Why is everyone here an asshole?

Why is everyone here an asshole?

I'm just visiting and within two days I've been robbed, ran over, yelled at, cussed at, and got a 200 euro ticket. Not to mention the fact that you asshats charge people to drive to your cities to SPEND MONEY ON YOUR BUSINESSES.

Seriously, why are you so retarded?

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Golden Dawn

Turk admixture

Something to do with loans to German banks.
Greece got Jewed.

Explain this. Isn't it greeces fault for spending like retards

Greece is great, user. You are fucking up somehow. Go to Kifissia or Glyfada.

No, it's not Greece's fault. Greece is Christian and will always BE Christian. The New Testament is in Greek after all. That is a HUGE threat to Jews. Most antisemtic country on earth. Work backwards from there.

>I can spend every one else's money, lie, and rob from people because Paul preached here!

>excuse me while I bang this hooker in Thessaloniki

Sure thing pal, Greece is definitely "Christian"

Requirement for being a Christian: FAITH in JESUS CHRIST as the ONLY way to heaven.

All I know is my friends work 50 hour weeks and bring home 700 euros a month. It's not a joking matter to me.

Turk genes

You just contradicted yourself Josef. By that logic, the majority of Greece is definitely NOT christian.

What is Josef? I'm American.

And you're implying Greeks are generally atheists, or believe in Works-Based salvation? Source?

If you want to feel good about yourself, or get
a participation trophy go to the huffpost, or CNN.
This board is not for the weak or faint of heart.

Faith without works is dead

Yes. I've seen your people and towns. No followers of Christ act or dress that way. Nor do they worship idols

A big percentage of greeks are actually orthodox turks that were imported during the population exhanges.

Many muslim greeks were expelled to turkey lmao.

Family over stupid religion should be the lesson to learn from this.

Also, the entire nation is built on theft, like all of Epirotes and Macedonians were not "greeK" they were called "barbarians" by ancient greeks. They were Albanians, and greeks have stolen their valor, so of course theyre gonna steal your change

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I think your digits speak for themselves... Satan misquoted/misused Scripture.

Ephesians 2:8-9King James Version (KJV)

8For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9Not of works, lest any man should boast.

oh another muh heritage memeflag mutt

Where you from?

Well, you have a point. They should not dress like they do. If they believe on Christ, however, they are saved.

Greece is based and you can fuck desperate broke girls for 2 euros

I'm not Greek at all. I'm actually half Swiss. So stfu, eternal pacifist.

>I'm just visiting and within two days I've been robbed, ran over, yelled at, cussed at, and got a 200 euro ticket.

It's your own fault for trespassing the sour end of human kind. Stay the fuck in your country and do something.

you are a special kind of retarded aren't you? Of course works alone won't save you, but works (in quiet and with diligence) is the only way to grow your faith and be saved

Because Greeks are assholes. Take it from one: they have few redeeming qualities if any. And now with poverty setting in for the long run, the country will become worse than Haiti.


There's still some of us trying their best.
Some are following the new path to greatness.

You are eternally butthurt. You just contradicted yourself. We are talking about salvation: Faith alone is what gives us salvation. And it cannot be taken away.

Capitalism turns men into savages.

your not "half swiss" because you can trace your moms parents back to Switzerland ten generations ago while you've mixed with the negros down to, what is it, 56%?

What the fuck is wrong with you? What a fucking tired meme. Would rather have what I have than analyze the geometric pattern of ancestry and find out how much of an inbred you are. Tiny valley = tiny gene pool.

of course by faith alone. But if you listen properly you'll figure out that faith requires and ultimately leads to works - without works I seriously question your faith

Too few, and its far too late. The country has basically been pissed away. Any greatness they achieve will be on a personal level, and good for them. As far as the nation goes, its a sinking ship.


oh I forgot, diversity is our strength. Take that memeflag off you have no idea what it stands for

If I am saved and dont do any works, i would simply be the least in the kingdom of heaven. You doctrine fails when it is applied to deathbed soul-winning, or soul-winning the infirm.

You need to understand that them thinking only about themselves is ultimately being an hero in a smaller modern society.
Things will /probably/ change,

>robbed, ran over, yelled at, cussed at, and got a 200 euro ticket
And I bet you liked it you fuccboi.

