nations. This culminates in a complex mental health issue that will take decades to fix

I'm not an expert, but aren't those russian planes in the bottom pic?

>Why do you think that is?

Because Germany's been beaten down twice by the whole rest of the world and they don't have any fight left in them any more, unless it's a fight for brown dick in white vagina

no, those are F-16s, American fighters.

>>legally purchase military grade assault weapons
Class III
Let us educate the shills. THIS IS NOW A GUN PILL THREAD

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>at least we dont have guns

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> that can shoot bullets fast
lmao Mehmet, how could they shoot bullets slower?
> We don't have guns
lmao, why are you lying publicly Mehmet?
> we don't have shootings.
Why are you lying Mehmet?

Also, how did bunch of Vietnamese rice farmers with bolt lock rifles & AKs beat the mighty American military? lmao

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Fuck off, fag.

Ave Nex Alea Saluto Nex Alea!
Leave the fucking burgers alone, Kevin. And stop posting this fucking thread every two days, Kai-Malte-Sören.



I bet your women in Cologne wished they had a way to defend themselves.

hey op, cool post, but uh, 3d printers.

Germany is going to build an army and you're going to pay for it Ahmed.

>weapons that can shoot bullets fast
stfu sperg

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wait for Sunday

We have deer hunting rifles that have been painted black so you can LARP as a soldier. Not "military grade assault weapons". We SHOULD be able to buy the same guns as the military, by all rights, but we can't.

>We don't have guns and we don't have shootings.

You also have no balls and no chance. You’re hopeless and such a disappointment. I used to love you Krautnigger.

i got you

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>1 post

Your too busy prepping Mohammed so he can properly fuck your wife and daughters to be effective at shooting back anyway.

Can anti-guns even compete?

>military grade assault weapons
just kys
beside that germany has a high rate of gun ownership in europe faggot

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>America should take Germany for example

Thank you Op, we will

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stop posting this thread it's wrong and youre a shill

Enjoy your upcoming civil disturbances.
>Also German army phasing out lethal force

worked in 1776 and in 2001-now tell us more pls, tells us more about how the us goverment is gonna drop the moab on its own lands pls

Oy vey, this thread again!

Yes goy give up your guns, there's no chance a group of determined citizes with guns can defeat a standing army like in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Afghanistan pt. 2 Electgric Bogaloo, Iraq, Syria, or even the american cvil war itself.

Only a barbarian needs guns in the current year. Be like Germany, give up your weapons and import refugees!


If muslims can flood your streets; rape your kids and sell drugs and fuck up your entire country while the piece of shit pedophiles in charge do nothing; then you know you have a problem. Your failure of a country won't be around for much longer with the direction its heading; so why don't you focus on how your home is being raped before throwing a fit about what foreigners are doing?

While I agree that assault rifles don't belong in civilian hands I think if everybody could potentially be carrying a gun then we'd have considerably fewer happenings and Einzelfälle.

Yes because all them planes really stopped a bunch of low iq literal inbred arabs called isis in just 1 day

fuck off faggot

empty jets are not a threat faggot

>this is the government
>this is you

The bottom picture would be both user.

You do realize whose side the military would actually fight on right?

If a civil war broke out it would look like a Roman civil war with many generals commanding many different armies on both sides and guess what they are taking their equipment with them. It would not be the big bad military vs civilians it would be two militaries with civilians fighting each other.

Learn a bit about American culture and the military here before you say something retarded again

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Based best ally

Welcome to the rice fields Mother Fucker

Read a fucking book sometime numb nuts

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the problem is we dont have millitary grande man portable surface to air missiles

Because you're all a bunch of defeated pansies.

The govt is getting stretched thin w/ resources and money. You also forget the one factor that the "this is you" is also the soldiers IN the milliatry. Will they attack there own brothers. Time will tell eventually when civiilization collapses.

Raping is banned in Spain and we have rapings.

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this retarded thread for the 10000th time.

