American Deep South

Hello guys, as you can see from my flag I'm an Italian, and I opened this thread to ask about the Deep South.
For a while now I've been reading things about the Deep South and I got really interested in the culture and customs of the place (and I really love the accents), so I was wondering if there's something I should know when visiting to not offend the people, if there's some good book I can read that goes in depth on the story of the various states (possibily one that isn't liberal propaganda bitching about slavery and shit like that) and also what would people generally think about someone like me visiting, or possibly wanting to settle there?
I know there's a lot of in-fighting on this board, but I was wondering if people in the Deep South actually dislike Italians or not?
Also, if I were just to visit on holiday, what are the places that I absolutely must go to?

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Florida looks like a dick and Italy looks like a high heeled boot so an Italian going to the American South would be like a man putting his dick in a woman’s shoe

Since I am the one going there, wouldn't it be more like putting the heel inside the pee-hole?

I see you are a man of culture as well

I'm in FL & really don't think southerners care either way about Italians. AL,MS,GA & LA are mostly niggers & they don't like anyone, even themselves.

People are fake nice in the south youll be fine. Find yourself a country girl with strong legs and back from bailing hay and have many healthy offspring

In the south you're either a nigger or a meth addict now. The old way of life has gone with the wind, my friend

There are way too many blacks in the south for anyone to give a fuck about Italians. As long as you have good manners and don't try to fuck anyone over you'll be fine.

You should visit there, but be prepared to be called an eye-talian

I see, that's really a shame. Are they really all like this or has some state managed to save some of its traditions?

We don’t want you spaghetti nigger fuck off

Just stay in white towns and you'll be fine. The white people are very nice.

There are lots of niggers in the South, so you'll need to look up the demographics of any place you want to visit.

Well, I don't really care about slurs, obviously, or I wouldn't be here on Jow Forums.
I was asking more something along the lines of "If I integrate into the culture and don't act like a nigger would they eventually accept me, or would I forever remain 'that one wop in the town'".

There's pockets all over. More rural usually.

>Hello guys, as you can see from my flag I'm an Italian, and I opened this thread to ask about the Deep South.
>For a while now I've been reading things about the Deep South and I got really interested in the culture and customs of the place (and I really love the accents), so I was wondering if there's something I should know when visiting to not offend the people, if there's some good book I can read that goes in depth on the story of the various states (possibily one that isn't liberal propaganda bitching about slavery and shit like that) and also what would people generally think about someone like me visiting, or possibly wanting to settle there?
>I know there's a lot of in-fighting on this board, but I was wondering if people in the Deep South actually dislike Italians or not?
>Also, if I were just to visit on holiday, what are the places that I absolutely must go to?

Destin, Gulf Shores, stay away from Panama City or any part of Florida east of there.

New Orleans is like San Francisco East.

Birmingham has the world's best motorcycle museum.

He's being a self-hating loser.

Small white towns in the South still have the old Southern way of life.

Just don't talk to black people. They will be offended when they don't understand you


Nonwhites, “White” Hispanics, Niggers and 1/26th Scots-Irish mutts. Move to the Northeast, Midwest or even Montana/Idaho to get a better experience in life.

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That's good to know, and I definitely don't mind rural. I grew up in a small town here in Italy, and my grandparents were farmers, so I'm fairly used to the environment.

New Orleans is filled with niggers, don’t be fooled OP. These southernmutts only want your DNA.

Somewhat related, but im going to be moving to Bentonville, Arkansas for work. Anything I should know?

I've lived in Texas all my life.
We respect gumption, which is to say to be a whiny little bitch or a cuck. Keep to yourself, but don't be a hermit. Generally people will make conversation with you to be polite, friendly, whatever, but it'll never run too deep so you won't have to worry about awkward subjects.
Despite being generally conservative and right-leaning, mostly we still cleave to that old fashioned idea of politics being an ugly and rude topic of discussion in public, so even if you don't agree with things, there's not gonna be any witch hunts because people really wouldn't want to know your shit either way.
Unless you're in a shithole, you'll be around civilized Mexicans, which are a perfectly fine people. We have a lot of blacks in the cities, as well, but I've always found southern black folk to be overall better than the east or west coast groups, even if they do still have a lot of the problems you'd assume when you think of urban blacks.