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Ouch, the inbred comment must have cut a bit deep ;) You're not insulting me, you're insulting God and the hand He dealt me. Wrap your brain around that one. This flag stands for anti-Marxism(Judaism), pro-Christian. That's what it means to me. I'm also on vacation and don't wanna larp as a Korean.

yeah so I go along worshipping satan, I just going to save my soul on the deathbed by quickly confessing my faith. Loophole! God and Devil both eternally BTFO

Invaded by Turks. Never recovered.

Did you visit Athens? This city has very high crime rates,a lot of immigrants and superexpensive yet low quality stores.Honestly this place sucks aside from some monuments

Evangelism requires an outside influence. What you're describing is an unsaved person. What kind of mental.gymnastics is this? You lose. Go listen to Pastor Anderson and read your Bible.

Except yes.
It's a well-documented fact.
The more capitalist a society is, the more vile its members are.
The dissolution of interpersonal solidarity and the rise of Social Darwinism is the #1 feature of capitalism as a culture.
99% of social woes Jow Forums likes to rile against are the direct result of capitalism going to hyper-drive.

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Cant wait until we meme this photo hard enough to bring about Holocaust 2.0.

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Should've handed out some fakelaki, thats basic greek

Thessaloniki is better than Athens desu



>Macedonians are Albanians
>Got called barbarian by a political rival
user this bait is too obvious

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Fucking hippies.
I like how chill it is though, we all need it sometimes.

>visting the paradise that is GREECE
>spends time on Jow Forums instead

what a retard you are amerimutt, go back to the jewsa

Fuck off faggot Greece is pagan.

I have never been to Thessaloniki. Is it really good?

Nowhere, the 2 euro thing is a meme.
You can fuck toothless gypsies for 5 though, if you're into that. Prostitution is legal after all.
I don't know why anyone would willingly touch a filthy 3DPD woman though, much less pay for it.

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OP is most likely a nigger.

If you can't dodge tickets like we do , you got everything you deserved. We dodge our own taxes , what made you think you could sail these pirate ports?

Wayyy better than Athens.

>One-winged angel faggot.

Do you look like a Turk? Probably that's why, we don't like turks here
no it's not

>Nowhere, the 2 euro thing is a meme.
That's Anthi Karassava . Long story short, a Greek-American NON dual citizen, with US passport only took money for the ruling party (socialist) to write fake news and then was &b by the conservatives, the next gov. as a persona no grata foreigner . Then she wrote her 2€ whoring article (for a tyropita-cheesepie sex) revenge piece.

Very few people are pagans. The majority is orthodox Christian with some catholics from Asia Minor

Do and believe the opposite of what a jew says. Also

Pick one

Did you drive to the city center and get fined?
Why not use the subway numbnuts? It works great
You wouldn't drive to the city center in London or wherever you came from, why do it in Athens?

Anyway if you want to go shopping or eating or drinking without gypsies and homeless and claustrophobic amounts of crowds, go to Glyfada and then come for a swim at Vouliagmeni

You can drive and park freely down here too

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Even if it was true, noone would prefer some filthy 3DPD whore over a delicious tyropita!

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Sorry but Swiss bro is right. Salvation is eternal and through faith alone. But there is a visible, traceable new birth in a believer. If you don't change, I highly doubt you actually got it.

EU-cucked greece is as capitalist as you get.

I was literally in Thessaloniki and corfu. Both were hell holes

Not white maybe?

People in Greece were very nice to me and my family. Will visit again!

>high taxes
>tolls everywhere
>social services out the ass
>people literally use capitalist as a slur

Sure thing Shapiro

This has to be bait. 80% of the people here could pass as turks

Barbarian literally meant non-greek speaker in ancient times.

So when they called Epirotes and Macedonians Barbarians they meant they weren't Greek.


Now i know you are fucking lying. Switch off that proxy Suleiman.

How do you define capitalism? Since it has existed a long time under restraint and i would not say we have had long years distrust. I dont think it should be 100% free and letting capitalists have too much power. A lot of interpersonal solidarity vanished with the welfare state too.

Why would you assume I'm lying? I was literally in corfu

>A jew shilling for communism. What a surprise...
Greece is NOT capitalistic because our government has put very high taxes and controls large percentage of the industries. The people are struggling to find a job that gives a descent wage because all bussiness are closed. Also we produce almost nothing due to the weak 1st and 2nd sectors. Fuck socialism. It made everyone depended on government for gibsmedat and bussinessmen can not invest so workers cannot find a job. Every young person is leaving from this country

Exactly. Ignore the commie jew

It is true , greco-google her

Its all that Orthodox Christianity that got into their retarded Hellenic heads.I wish they converted to Islam or stayed Pagan.

