"if you can't handle me at my over-representation of violent crime and rape...

"if you can't handle me at my over-representation of violent crime and rape, then you don't deserve me at my soccer goals"

Attached: 36937360_101556956458566.jpg (960x789, 63K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>niggers hating on europe
>those sad westerncucks worship them for it
the absolute state of white people


Attached: 1529620311284.png (500x573, 138K)

>allowing mass rape of your country's daughters is worth a bigger handout at the global povertyball summit

Actually this is apparently true for England at least.

soccer is faggy sport anyways, you worship people who pretend to be injured to get free kick as heroes, which is literally an anti-thesis of hero.
i'm really fucking glad Croatia got there without being such, or cheating like niggers.

Attached: 1531257688348.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

Hes right, I'd rather have my footy than my culture
>t. Tea drinking limey

I’d rather have neither the World Cup nor immigrants that hate us.

> English hooligans are willing to get violent over a fucking football game
> Mass rape gangs in our country attacking young English women? Nah, le'i'be, m8
> Mass molestation in Köln
> Nah we can't do shit about dat m8
> Goes into London for retardball game
> Köln FC gets onto the field late
> Well, better get violent over this, this is important
All sportsball is manipulation to trick stupid but otherwise useful people to us into following meaningless, petty bullthi

>Wearing a Juventus jersey
No one tell him how Italian soccer fans treat niggers.

the frogs, british and Dutch aren't the only ones who feel that way nigger

Would literally grant football players (except those who rape and do crime - which happens) honorary aryan status, and expel the rest. srs.

>soccer is faggy sport anyways

Its fun to play but awful to watch be played

Ban all niggerball sports

LOL seriously it must be a really sad life to just wake up one day and just say shit like that.

I mean do people carry such vileness when they go to bed and wake up and expel it like piss in the morning?

>western europeans do everything to please black people
>in return black people wish good morning to everyone except for western europeans

heard that westerners? you've gotta try harder

yeah, it's the best to play recreationally

why? i like emotional boys. it reminds me of spanish soap operas


Please don’t share that one. Who knows. In 300 years they wuz germanz

Yes they do. They wake up and go around feeling guilty for even being born. No wonder they’re miserable.

At least we still have F1 and hockey

why does yugoslavia hate football...breaking up yugo was a huge mistake

I hate niggers and mudslimes just as much when they score a goal
the fuckers shouldn't be on our side the fucking apes and goat fuckers

if only we could resurrect Leopold II

geen gezijk, we willen een blanke wijk!

Attached: Leopold II.jpg (300x449, 27K)

you lie...you cried when you lose I saw you lad

Povertyball isn't worth demographic suicide. White people need to stop caring about this shitty and boring game.

liar...this fukken was crying like a baby when his team lose

hockey is the worst sport in the world follow closely by gay curling

this man borderline condones mass rape?

Attached: 352p4cp.gif (350x263, 2.75M)

'ate queers
'ate pikeys
'ate pakis
'ate transsexuals
'ate homosexuals
'ate rugby
'ate catholics
'ate gypsies
'ate seagulls
'ate lefties
'ate muslims
'ate cider
'ate frenchies
'ate huns
'ate the EU

Love football
Love me wife
Love pints
Simple as

Attached: 1529836885149.png (400x400, 228K)

I should add
>haven't been any extrajudicial killing

What will he say when Croatia wins the World Cup tomorrow?

OP post best post!

Black Africans never invented:

__ the wheel
__ farming
__ animal domestication
__ controlled use of fire
__ food preservation

>inb4 peanut butter

Attached: his sides are IN ORBIT.webm (264x480, 1.67M)

Niggers hate whites.

It all comes down to those simple 3 words.

Attached: they HATE US.webm (720x1280, 2.49M)

>Black Africans never invented:
>__ the wheel
>__ farming
>__ animal domestication
>__ controlled use of fire
>__ food preservation

well i just think it's the silliest shit to say "oh you hate immigrants in your neighborhood, but don't mind them on your world cup team"

as if there's no reason to hate immigrants coming to your country if they over-represent certain crime stats

looks like he ate a lot of things

Glorified go karts are nothing to be proud of. Actually go karts is more real racing than f1

>caring about any professional sports
>being this much of a cuck faggot

Attached: le diverse fagball.png (678x493, 47K)

>Black Hitler

Do you mean this homo honkey-hater?

Attached: pantywaist nigger declares himself a soldier in a made-up Army and takes himself seriously.jpg (900x900, 82K)

>works in call centre
>drinks six Lidl ciders every night
>spents his miniscule wages on football
>blows the last of his money on pub trips with Tyler the Smiler
>vomits his gristle and child filled kebab into the gutter
>has eight kids he can't afford, each one more stupid than the last
>*London, becomes minority British and other cities follow*
>*another pakistani grooming gang is discovered, bring the tally of abused girls to over 100,000*
>*25,000 islamic terrorists on the government watchlist*
>*stabbings, rapes, acid attacks doubles on the previous year*

Attached: norf.jpg (750x1000, 243K)

So did this guy get done for theft and assault?