West Texas is desert. Everywhere else in the state is green. The gulf is not the most ideal beachfront in the country, but it's serviceable if you're looking to throw a frisbee for your dog.

Don't trust anyone who originally came from Lousiana after Katrina, even after ten or however many years it's been, you can still tell they never settled in right.

That's all.

Yankee here. I’ve driven thru the Deep South. There are a lot of blacks but they’re actually more tolerable than the northern brand. You’ll also find the most well adjusted blacks down there. The small towns and shit are precarious and not too friendly to outsiders. But southern hospitality is a real thing in the nicer parts of town.

Anything with niggers goes to shit

>Come to le 42% land goyim, who cares if your children are spic mutts

This is a good policy for life in general. Good advice user.

Don't believe all the hollywood propoganda about the ebil rednecks, southerners pride themselves on their friendliness and hospitality.

From what I understand it's a fairly "progressive" area (Rogers, Bentonville, Fayetteville, etc.).
That's the reputation anyway.
>t. southern AR user

You're not going to offend anyone, just stay out of the black areas (of which there are hundreds) after dark. Southerners are incredibly hospitable and will be stoked that someone from Italy is there just to visit them, since the south gets kind of a bad rap from the rest of the country.
Dont worry, OP, unless they're drug addicts, southerners are second only to midwesterners on friendliness

I was born in Alabama and have lived in Florida and Georgia. Florida is a bit yankeefied and has a somewhat off color southern culture. But there are some good ole boys there depending on where you're at. As for etiquette, never make fun of eating grits or talk down about someone's bondo pickup truck and you should do fine. And if you get offered sweet tea to drink at someone's home, drink that shit up and smile. As for books, read Tom Sawyer or something like that. Otherwise it's in the music:

Born and raised in south GA here. The more rural areas are still holding onto the old south way of life. But if you want the full tourist in the south experience you need to go to Savannah GA. Just stay in the downtown historic district. Absolutely beautiful and the people there are classic southern hospitality.

I’m from Cleveland Ohio but I live in Atlanta now and there are more ethnicity’s and mixed people in the south than anywhere else I have ever been

Texas is still 45% non-hispanic white, which I don't even mind because we seem to get the best Mexicans.

I'm happy to hear that's the case from people actually living there.
I've always had these mixed knowledge about the South since Hollywood always shills about "muh evil racists", while other people speak of the Southern hospitality. It's definitely good to know that the latter is the true one.

No problem with Italians...
In Italy.
Check a bucket list.
Go back.
Take some niggers with you.
Drop the off in the Atlantic on the way back.

This isn't even true. White people in Appalachia have it much worse off than the Deep South. The South is fine, besides being like 30 - 40% black.

You've got 3 types of areas in the south now.

Black areas, which are almost all worthless and ghetto. Usually the major cities.

Upscale white areas, which consist almost entirely of stuck up "rich" faggots from other parts of the country that moved down here because the cost of living is cheaper. They tend to think they better than everyone, and always end up pissing all the locals off when they start to congregate in larger numbers.

And everyone else. The average southerner is a low/middle class Christian that is, in most cases, warm and friendly. No one really cares about who you are or what you do, as long as you leave them alone and give them the same politeness in return.

We have your average pill heads, meth heads, and drunks, but they're usually mild and few in number.

Im not from the south, but here at least, being the only one, or one of a few from a different culture is an asset. People are curious and interested. Its when giant packs of people isolate themselves, don't speak the language and try to change everything to suit them, that's when people are more likely to get irrate and fed up.
Americans are friendly and familiar people in general

No we don't hate Italians
I'd suggest visiting Charleston, SC. Lots of history, good food, and it is just one of the nicer "big cities".
Just don't call someone a nigger or redneck and you'll be fine.
Pic related

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>We have your average pill heads, meth heads, and drunks, but they're usually mild and few in numbers.
That's good to know, since one of the other things that I hear people say is that there are a lot of drug addicts, and that would be definitely worrisome if I wanted to settle there.

