Why did Indo Iranians become low IQ inbreds?
What happened here?
Hot climates favor smaller brains. Heat stroke and heat exhaustion take out the larger brained ones.
It's easier to live in a hot climate so larger brains are not selected for, either.
Seasonal climates select for higher intelligence because you have to adapt to changing seasons. Also, larger brains means more heat is kept to keep the brain warm in winter.
It's just natural selection.
Goood explanation, but that ancient Persians were very smart compared to today. What happened?
WTF? Measured against whitey they're fucking geniuses! The Hindi actually go to college and graduate! It'd amazing! While whitey pounds nails and sand, Chandraman is degreeing!
Cultural invasion.
Like you are facing now.
You still have time. Do something.
Biology Grade: F
>What happened?
Desertification, as the land turned to sand.
The Arabian tribes.
They became Turkic-Mongol rape babies
This one makes the most sense.
Political and educational systems and population
Wtf you're talking about? Ancient Egyptians, Mesopotamians( Assyrians, Babylonians) Persians, ancient Indians...
The environment has little or nothing to do with the decline of Persian and India culture. It has to do with the fact that the Arabian tribes conquered all/most of the Middle East and the Indian sub-continent. The environment doesn't change that quickly or that radically in the span of 1,400 years.
Imported darkies as slaves and then, over the centuries, browned-out in exactly the same way that white countries are doing today, O.P.
Maybe they poo in the wrong place too.
Arabians aren't as dark as Indians are, though.
First they race mixed with the native Abbos (Onge)
Then they began marrying their cousins.
And all those people you listed are extinct and have been replaced by Arabs.
The true Arabs that aren’t mixed with the Levant populations are extremely dark.
Nutrition pollution education. These things all have a huge impact on IQ. One only has to look at the histoy of literature and art to see that indoaryans, dravidians, SEAsians, East Asians, and Euros all have high iqs
India's genetic make up based on tribes
Onge= Abbo/AUstraloid is yellow
Indo-European (steppe peoples) = orange
Blue = Iranian/Persian neolithic (Basal Eurasian)
Pink=East Asian
Arabs aren't part Abbo, South Asians are part Abbo.
Lmao the dumbest excuse. Nutrition pollution and education. First off Thierry nutrition is fine they eat better then most, pollution is a very recent problem and no studies show it effects intelligence in any way. It’s clear that Islam and inbreeding with Arabs and non Caucasians created this mess
The Persian and Indian races that were intelligent were killed in wars, or fled from them up towards Europe or other parts of the world.
Then because they didn't have Jow Forums back then they fell for the diversity meme, and Islam as well made cousin marriage acceptable back when people didn't know about the effects on IQ.
Over time the races became less intelligent but you'll still find smart people in those areas.
But this isn't just true of them, it's true all over the world which is why Jow Forums's message is so important. Preserve yourself, preserve your culture, preserve your people, no matter who you are. Preserve.
There's even blacks in Africa that used to be intelligent as well, wiped out in the same way by their own version of invaders and bad cultures etc.
Literally the only thing that matters is preserving a high culture and good people.
You mean Dravidian peoples are darker than Arab people. I'm more so speaking about northern Indians -- the people who inhabited the Gangetic Plain and the Punjab area, for instance. That is where Vedic culture was conceived.
>What happened
>dravidians, SEAsians
>high IQ
The original inhabitants of those regions were Australoids/Melanesians who were just hunter gatherers, the only intelligence comes from races that invaded like East Asians in SE Asia or Basal Eurasians/Indo-Europeans that invaded South Asia.
Only in part, though. You'd like to narrow this down to environmental factors that can be changed. You exclude genetic and natural factors, though. Environmentalism, in this sense, is nonsensical. This is more Blank Slate-ism.
Sorry sand monkey. No propaganda, Iran is literally the biggest shithole today. Stoning women to death throwing people off buildings and much more horror. Only low IQ inbreds do shit like that.
Northern Indians are still mixed with Australoids (Abbos) they just have less Abbo admixture than South Indians and Dravidians
If it weren’t for the Indo European Eurasian Indians was be exactly like the aboriginals.