They have a shitload of stupidity.

They didn't evolve like white people did. We can have viable offspring with them, but they will almost always sire inferior progeny than the white that provided their gamete to the zygote.

Attached: Nigger impressing us with his intelligence and superior dancing skills.webm (720x540, 2.94M)

I do not know. Hope so, but when humans are attacked by zombies, the zombies rarely get punished.

we need to exterminate low IQ people.
Football watching trash who root for niggers are low IQ that needs to be cleansed.
Niggers are bad because most of them are sub 100 iq: logically, half of whites are brainlets who are as bad as niggers and need to hang from pear trees as well.

>I want to win a game of "Kick the Ball" 1-0 so I'll destabilize my country and destroy my heritage
>Also, shwarmas!

we don't want niggers playing football here. Even if France win , they lose because it is not French team. It is nigger team.

Attached: DELET.jpg (600x532, 42K)

learn to domestic politics or non-countries burgerman with your murrrican edumacations

Attached: top vlaamse meme.png (322x395, 95K)

>Niggers are bad because most of them are sub 100 iq:

Half of them are 70 or below (in Africa). 70 is at the mental retardation level by white standards.

Blacks are at an IQ level of 85 in the US because they were fortunate enough to have one or more ancestresses who got more benefits by giving Massa some sexytime every now and then.

Attached: Smartest Black Male in his family__which doesnt say jack shit.webm (368x656, 2.98M)

>Meaningful contribution


>Even if France win , they lose because it is not French team. It is nigger team.

Have you looked West? France is one big niggertown these days. Sad to say that a once-great country has turned to shit.

But the UK is heading that way.

Attached: Black woman learns about fire__explains a lot.webm (1920x1080, 2.97M)

I suppose the upside is that any crabs down there were probably roasted into oblivion.

So there is that to consider.

Attached: wait wut.gif (270x222, 1000K)

sportsball fagets get the rope too
bread and circuses

Dumb niggers lost the competition, though? You have to earn your smug m8, that's how it works.

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Why do niggers feel that they have a right to turn a happy moment into a bad moment?

Every fucking time. Niggers ruin every beach. Every party. Every public bathroom. Every restaurant.

Niggers are a fucking BLIGHT.

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Football is Pavlovian conditioning for the masses.

Attached: 1529255373575.png (571x618, 50K)

Niggers rooting for Croatia? Cool.

That's the trick, to not give a fuck about poverty ball either, then they really have nothing on you. Who wants to cheer for a team of mercenary mongrels whose only kinship to your country is their documents anyway?

>France is one big niggertown these days
But that doesn't mean niggers are french. If i throw cockraoch to aquarium, he is not fish sudenly.

>the left never punches le-


i hate both

Sadly, even American football is like that.

But with all of the humans boycotting the NFL because of the kneeling, there is at least less of a market for it (for now, until the NFL owners realize that we are gone for good unless they supervise their players appropriately).

I will support the European team tomorrow

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he got charged with a felony

No argument there. But how do you extricate the cockroaches from the beautiful fish?

Impossible in France, most would agree.

>Sorry France - you are fucked.

Attached: when niggers are not around to harass the whites.jpg (1200x630, 167K)

They are monkeys. imagine what kind of crazy shit goes through a chimp or a bonobos head every day. It’s just that ours can speak and use technology.

Yeah, I'd happily give up sports ball to get rid of all the niggers in the world.

Shut up sexy Flanders

That is one beautiful woman.

why are niggers always so muscular and have such nice white teeth?

how can flabby onions-fed low-test white boi even compete?

Attached: some white man told that nigger to get a ladder and take that down from there__proof that niggers ne (224x400, 2.86M)


with 30 points of IQ and missiles

And never ever forget that IQ is on a non-linear scale.

For the niggers in the audience, that means that white people are a shitload smarter than niggers (on average).

Attached: nigger gradations.jpg (1600x900, 147K)


It was a close call, but England got the outcome it needed

Scenario A
>England beats Croatia
>(((they))) can now distract until at least Sunday
>win overshadows Trump’s visit
>May buys time
>Brexit fails

Scenario B
>England loses
>Nation is pissed, pent up nationalism has no outlet
>media can’t distract
>May looks weak, multicultural team BTFO’d by white Croatian team
>Trump protests take on new significance
>May BYFO’d by Trump
>Mayor Khan BTFO’d by Trump
>May loses No Confidence vote
>BoJo secures PM role
>Brexit saved

Niggers are mindlessly sadistic they must verbally or physically assault others just to function.

They have masters they don't even realize they have.

Attached: Hey Rabbi Whatcha Doing.jpg (618x302, 90K)

>watching warm hockey

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Attached: races.png (648x712, 143K)

Yeah, because all those Belgians, French and English people sure love the idea of their national teams not actually being their national teams anymore.

To make a World Cup omelette, you have to break all the eggs at 2 or 3 grocery stores first. #WorthIt

I used to love watching soccer but I just can't anymore. Every team is so full of niggers makes me sick

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