Why do mid-eastern people don't like nafris ?
Soon the middle-east & north-africa will belong officially to the same entity named as MENA
Since north-africa is an arabic and a muslim territory like mid-east why do mid-easterns hate nafris so much ?
Friendly reminder that OP is a shitalian larping as an arab.
they all look the same to us idk why they'd hate each other, must be some subhuman ego or feeling of superiority even though both are the same thing
Friendly reminder that shitalians are self-hating North African rapebabies
I dunno but in a trip to Egypt a guide told me that if we've a very low opinion of Islam is because of them.
Keep calm Ahmed
doesn't e1b1b come from the Horn? That means they're Somali rapebabies
and let me guess, all americans are mutts and all spanish are rapebabies as well?
Keep bitching in your safe little hole in the wall and too the niggers on france's serfice find you, pull you out and wring your useless little neck
French are a joke, you guys are doing less about the destruction of your country than anyone else, so keep mocking everyone in your safe little hole, fucking pathetic how powerful you used to be.
>they all look the same
But the funny things is that syrians for example want to be considered as white
They don't want to be considered as arabs neither
But the facts speak for themselves syrian or algerian - saudi or moroccan - no difference at all
This is considered White in the US
Nafris don't like nafris.
I had to share an apartment with a nafri for 1 week and he lives with other spaniards.
I asked him why doesn't he live with other nafris and he said it's because they're dirty, irresponsible and conflictive.
Curiously, that was the exact description the other spaniards gave me about the nafri living with them.
Does your mama know that you use her computer to post racist comments?
I don't thinks so, Ethiopia is full of non-E bloodline like A, B, and J.
Jews are nafris as well (25% at least)
Italians are very family oriented and don't do the Anglo-American 18 year old moving out thing.
>This is considered White in the US
Also in Brazil
>racist comments
Butthurt nafri
Nafris are seen as more niggaish and genetically nafris are a seperate ooga race
All menas are the same to euros tho because they all are completely different.
999 max power nafri no fel gud
Maybe that's the reason why arabs from mid-east don't like them after all
It's because they are ugly and they also reminds arabs from mid-east what they look like
Butthurt indeed
(Tarantino dropped out of shool at 15 by the way... have a good one)
>This analysis indicated that Italians have a basal proportion of sub-Saharan ancestry that is higher (9.2%, on average) than other central or northern European populations (1.5%, on average). The amount of African ancestry in Italians is however more comparable to (but slightly higher than) the average in other Mediterranean countries (7.1%).
You are blacker than us, mulattoe
>nafris are a seperate ooga race
The same goes for mid-easterns as well
>All menas are the same to euros
Nafri women are getting blacked really. Kylian Mbappé is just an example - algerian mother, cameroon father.
Nafri girl with black boyfriend
Not for long, Italy has a nationalist government.
Gaga Gaga. Pan Arabism is dead forever. Ask Arabs one question get 5 answers. We can’t agree on anything, including who is and isn’t an Arab. Maghrebis are not Arabs at all, Egyptians are the only Arabs in Africa, and nobody wants to share a nation with them. Gulf Arabs ride camels and are true Arabians. Levant Arabs are Arabized Assyrians and Jews, and are Mediterranean. They agree on nothing. Even in the Levant, nobody agrees. Some want greater Syria, some want more Balkanization. Even in a single country, Lebanon, nobody agrees on anything. Some say they’re semites but not Arabs, some say they are Arabs. 15 years of civil war in Lebanon should convince anybody that pan Arabism will never happen. Nafris are disgusting mutts larping as fellow Arabs. At least levantines are Semitic.
>Curiously, that was the exact description the other spaniards gave me about the nafri living with them.
True indded
Arab girls are getting more 'blacked' than white girls these days
Most of these is Nafri diaspora
good map to show people who say immigration is a good thing
nafri = north african sepharad = 1/2 arab 1/2 jew
mid-eastern arabs are full blown sandniggers but they had been subverted by the jews/shapeshifters (jews are ayylien hence : judaayyism)
nuke them both either way
This analysis indicated that Italians have a basal proportion of sub-Saharan ancestry that is higher (9.2%, on average)
You are cultureless self-hating mulattoes just like black Americans, this is why you larp claim Nordic(Roman) as yours.