>believes in user
>hops into spa every time after showering with cold water
>never use any temperature regulating device I.e air conditioner, radiator etc etc
>Never wear any clothes
The Indians who developed Vedic culture weren't Aboriginal. You're claiming those Indians with whom the Greeks came into contact were partially Aboriginal? I think you're absolutely silly, lad.
There was a time when even Arabs were decently smart on the whole.
The world has descended into darkness over the past few millennia.
If only Jow Forums had existed back then.
Like when? All/most of the "Islamic Golden Age" accomplishments were achieved by Persian men such as Averroes and Avicenna.
>those Indians with whom the Greeks came into contact were partially Aboriginal?
The Indo-Aryan invaders race mixed with both the native Australoid (Abbos) and the neolithic Basal Eurasians that had invaded earlier from Persia.
Literally all Indians today are race mixed, even North Indians, they just have less Abbo DNA.
Because Muslim culture pushed Inbreeding on to every country it conquered which has lowered the IQ even further than it was in the past.
I know a ton of Persians and they are some of the smartest people I know on average (obviously a few are idiots), not to mention that, demographically, they're dramatically overrepresented among doctors, engineers, small business owners, and scientists.
Some social degeneration and genetic drift aside I think they're still a pretty industrious people socially and probably genetically, they just got their country really fucked over by radicalization.
Persians were smarter, but Arabs were at a higher level back then too. The whole world was.
We have basically descended into hell thanks to stupid religions and propaganda spread to people.
Thankfully the internet exists... maybe we can climb out of this hole we're in now.
Street shitter spotted.
No education. Pajeets in America are the wealthiest ethnic group. Every single one is either a: doctor, engineer, owns multiple gas stations/dry cleaners, or some other white collar profession.
>We have basically descended into hell thanks to stupid religions and propaganda spread to people.
It's mostly just inbreeding. Inbreeding lowers IQ and causes birth defects, but Islam allows people to have multiple wives which leads to inbreeding. In Pakistan and other Muslim countries they also encourage cousin marriage as a way of keeping wealth in the family. The results have been terrible.
>Iran is literally the biggest shithole today
Even with the crippling sanctions on them, they still fare off better than most other middle eastern countries and are quite advanced in some fields. The real shithole is the country which is so fucking backward to the point of having toll booths on every major street and bridges, their biggest city (new york) smell like garbage and not being able to provide all of their cities with potable water (flint), even though they are in no shortage of it.
Throwing people off of buildings was never a thing in Iran either. You must be thinking of Isis, now I know they share the first letter in common, but those are two different things
American education everyone.
The smart ones all left for america, it's practically useless to be smart in india.
Also they bred with Abbos, so they cant have been that smart.
Islam happened
That plus changes in social and ecological environment all lead to decline. Which appears to be found across all populations that advance past the upper neolithic
Persians are some of the most successful immigrants you retard, what the fuck are you smoking. Look at pictures of Teheran and they have better infrastructure than most American cities.
It was thanks to Carter's administration that Khomeini gained power. Khomeini was backed by Carter's administration because the Shah was no longer a puppet. In fact, plans to put Khomeini were even drafted during the time of JFK. If all of this sounds unbelievable, then I can give sources.
Also, Iranians have largely remained the same since ~800 BCE. Check image.
Iranians barely mixed with Arabs, and even during Sassanian times there were dark Iranians. Look at image. It is from a mosaic from Bishapur, Iran depicting a noble woman.
Skin tone =/= race
>cousin marriage
Cousin marriage was being done before Islam due to Kartir Hangripe's reforms during Sassanian empire. He was an important figure Sassanian Zoroastrian. Stop talking out of your ass.
New research has come out showing that lean, efficient connections are more important than density of connections in the brain. The idea that brain size or density of connections correlate with intelligence is highly dubious.
That's a Jewish meme. It was actually just fuckery from kikes and the Cold War that did it
Interesting, got a source for that?
