Pol UTTERLY BTFO'D by bigbadbeardjew on the JQ

pol UTTERLY BTFO'D by bigbadbeardjew on the JQ

- No conspiracy
- IQ matters
- Culture matters
- Step up your game goyim


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he's not wrong

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OP here

before any sperg accuses me of being a 1 id shill paid agent. I am not faggots. I am a white nationalist and I dislike jews but this jewish chad just dropped a good video.

only weak bitch nazi larpers can't admit it.

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Jow Forums BTFO


How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

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Upvote my comments, goyim.
The giant Blood Libel one.

And fuck you, die kike.

Social cohesion. History. Identity.

>Menorah Chadberg

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- Step up your game goyim
Sure, this time for real

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>not a paid shill
>listen to this jew goym

This was actually pretty good


I have no idea how this video showed up in my recommended on youtube I literally searched for "richard spencer" and fitered by this week or this month I don't remember and this video with less than 1000 views was like 4th or 5th.

At first I thought jewtube's (((algorithm))) was trolling me but watching this... kinda kosher-pilled me.

I am actually looking for a point by point rebuttal.

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American Ashkenazi Jews have seen their IQ decline 6 points in the past 20 years, have 9 deaths for each Birth, have less then 1 child per women, have seen their median household income become stagnant around $100,000, and they want to talk to me because they congregate near universities???

>steps up game
>establishes 4th Reich
>oi vey, the antisemitism
>US is given to Israel as territory
>get fed hummus out of a dog bowl
>forced to shitpost for JIDF
>get shot by Israeli soldier trying to escape
>organs get sold on the black market and given to Sudanese immigrants

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Recently this gets brought up, but I have yet to see anyone discuss the ramifications across other racial groups
>Jews have high IQ and a culture of education
>therefore their disproportionate success and wealth are totally justified
>blacks have low IQ and a culture of violence

No kike or kike-apologist like Peterson ever dares to finish the above

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"Show business is an extension of the jewish religion"
--John Lennon

Don’t worry Jews are becoming a thing of the past. Did you hear about the article that came out after Krauthammer died?

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His video was boring and from what I could see not particularly well thought out. If he wants to talk the JQ he should do it with people who understand it, not project his perception of it outward, when he misses the point in many of his arguments.

>blocked in burger land

>Step up your game goyim
>*goyim steps up his game*
>reeeee white supremacy, you can't do this shit

not gonna watch the video, but ill summize it for you: "OY VEY!"

The jew claims copyright over this little nugget of truth

and thats why we need to step up our game

He pretty much agreed with the Alt-right the entire video? lmao

kudos to this dude for forthrightly discussing the jewish question. idk if i agree with him, but he articulated well and in good faith, which is more than can be said for most people.

Maybe it's subterfuge, but if he wants to be an ally against leftist insanity I accept.

asians are smart like jews and don't take up 67% of harvard alumni

jews also displace "whites" from accurate representation in affirmative action

He's just Juden Peterstein 2.0

I agree with most bearded kike says however he does not address the most critical point:
>What do jews with power do to the world and what is their agenda

Looks like a goat fucker.

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Jews are nepotistic. Their success is easily discernible because they help each other. It's not intelligence.

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Where exactly does he miss the point?

Ashkenazi Jews are White. They genetically overlap with Sicilians and Greeks

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IQ doesn't matter, we have plenty smart white people in the world far more than Jewish people btw purely because of the size of our population, but what is important is what you do with it.

Jews are disgustingly supremacist and see themselves as different from everyone else, see themselves as special.

True. American Jews are """racemixing""" themselves out of existence

Pic related

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- Cursed seedline

>Jews are disgustingly supremacist and see themselves as different from everyone else, see themselves as special.
Applies to most (white) posters on Jow Forums as well.

I don't think (((them))) is just the jews but this guy's explanation was pretty short sighted and swallow.

>OP here
You have to go back.

parasitism pays

>While Jews do have higher verbal and non-verbal intelligence...
Average IQ in Israel is 94.

I don't have a problem with that

Ashkenazi Jews are White tho

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one of the deepest redpills in tldr;

The World is controlled from the ages of Rome, by The Papacy and the Zionist order. They are hiding the truth, knowledge of life & science from previous golden ages, that what was preserved in Land of Khem, Egypt. After Rome, hidden by royalities. They are the deceivers that created religions and veiled humanity into darkness. We are again rising in the ages with awareness. It is time to awake and realize what we really are.

