Okay Jow Forums i'm gonna see theese guys in 2 hours here in Dublin, what should i ask'em?
What should i ask them?
But you're in Italy
Womp womp.
Womp womp womp.
Good catch!
Doze flags look alike to my color blind eyes.
Politely ask if they would both off themselves.
Serious question to ask Peterson:
How on a nominalistic and secular worldview such as yours can individual rights be objective?
I'm italian but i'm on vacation
But you are posting from Ireland then. So your IP should be irish.
I know...but i'm in Dublin
>i'm gonna see theese guys in 2 hours here in Dublin
Why user why. Can't you go in pubs and have a great time
>listening to these two neoconservative bitches that are out to just make name for themselves
Ask them if it's right for jews to commit genocide on innocent Palestinians
My gf bought me a ticket as a gift
Do you want chips with your fish?
So you pulled an Italian IP address even though you are in Ireland?
Fabricated and Flaming
Want a timestamp, amerifag?
Ask Peterson about this. Knowing Peterson never shuts up about him yet avoiding this elephant in the tiny room.
Or better, wich pose do you want me to stand here in Dublin streets?
Even then I would doubt you are in Ireland.
He’s a phone user I take it. I’m in Greece but it comes up Britain. I’m not using WiFi that whys dumby.
Lean on a wall and hold 4 fingers up on one hand
Fuc you bitch, suck my salsiccia and swallow my gorgonzola
Ask Harris what he thinks he would be doing if his mummy didn't buy him a media career?
Ask him how much dedicated RAM you should allocate for your Minecraft server.
I like this one. Should i ask Murray if he would top or bottom for Milo?
Ask them if they think their own autism has contributed to their success. And then ask of they will allow you to join them on their tour.
Unironically ask Sam why the fuck he hasn't released his God damn meditation app already
Tomaso go to bed
Don't make me name you hans, i don't work with jews and i have nothing to lose
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
Ask him why he thinks its ok for young men to take the pharma jew but not ok to be white.