IIRC in humans brain volume and IQ have a r of 0.3-0.4
I could buy increasing efficiency but I'd need to see evidence it happened along side and not independent of volume loss
Look up this study. I keep post URL but Jow Forums thinks it's spam. Note, this was published in Nature, a high-impact journal:
Diffusion markers of dendritic density and arborization in gray matter predict differences in intelligence
Erhan Genç, Christoph Fraenz, Caroline Schlüter, Patrick Friedrich, Rüdiger Hossiep, Manuel C. Voelkle, Josef M. Ling, Onur Güntürkün & Rex E. Jung
Nature Communicationsvolume 9, Article number: 1905 (2018) |
Here's a secondary source summarizing that Nature article:
"The new findings provide an explanation of conflicting results gathered in intelligence research to date. For one, it had been previously ascertained that intelligent people tend to have larger brains. "The assumption has been that larger brains contain more neurons and, consequently, possess more computational power," says Erhan Genç. However, other studies had shown that - despite their comparatively high number of neurons - the brains of intelligent people demonstrated less neuronal activity during an IQ test than the brains of less intelligent individuals.
"Intelligent brains possess lean, yet efficient neuronal connections," concludes Erhan Genç. "Thus, they boast high mental performance at low neuronal activity."
"The more intelligent a person, the fewer connections there are between the neurons in his cerebral cortex. This is the result of a study conducted by neuroscientists working with Dr Erhan Genç and Christoph Fraenz at Ruhr-Universität Bochum; the study was performed using a specific neuroimaging technique that provides insights into the wiring of the brain on a microstructural level.
Together with colleagues from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, Humboldt University of Berlin and the Lovelace Biomedical and Environmental Research Institute in Albuquerque, the team from the biopsychology research unit in Bochum published their report in the journal Nature Communications on May 15, 2018.
Intelligence is determined by the number of dendrites
The researchers analyzed the brains of 259 men and women using neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging. This method enabled them to measure the amount of dendrites in the cerebral cortex, i.e. extensions of nerve cells that are used by the cells to communicate with each other. In addition, all participants completed an IQ test. Subsequently, the researchers associated the gathered data with each other and found out: the more intelligent a person, the fewer dendrites there are in their cerebral cortex.
Using an independent, publicly accessible database, which had been compiled for the Human Connectome Project, the team confirmed these results in a second sample of around 500 individuals."
TL;DR: "the more intelligent a person, the fewer dendrites there are in their cerebral cortex."
Post low iq
Lynn/Vanhanen did their studies in 2002-2006, and they just skipped Iran altogether and based it on GDP data. The last IQ score that was carried out on Iran was in 1959, which was done by Valentine. So, Iran's IQ was measured in one and only one study, which was done in the 1950s. That's all we got for Iran. Only three other countries in Lynn/Vanhanen have IQ data as outdated as Iran's.
Thanks buddy, I'll give them a read.
The only way I can reconcile the loss of brain volume is if efficiency increased significantly, as brain volume does increase maternal mortality
They had no data for India, it was pure speculation based on gdp
What a CROCK of SHIT
Also consider this, comparatively, crows have far smaller brains than Greater Apes, yet in fact, crows are much smarter than even the most intelligent greater apes.
I believe when mankind inevitably goes extinct, crows and corvids will inherit this Earth:
>they are genetically predisposed to social monogamy unlike humans
>their genomes are more refined
>their pallium is a lot more robust and refined than the cerebral cortex of humans; I believe this is due more to the heterarchical nature of their brains relative to the hierarchical, clunky one of primates
>stuff like rape is rare with them; they are not sexually charged like human beings; I believe their brain pathways associated with sexuality is better segregated from those associated with violence; their ovaries only grow during mating season like most passerines
>they are culturally co-evolving with us
Human beings are a despicable vile species. Check out the trailer to the movie "The House Jack Built" directed by Lars von Trier.
Human beings should go extinct.
Crows also have better and stronger tight-knit family units. They are able to respond to threats well by discriminating the faces of humans.
>yfw birds with arms isn't a meme but the future of this earth
I realize there are huge species differences between mammalian and non-mammalian brains but still we'd need a massive effect size to make up for a tennis ball sized tissue loss with a 0.3-0.4 correlation. I'm not denying it could be the case or even a net improvement over the brains of our 100k years ago ancestors but its still a massive change especially given how much nutrition and prenatal care has improved in the modern world