Same for the cities in NC. I don't love it. If you get out of the big metro areas it's not so bad though.

All you need to know about the south, is we love guns and the second amendment, and freedom. Just talk about guns and you’ll fit right in. Unless you go to a nigger neighborhood, then you’ll get robbed and shot... because nigger areas always have gun-free zones, which makes crime and gun violence skyrocket.

Paul Theroux's Deep South is a decent treatment of travel observations that would be useful to you. And no, nobody knows what a wop is, that's a northern thing. Unless you look like you got beat by the ugly stick you will be a celebrity if you settle in a smaller town.

Tennessee is a great balance between nigger population and southern mentality

Dont go in there speaking your gabagools and your eye-talian nonsense. Stay quiet so people dont hear your accent, always say thank you when you must speak, and enjoy the scenery. Dont go into the cities they are full of the negro

Most "southern" cities has little to no cultural association with southern culture. So, if you want to experience southern culture avoid the cities. Much in the same way that when I traveled to Italy I did not assume that the big cities were representative of the majority or rural culture.

Southerners will view as something of a curiosity, but no hostility. Don't act like an effeminate fag or a commie and you will get along with everyone just fine.

As to what to see or experience, that greatly depends upon what your interests actually are. Are you looking for just seeing the countryside or interacting with people?

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I was just in Sarasota, FL and it was very nice there. Hot and humid in the Summer though and quite a lot of biting bugs. Great beaches.

Avoid the cities.

Southern blacks tend to be far less scary. Not saying you should relax, but in the country you are much more likely to find black people with jobs who go to the local black church.
They also separate into their own towns and want very little to do with white people, but aren't all that hostile. Just VERY fat.
They also have less "hood" culture, and the ones who are incredibly trashy have a 50% chance at getting shot by another nigger this year.

My dad makes nigger jokes sometimes, but if a black guy's car was broken down he would still pull over and see if he could help.
Holywood also says we have "swatstica skinheads" which is really stupid. That's mostly a recent college campus thing. Most people I know are pretty milk toast about being racist and claim to hate no one.

People will go out of their way to be kind to you. No one will care that you’re Italian. Definitely go to a shooting range, a country bar, the beach. I’d recommend going to Nashville, TN and Charleston, SC

Texasfag here. I think you'll be surprised at how polite people generally are in the Midwest and the South. And don't be shy about speaking. If you have an accent, people will be curious about where you're from and it's a great opportunity for small talk. "Italian hate" is more of an East coast thing.

As far as where to go, that depends on what you want to do. The deep south will have a lot of historical stuff, especially from the Civil War. Texas also has a good mix of historical stuff, things to do outdoors (because we're so big), and cultural things (museums etc) because of our affluence. You'll also have a better mix of urban and rural options in Texas and Florida.

One thing I would highly recommend is seeing if you can rent a car. The south is very much auto-focused and everything is spread out because land was always plentiful, so there aren't many cities you can visit (except maybe New Orleans and Austin) where you can expect to stay in a hotel and have a great trip without getting in a car. Public transit isn't really a thing either. I'd definitely recommend using Google Maps or something to get an idea of travel times between your destinations.

Theres not much you could do to offend us, we get along with just about everyone. Never witnessed any dislike of italians or even heard of any. Have respect, and courtesy and no one will treat you any differently most likely. Must gos would be Orange Beach and Gulf shores if you like the beach, Mobile is not far away (not too much there try to go during Mardi Gras),Huntsville Space center, Tuscaloosa is nice to visit but nothing really there, canoeing the Cahaba river when the lilies are blooming, and if youre into cities New Orleans and Atlanta but get some steel and stay out of the hoods.