>We are eternal spirits bound to our bodies
>(((they))) keep us in the dark by hiding truth, by this system, by sins, lies and science.
>Italian families like Aldobrandini,Breakspear & vatican & jesuits
>they claimed people of the earth to their imaginary kingdom through three trust (three crown); 1455, romanus pontifex, 1481, aeterni regis, 1531, convocation.
>Through these three trust, cestui que vie is name of our enslavement. Wich is also 6,6,6 (symbol of material bound) when translated in latin.
>Level of awareness in humanity goes trough cycles and we have much less time to go through this cycle and it's ages than normally, that is why development has been so fast, that is why people are awakening to truth right now, we entered new age that is kicking in

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Yeah but Whites are God's children while Jews are Satan, retard.

There's the difference, bitch nigger.


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bitch no they aint

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He forgot one thing:
The jews killed Jesus

Case closed. (((They))) are the synagogue of Satan. (((They))) are commies and vile merchants.
(((They))) bring ruin to every host country.

If Sicilians and Greeks are White so are Ashkenazi Jews. Southern Meds are basically semetic.

A half Jew half European is almost always whiter than the average Greek person.

> I hate the Jewish people too, goyim, but in all seriousness you should stop hating them

those niggers aren't White. Only Germanics are White.

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At least you’re consistent.

Nice purity spiraling tho

yeah okay poo blooded kike.

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too bad Jews are still smarter than you

This. Hard to believe there is jew-ish Chad. I will still fight for my tribe Aryans against jewz.

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Too bad they're not, retard, keep dreaming kike. Global Jewish IQ is only 98, haha. Global White IQ is 109 or something.

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[It is necessary to] reduce, if not destroy, the tendency of Jewish people to practice a very great number of activities that are harmful to civilisation and to public order in society in all the countries of the world. It is necessary to stop the harm by preventing it; to prevent it, it is necessary to change the Jews. [...] Once part of their youth will take its place in our armies, they will cease to have Jewish interests and sentiments; their interests and sentiments will be French.

t. napoleon

>- No conspiracy
>- IQ matters
>- Culture matters
I don't disagree. But that isn't really the point: it's not HOW they get into positions of power & influence that is the issue, it's WHAT they do with it.

American Ashkenazi Jews do have a higher IQ but it’s probably not genetic.

White Espicopaleans and Atheists have similar IQs, so the average Ashkenazi IQ in the US is well within the range that we’d expect from other White people.

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And that's why Israel is an illegitimate state. Those people are mongrelized Euro-Semite nomads.

>Overrepresented in Liberal movements
>It's because of their IQ
Totally ignoring the benefits that Jews as a group gain from destroying a countries culture and cohesion while keeping their own group intact of course.
Into the oven he goes.

The arguments about IQ, nepotism, meritocratic achievements, the incentives towards Ashkenazi Jews in finance and mercantilism during the medieval times. Basically the entire video.

I could write a gigantic effort-post, or just suggest you look at the works of Kevin MacDonald and Ron Unz on your own time. Alternative Hypothesis has a pretty good introduction video on the Jewish question.

Basically, Jews don't need to actively collude to pursue their own ethnic interests at the detriment of their host population. Their will to power and projection of their moral frame is enough collusion to provide a significant advantage to those who assimilate within their worldview, which is primarily going to advance Jews. This doesn't make them evil, but it does make them parasitic and a problem.

Jewz are mind manipulators. There was NO holocaust. Jewz have always been in power.

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JIDF working overtime today. How is the weather in Tel Aviv, kike?

Tfw half Jew half Anglo. I guess I'll just ride my galaxy brain to the gas chambers.

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How can this be if they were holocausted? Jew-ish math is very fuzzy.

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It's not genetic, I am of the belief that IQ is mainly cultural, with a biological premise, but culture certainly contributes to it. Of course the genome of a human produces a higher IQ than that of the genome of a frog, cat, lizard, ant, or something, but intelligence is a discipline and pattern recognition is a skill you learn, not all of which is innate based on biology alone. I've always been smarter than most people, but I probably know less than an Oxford academic for example, I could learn what the Oxford or Harvard academic knows, if I want to, but ultimately I have the same intelligence potential, IP, or IQ as all of them. Intelligence Potential is determined by biology, while IQ is the result of various factors, including culture.

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Didn't watch but I agree those things DO matter, that's why they've been undermined so much.

>rando jew video
t. schlomo

You're just moving the goalposts, whether you want to talk about IQ or IP, niggers are still going to be demonstrably lower. If those differences aren't dramatic enough for you, then look at Australian aborigines. Case closed.

Lol so that means it's OK to kill your kids

You’re not wrong

How did they manage to represent the variance in genes on a 2d space?

and asians have a high IQ, why aren't they running the world, every degenerate industry, socially engineering Whites, such as the Jews are? The Protocols are true desu.