The government itself admitted it would never win in a civil war scenario.

>that can shoot bullets fast
I love libtard speak.

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A french guy just fucking called you Hans and told you that you were a pussy. What a time to be alive. Jesus fuck pure gold. Pure gold.

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No you just have a literal anti-crusade taking over your country with your government's help. German women are being raped and German men are being murdered or thrown in a literal gulag for wrong think. Do you fucking retards remember when the US military was btfo by lightly armed savages in Vietnam and Afghanistan? Now multiply that by 1,000,000 and you have the American Civilian militia.

>that can shoot bullets fast
Further still down the well of German faggotry. Truly, it appears bottomless.

If it wasn't for the US military there would be no modern Germany. You have no military or local militia; we're providing that at our own expense!

Be grateful and thankful!

>Germans please do something
the post

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Nice late faggot. Germans have guns, they can own pretty much anything semiautomatic with a valid reason and that includes collecting. What you don’t have is self defense laws because you are run by back woods niggers.
Germany was never superior in anything, and everything that comes out of that cesspool is shit.

SHILL AWAY you fuckin cucked pussy faggots . America's gonna send some FREEDOM your way .

All those pilots have families that live in the same country as 100+ million gun owners.

Same goes for the politicians that would order bombing of their own citizens.

Just sayin' fighting an INTERNAL threat is not the same as bombing towelheads on the other side of the planet.

>Why do you think that is?
Because Germany is a Jewish daycare for the goyim

This is the most wonderful shill btfo

>no modern germany

you're saying that like it's a good thing? The US ruined germany and turned it into a degenerated hell hole

It means that you dont have to pull the trigger multiple times you retards.

The only people who would ever word it that way have never seen a gun outside of a movie


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Why do you call him Kevin is that a German meme I am not aware of

I'm convinced that the reason these threads are made is to bait Jow Forums anons into reposting pro-gun information so that everyone here can remain educated on the topic and better able to argue in favor of that position in their day to day lives. The alternative, that the OPs of these threads are actually just completely braindead and just keep making the same threads and getting royally blown the fuck out, yet never learn a damn thing from them, is too depressing to contemplate.

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Those have been illegal since 1986. maybe you should find a nice German board and be a faggot there, and stop telling your betters how to run their country.

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I am not larping, here's proof im german

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Yawn* old, stale bread fagit

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>We don't have guns and we don't have shootings
Better watch your mouth

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The reason those planes are on the ground is because the pilots know they won't have a home to come back to if they fly.

>It means that you dont have to pull the trigger multiple times you retards.
but you do, and your ignorance is why you always lose

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because your too busy being raped by muslims?

The last couple of weeks on here have shown me that Germans are the most autistic, retarded and prideful people who have their heads so far up their own ass they think anything that isn’t their own fart smells like shit.
Ameribros, we truly are the greatest nation on earth and these european faggots are going to be groveling at our feet once we leave them alone. Pathetic.

>We don't have guns and we don't have shootings
Nope, you have beheadings and stabbings at train stations. So much more pleasant.

Looks like a judenfro to me.

any questions?

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Pilots are considered government property retards


everyone is, why do you think suicide is ilegal?
killing yourself is the same as stealing taxes

Are Germans the new leafs? There's been a huge influx of German shitposting lately

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No they aren't you stupid muther fucker. See, in America, the military and the government are 2 completely seperate things. Jesus read a book nigger.

Until they reneg when given an order that goes against everything they stand for, like fighting against the people they have sworn to protect instead of helping those people overthrow the people who are attempting to kill and enslave them, you know, like they were trained to do.

>We don't have guns and we don't have shootings. Why do you think that is?
You're a bunch of limp-wristed faggots?

Good thing they had cell coverage

A U.S. Marine’s M107 Sniper Rifle Failed During a Battle—So He Called Customer Service.
Yes, this happened.’s-m107-sniper-rifle-failed-during-battle—so-he-called-customer-service-25636

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