Niggers and 56% mutts will actively hunt you down because your existence is seen as an insult to their racial purity

Just avoid urban blacks. Rural blacks will treat you strangely, but not poorly.
White trash will be similar to rural blacks, 'normal' southern whites will be very accommodating.

If you like over-seasoned seafood, you'll love Louisiana. That said, humidity is hell, bugs are worse.

Pretty much anywhere in rural America a white guy will get along. Rent a car, drive through the bayou, you'll have fun. If it were me, I'd rather go to TN or KY rather than the deep South. Nashville, Memphis, etc. Look up the bourbon trail and tour a fuck ton of distilleries.

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I mean, it happens, but it's not as common as the news lets on.

Pill heads are more common than anything else. They're unstable, but generally too fried to bother anyone. You can usually tell the drug addicts just from looking at them, because they tend to be twitchy, easily agitated by, and kind of beady-eyed. Most everyone avoids them all like the plague.

Drunks are pretty rare, but a lot of good old boys down here still think they can drive home at midnight with a few beers in them. Not a huge deal, but it does happen.

Many good people here. Very Christian foundation. Not as much racism as you’d think. Aside from acknowledging racial differences and people having in group preferences, people tend to get along and enjoy each other’s company. What southerners don’t like are degenerates: meth heads, lazy people (this is what most southerners mean by the word nigger, it isn’t a blanket statement for all blacks unless it’s used by trashy whites), Democrats, etc...

>fake nice
>bailing hay
t. not from the south

Thanks, will definitely check that out.

I would definitely love to see the countryside and just travel around sightseeing, but I would also like to interact with people of the place to get a feeling for the actual, living culture.
As I said at first I was actually thinking of settling there eventually, but I don't want to just buy a house in a place where no one knows me and be "the outsider".

Thanks for the advice. Also from what you're all saying it really reminds me of how people talk of my zones (South Italy), so it definitely feels like I would find myself comfortable there.

>love the accents

The make me want to cut my ears off.

Clarksdale MS is cool if you like blues music. Check out the Shack Up Inn. Many foreigners come through and love it. You basically get to stay in a sharecroppers shack with modern amenities and get a real feel for the past and a blues mans life. Also, the shack up is a work of art that you can stay in.

Do it coastie. Southern drawl is melodic

Charleston and Savannah are probably our best two coastal cities.

I still vote TN/KY area and tour the distilleries, horse farms, maybe a coal mine. Get all fucked up in some tiny blue-collar bar.

Nazi skins are mostly a west coast thing, and even then, overrepresented in the media. It's not like you see them whenever you step outside

>>so I was wondering if there's something I should know when visiting to not offend the people
>not getting offended at anything you do if you aren't from their area

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Thus spake the european equivalent

>supposedly hates niggers
>brings them over here by the boatload for slave labor
>starts a civil war against the civilized and industrious half of the nation
>doesn't fight hard enough and fails
>in a case of extreme jealousy and butthurt, a homosexual celebrity communist Democrat actor from the south shoots and kills the one man with a plan and a will to send blacks back where they belong
>thus dooming the United States to put up with negroids forever
>all because fat ass, sweet tea swilling, inbred """""farmers""""" didn't want to do their own work in the heat

In the south you’re black or white... for example Asians are white, dark Indians are black... if you’re a tan Italian, you’ll be black. Maybe stay out of the sun before you visit

If you're white, you're welcome. If you're a fucking nigger, we'll beat you up. Usually white people are very nice, but beware of niggers or Mexicans because they can steal your cell phone or car.

Nigger, I live 50min south of Cleveland in all white God's country.

>When you swallow the indoctrination completely.

Pathetic little creature.

I see, as long as it isn't very widespread and somewhat limited to urban zones I guess it isn't really a problem. I would just be a little worried if I were to raise a family there.