>Basically, Jews don't need to actively collude to pursue their own ethnic interests at the detriment of their host population.
Pursuing your own ethnic interests is completely natural, all races do this. Just like all races, and even all individual humans have a will to power.
You are correct to point out that Jews traditionally have a host nation they depend on. However, in all other regards, there motivations and actions are perfectly natural human behaviour. They are more intelligent than most, and this makes them exercute these behaviours more effectively than others.
What makes jews unique is that they are traditionally very elitist, they don't want everyone to be jewish, unlike muslims and christians for example; this has some pros and cons.
Pros include a higher average IQ (through mating with other high IQ Jews, who are selected for through jewish culture, that values economic welath and professional success), and the ability to network with a higher amount of other high IQ Jews (in-group bias, which is normal for all races).
Cons boil down to not having so many humans in your group, because you are a small circle of elites, who don't want the plebs to be part of your club. This lower amopunt of human capital means you cannot effectively protect yourself against the much larger amount of people, and their governing systems, who are not part of your group. This is why jews got pogromed and singled out in Europe all through the middle ages and into modernity, because they did not have a country, and it's associated military, of themselves.
So the pros of the jewish evolutionary strategy is higher than average resource control per capita, but no definite authority and sovereignty over themeselves.

See the jews were not a problem in Europe, until relatively recently, this is because we did not have systems of government that could easily be subverted by jews; a king gives relatively few shits about what jewish newspapers write about him.

hes right except for when he said that hollywood would be pushing mass degeneracy with or without jews

Im not watching your spam.

But ask him to fight for equal representation. Such as jews requiring higher scores for ivy leauge schools. Like the Asians & whites.

Then point out the incredible over representation of Jews in ivy league and the score\iq\tst system admission is based on as he doesn't appear to be anything but a redneck Israeli

Is he? A lot of Japanese media is pretty degen and there aren’t any Jews there.

With the advent of democratic ideas and the age of the republics, the jewish evolutionary strategy becomes way more effective. They are now protected by all sorts of unchangeable laws and constitutions and not subject to authoritative rule anymore than any other member of a modern state.
So to me the problem is this easily exploitable governing system we are trying to set up across the world, not any uniquely evil trait the jews have (because all races are neppotists).

>IQ matters

so does jewish nepotism

Also high IQ whites outnumber high IQ jews multiple times thanks to population differences, yet jews only hire their cousins and nephews when it comes to academia, finance, government, and the media which is why they are over represented.

Jews were exploiting the working class during the feudal age as well, they were the tax farmers, loansharks, and tax collectors who extracted money from the peasantry even if that meant they starved to death. They were allied with the aristocracy and the church for centuries.

Lolis and cosplay, that's the extent of it.

You don't believe there's a conspiracy to control?

I have a theory that those who are more rebellious and less subservient to that which they perceive to be beauty and high culture are more likely to be less intelligent. I have seen negro doctors, from Africa for example. I don't know how intelligent they are or how good of a doctor, engineer, mathematician or physicist they are, but they do exist. The more selfish and infantile you are, like a negro, the more rebellious you will be and the less you will learn and the less you will understand, the less intelligent you will be. It's an undeniable fact that the African negro scores lower, even the lowest on IQ tests in the whole world, but IQ tests do not seem to be consistent by race, so we must consider other factors, such as psychology. Which can still be seen as degenerate and undesirable traits rooted in biology. Niggers tend to be rebellious and in opposition to European race, culture, and history, and science so they will resist learning the European sciences upon realizing most inventors and discoverers were in fact European or Europid, this of course is selfish and a reflection of negro egotistical selfishness and hypocrisy. However those negroes who are honest in saying that they believe we are all equally human will probably have no problem learning White European knowledge and will have more intelligence, perhaps even excel in their field of study and academia.

But there is honestly too little data to tell for sure, but that is just a theory of mine.

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Google: “futanari”

Yeah and they ran banks during that time too, but they still had to answer to the aristocracy and couldn't meddle in policy like they can now.

>natural normal human behavior

how's Israel's IQ looking?
you'd think a nation filled with Jews would have a high IQ, right?

The "conspiracy" is to hire cousin Moishe to be the vice president of sales straight out of college despite him having zero qualifications.

>had to answer to the aristocracy

They would bribe and lobby the aristocracy in the same way they bribe and lobby the government today

>step up your game
>while our people will use our media machines to cast your stepping up as hateful
>and our educators teach you that you have been playing dirty since forever
>and our conditioned masses are ready to hate you as soon as you are marked
oy, what's wrong? are you inferior or something?

Only Ashkenazi Jews have high IQs, Sephardim and Mizrahim jews have comparatively low IQs. And Ashkenazi Jews are already half Southern European themselves.

Mizrahim jews have the lowest IQs and they are partially Arabic.

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