Please, don't call a m*ghrebi an Arab. They are mostly Berbers with highly Subsaharan admixture of racemixing with slaves - mostly in Morocco.
lookup where e1 originated it's from the horn which includes Ethiopia they also have the j hablogroup
>Maghrebis are not Arabs at all
>Levant Arabs are Arabized Assyrians and Jews, and are Mediterranean
>Nafris are disgusting mutts larping as fellow Arabs
Fayza Mbappe born Fayza Lamari is Algerian while Kylian’s father, Wilfried, is originally from Cameroon. Being a former athlete herself, Fayza Mbappe knows just how much work it takes to make it in the professional field. The former handball player welcomed son Kylian on December 20, 1998, in the north-east of Paris. She has watched him grow into a fine young man and even better player.
Nafri trolling and went full retard
The Horn was inhabited by E1b1a Bantus until 3000 BC see Mota man, meanwhile North Africa was E1b1b Berbers since at least 15000BC(see Taforalt)
prime example of why people shouldn't race mix like wtf is that abomination
The "arab spring" started in north-africa
It means that they are easy to follow Mossad propaganda due to low IQ of racemixing
Then again why do they speak arabic and why they consider themselves as arabs ?
Seems weird isn'it ?
What's with Kosovo?
Pan-Arabism and Arab League is some meme to win some free shekels from oil producing Gulf Arab states. The Arabs and Levantines couldn't stop laughing at maghrebi Gaddhafi at some his proposals in these """Arab""" League conferences
What in the FUCK? Who is this nig monkey?
There is only one E among dozens of Neolithic Balkan samples, now, it is dominant haplogroup in the Balkans along with I2.
Imo it expanded with the Romans.
You memeflags are the worst posters. Mods are fags for not removing the memeflags and so are you.
Pic related is the only thing I could suggest.
You dumb fuck. About 10% of Saudi population is black, that's not including the ones that have partial black ancestry wither they know it or not. Shit I myself turned out to be 5% west african. And the average Omani and Yemeni are significantly more black. The middle east has long history of trade with Africa. And a lot of arabs are black. Being arab isn't about skin color. It is true that the people of Somalia, Djibouti and comoros are not arabs. But most Sudanis are arabs..
>You memeflags are the worst posters
>is a non-country flag poster himself
If north-africans consider themselves as arabs... there must be a reason
>Pan-Arabism and Arab League
And Baathism
>You memeflags are the worst posters
Speak for yourself nafri
Besides many euro flags in Brussels tho
Back to your home country, Nafri.
You're projecting Ahmed
You mean France?
The vast majority of porn stars are wh*Te. Porn is by default wh*Te.
>You mean France?
Yes. If yYou want to watch your younger sisters getting blacked.
>The vast majority of porn stars are wh*Te
>Porn is by default wh*Te
Porn is by default jewish
>too scared to post with his flag
the absolute state of wh*tey kek
no wonder your women are throwing themselves at us, they thirst for true male not some disgusting and smelly fat slobs.
Sure thing memeflag
Havé to live in whitey coutry because is coutry is full of shit , nice
>Egyptian """ARAB""" flag
>Black with yellow hat
>living in Newafrica to get their sisters blacks
Stop larping as Arabs.
And stop living in Arab country.
oh what would you know. It is our rapebabies that got MOORed.com
No wonder you're so bitter.
>Doesn't know what a memeflag is
You're clearly a newfag
you actually saved and named that picture, Mohammed. What might Allah think of your deeds on this dirtball? He sees all,always remember.
Mutting it up, eh.
>Southron rapebaby yet again
You guys must to accept your non-european genes and leave us alone
This is karma, user
You came to Maghreb then we came to France.
>Soon the middle-east & north-africa will belong officially to the same entity
Nova Roma
>Doesn't know what a memeflag is
Doesn't know what irony is
>You're clearly a newfag
Look who's talking
Dios mio, the 22%ers are already here!
They're arabs you idiot
>You came to Maghreb then we came to France
Nafri from Algeria spotted
You worship a pedo, achmed.
>Egyptians are the only Arabs in Africa
They're not Arabs either.
I'm white
They all look french to me
Why do you post a map you can't understand?
Cause your rotten teeth inhibate your vision accuracy, James
>This is karma, user
>You came to Maghreb then we came to France.
The French were expelled from the Maghreb, should you now be expelled from France?
You know, the endless cycle of karma.
>They're not Arabs either