Ahahahaha no, Bulgaria a shit.

I wanted to make sure that anyone who is uninformed about the situation here could not be persuated by that jew

Oh I'm sure it's "high taxes" and "regulations" and "social services up the ass" like they are in Israel.
Just an inherently corrupt system making things easy on big businesses and foreign capital while killing small/local businesses with high taxation so that those precious government bonds get paid. Of course no business big/powerful/foreign enough gets taxed or regulated.
All the while society's ills are scapegoated onto a public sector and social security network that have been absolutely decimated and defunded into ineptitude through decades of right-wing rule.

How is crete? I am thinking of going there to study classics.

>businessmen don't invest, let's blame socialism!

>at Corfu

Not fucking possible. And even if it happened you were robbed by other tourists or gypsies(although gypsies at Corfu are a statistical impossibility).Our islanders are notoriously proud and welcoming to the point of being stupid.It was not long ago that there was a meme here which was based on reality though,that people outside of Athens and Thessaloniki are stupid enough to leave their keys on the fucking door and sleep inside as if nothing was going to happen.As for the ticket part. If you see a yellow line on the side of the road it's a no parking zone cause public transport is using that lane, i m sorry we have laws.

>Not to mention the fact that you asshats charge people to drive to your cities to SPEND MONEY ON YOUR BUSINESSES.

This i really don't get. We force you to do what now? Did you expect transportation to be free?

I had a nice time in Rhodes with my gf a few years ago
Friendly people. The lady we rented the apartment from even picked us up from the airport for free.

Never been to the mainland.
I also used to date a Greek Cypriot and she was fucking mental, extreme anger issues.
So yeah. My experience of Greeks is either extremely chill and friendly or extremely angry and emotional. Seem alright overall though.

Socialial democratic government for more than 30 years has made the population lazy, expecting gibs while doing nothing so when the gibs go away they resort to stealing. The infrastructure is poor and it has been that way for ages due to mismanagent and corruption regarding contractors. State intervention has ruined what little industry there was. We think that the rest of world has some divine obligation to help us so we are dependent on others (EU, russia). Immigration from communist countries, pakistan, africa and the permanent gygpsy population have created ghettos.l in every city. We also have numerous incidents of domestic terrorism carried out by extremist political organisations that the current government tolerates. Overall the problem is much deeper than
>muh EU
even though they are responsible for a huge number of problems this nation faces.

Talking about shit people, what the fuck is wrong with jews? I live in one of the most tourist visited islands in Greece and by God there don't exist worst fucking tourists than Israelis, no matter who you ask that is working in the tourism industry and what stories they tell you it's always the fucking Jews that take the crown when it comes to worst customers.

When you leave your country by plane or boat is it a mandatory procedure to have meter long tree logs shoved up your asses until you get back home?

>being this delusional
You're an absolute fucking retard if you think corfu, the cancun of Greece, doesn't have thieves, liars, and cons.

What you just described is not capitalism. That's socialism. And yes, big businesses love socialism and regulation. It makes their job easier.

greece just generally sucks, it's overpopulated, dirty, smelly, the economy is non-existent besides tourism, and the people there have a massive chip on your shoulder like you should be thanking them for being a tourist there, despite YOU paying exorbitant prices. it's just not worth visiting.

>Not Real Capitalism

Oh and I forgot

>he thinks tolling people on highways is normal
You fags really make me miss America. We have toll roads but our interstate is completely free.

Can you tell us some stories?

Do you honestly think government mandated regulation that helps big businesses and hurts small businesses is free market capitalism? Are you retarded kike?

Turk mutts that turned what was once the purest European lands into a filthy semi-muslim shithole

Friend of mine owns a restaurant in Karpathos that he runs during the summer.

Apparently israelis are always trying to get free shit by saying they didn't like the food or they ordered something else. Always in giant swarms from the tour groups too.

It's not "free market" because the "free market" is a myth.
But yes, it IS capitalism. You work with the capitalism you have, not the theoretical neat-model capitalism you wish you had.
Do you really think that if, by some magical force of unprecedented political will and consensus, Greece somehow turns into a liberatrian minarchist paradise, Capital will not simply again capture the state and reinstate all the "cronyism" that plagues your current economy?

Speaking of which, I saw a monument dedicated to the turks in Thessaloniki and it described how after the ottoman empire sacked the city, they enslaved one fifth of the people and raped the women.

Why is Europed so cucked when it comes to Islam and turks?

But Macedonians and Epirotes spoke Greek you fucking albonigger