All white males had to do was pass the torch to women and people of color, and you couldn’t even accomplish that. Now...

All white males had to do was pass the torch to women and people of color, and you couldn’t even accomplish that. Now, Disney is going to do things the hard way.

*sigh* ...always the hard way.

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Didn't you make this thread yesterday?

Bring it on.

Yeah they did, and the day before that.

>there will be concequences
What? They're going to make another one?

6th day in a row x 5 times a day, bait post

>there will be consequences
Will they force us to watch the movie?

>WARNS there will be consequences

what did he mean by this?

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Hold up Disney you don't have that monopoly on all media yet.
Walt isn't rolling in his grave rn he's spinning like a centrifuge

Like what? stop making them? Please do

>fans dont like thing
>there wii be consequences

How is this a thing? How are these people not fired on sight?

Let God sort them out.

Guess i will keep NOT giving them my money then

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Fox and comcast soon

>There will be consequences.

Well, there better be. Disney ought to fire Kathleen Kennedy and put Rian Johnson on the blacklist if they don't want to continue losing big bucks.

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THIS .. buwahahahaha

What are they going to do OP? Ban from Star Wars movies? Star Wars is basically for 30-year-old boomers and Incels anyways.

>Threatening people because they don't like your shitty cash-grab movie
Since when was Star Wars such fucking serious business? The worst possible 'consequence' is catatonic boredom from actually watching it.

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what are they going to do? kill us?

I think the implied threat is that no regisseur would ever want to make another one. Which isn't much of a threat but more of a promise.

One movie less. I am very concern.

>make movie all black
>that will teach they goy
>chinks don't allow it as one of the 7 hollywood movies a year
>chinks want blond and blue
>movie thanks
>free money well dries up for Disney
>Disney sells the property for pennies on the dollar
>Disney black lists all the fucks that cost them the chicken that lays the golden eggs
>"consequences will never be the same again goy!"

>All white males had to do was pass the torch to women and people of color
Sounds good to me, we've been passing torches for decades
If that's what you really want, we can make that happen

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Being that this is the 12th thread about this bullshit, who the fuck thinks they have the right to say this shit? Most real Star Wars fans have already given up on the series. Threatening them with “consequences” means jack shit when they aren’t going to watch your movies or buy the merchandise. They screwed the pooch so hard that Episode 9 will likely make half of what 8 did

Literally same exact post I seen dozens of times.

How is this allowed fucking christ

An honest evaluation of the Star Wars franchise comes to the conclusion that poor films outnumber quality films at this point.

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More like Disney sits on the IP forever and does nothing with it.

Which is fine.

>there will be consequences

For Disney employees?

Y'all fucked in the throat

this entire website is a fucking psy-op
notice how when you make your own thread with real news it never gets any responses
yet shit threads like this get loaded with glow-in-dark niggers and retarded Gen Zoomers

t. 30 year-old Boomer

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>1 post by this *sigh*

>making your own threads with real news never gets responses
Yea I have noticed that, but since I get treated the same way IRL I never eally thought much of it.

Is it bad an "old man" had to look that word up? Guess we don't get enough culture here in flyover landia.

Onthe star wars crap. Disney destroys nearly everything they get their hands on. Tree hugging commie bastards!

>There will be consequences
What? Will the mouse send some death squads to the streets to hunt down star wars fans now?

as if thats a threat lol

Get woke, go broke.

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>Will they force us to watch the movie?

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Rian is an anagram for Iran. He's a shiite agent lol

This is a fake corporate thread meant to tie the perfectly reasonable normie backlash to Disney Star Wars to the low IQ, basement dwelling rural Kraut-American trash that inhabits these boards.

Please hillbillies, don't fall into this trap. Go back to your retarded Hitler threads. The media is working an angle, and though you inferior fuckers invariably give the media EXACTLY what they want (see: Charlottesville) do the world a favor and stop showing them your neck.

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Yeah pretty much. I've noticed some weird things like how you have to bump your own threads like ten times to get any replies, how a lot of times digits go unchecked on Jow Forums and when they do get tons of replies they responses seem automated and also weirdly whenever I make a shit post that references Evangelion I have a higher chance of getting doubles or triples. There are some weird underlying algorithm in Jow Forums that are amusing to play around with when you find them.

Star Wars is dead.

excellent truth post

>notice how when you make your own thread with real news it never gets any responses
This is very true.

They will lay low for a while and then release the rip off of Return Of The Jedi and another cringe fest in the series too. If those flop they might stop making them for a longer period of time. Maybe they will wait 10 years after the next batch.

It is better to explain it to the fans who are unaware of marketing techniques and agenda pushing in all forms of (((media.))) Once one becomes aware of the message being crafted, everything they watch becomes extremely predictable and thus boring. In the world of sales, being boring is far worse than being offensive. Offensive projects get everybody talking about them. Boring projects aren't worth bring up often or at all.

(There are movie reps on this boards who are reading this post going "Shit! Shit! Shit! Gotta slide this fast." It's like making a Central Banking Control Of Money post on Biz. There are men watching for that very discussion to come up and push it off the board.)

Reveal the techniques and watch the (((Elites))) squirm like worms.

>Disney is going to do things the hard way.
Great Disney is going to kill itself. it's about time.

But star wars was boring this time.
That's why they are trying to generate hype.


>stale copy pasta

fuck u now im gonna start liking star wars again

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Oh no! What is mastah Disney gonna do? Is he gonna take away everyone's new favorite character, Rose Ticco? Stop making porg plushies? Ooooh, I don't know how could we survive their righteous retaliation...

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Good posts

Because of Disney

Yup but I wouldn't hold my breath on them actually ignoring this shit. The fact that the right and this has been co-opted by identity politics is evidence of this. The whole anti-white agenda is a ploy to bait the right into becoming literal racist and discredit all right leaning political groups.

Thanks boomer

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More like they will reboot all the originals and try to totally start over.

no one cares
if you faggots would stop posting and spreading their stupid shit for them they would have starved out long ago.
constantly going on about it, giving them views, clicks and coverage is keeping their heads above water.
hell its prolly them who keep posting here.
FFS you are some self defeating goys.

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>Get rid of the EU
>Only to end up flushing the whole canon down the toilet
But Lucas was the problem, they said. Reviving Chewie was worth it, they said.

Can't wait to see how this backfires.

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