Whats worse

Jews or muslims?

Attached: FT_18.01.04_muslimPopulation_featured.jpg (640x320, 227K)


Attached: betrayal.jpg (624x810, 133K)

whichever is in your country


jews are worse
without them we wouldnt have to deal with niggers, spics or muslims
look who controlled the slave trade, look who is pushing for open borders.
Jews are the cause, shitskins are the effect.

jews dont go around killing people in the name of there imaginary freind

Muslims want to kill Jews
If they weren't so fucking retarded they'd be valuable allies.

Jews are AIDS, muslims being the various viruses killing you.


But they do demand that you bring Muslim in to your country

Muslims are Talmudic Jews too.
They're both the same thing