Oh right, that's another thing I was wondering about. I'm actually a catholic, so would that be looked down upon?
Of course I wouldn't go around sperging and trying to convert people or anything like that, I'm pretty open about religion, but I wouldn't want to be disliked because of that.
Also, are there any catholic churches in smallish towns, or is it just protestant ones?

Low iq degenerate inbred uneducated criminal drug addicted rednecks

If you are coming it is best to visit a small town where only white people live, so that you can enjoy the true southern culture.

Texas, excluding the east (niggers) and eastern coastal areas like Houston (Ethnokalishnastani Chemical Industrial Complex) is unlike the other states in your map and has a more varied range of options than you would think but they are distributed over a much larger area.

Dont forget we all drink moonshine, play the banjo, watch NASCAR and fuck our sisters. Life here is pure hell and you should avoid coming here at all costs.

Also stay the fuck out of south florida you degenerate redneck scum.

they might banter with you for being Catholic, but it’ll all be in good fun

t. fellow catholic who’s lived in the South

Louisiana is filled with Italians, so it depends on where ya go. In my experience, apart from any breaking bad/deliverance-tier areas, the south is filled with people that won’t fuck with you if you don’t fuck with them. Food is really good too.

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That's correct cletus, how do you have electricity and when were you taught to read and write?

Also they are jesus freaks.

Yeah, it feels completely different from the average american accent, much more musical and interesting.

That sounds really interesting, definitely going to pass there when I visit.

Well, I'm an average Italian. In the winter I'm completely white, but in the summer I could probably be confused with a Latino

As someone who has lived in the South my whole life I must implore you not to come here. Our once great culture has been decimated by Jews and their pet feral niggers. Our cities are utter trash and you're not going to be able to find the halfway decent sanctuaries unless you have ample time to explore the backwoods. I would recommend going to Southern Missouri. Its still Southern in culture but doesn't have the packs of feral niggers. That, and, its absolutely gorgeous there.

A good number of southerners are hospitable to the point that even if you offended them, they wouldn't go on some tirade about it.

Visit Savannah.

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The Klan used to target some Catholics but nowadays you would probably be more accepted than any non christian, no one will give you any grief for it. Depending on how small the town is it might not have a catholic church but almost every city over 10,000 people will have a couple

Here's the (you), now fuck off.

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We are the most polite people you will meet in the US. We generally don't care too much about what others do so long as they work and don't attempt to impede our lives.

I remember watching Jamie Oliver go hog hunting with some northern Italians. And honestly, they could've been north Georgians if it wasn't for their language.

Nah, you're white, that's all tha matters these days. Just mind your manners and you'll be fine. Now if you're a nigger things get much more complicated.

None of that matters. Just keep your pure noble yankee friends away from our hellscape for your own sakes.

I grew up Catholic in a state that is %2 Catholic. People are pretty chill about it. These days people aren’t so bad about blaming the common Catholic, but reserve it for the Vatican Catholics. I have never had a person be weird to me because I’m Catholic, but some would talk shit about the Catholic Church. Even the Catholics here hate the he pope. Many are becoming sedavacanists(I think that’s how you spell it). There is usually a Catholic Church within driving distance. In Clarksdale, where I recommended you visit, there is definitely one. In fact there is a higher percentage of Catholics there than most of the state. Also there is a higher percentage of Italians in the Mississippi delta. I actually have a book called the Delta Italians written about this.

You’ll get shot or stabbed in sav...

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They’ll just be happy that you aren’t a degenerate and love Jesus. Just don’t go worshipping Mary or anything like that ;) Kek.

>I know there's a lot of in-fighting on this board, but I was wondering if people in the Deep South actually dislike Italians or not?

No, we reserve most of our hatred for Yankees and leftists. Some southerners don't like Mexicans mainly just because there's so damned many of them and Muslims for obvious reasons but that's pretty much the limit of our dislike for foreigners.

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It's hot and very humid nonstop. Luckily a/c is in every building since it's practically a must for survival.

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You'll get shot or stabbed in any city in which you go out of your way to visit the niggerfied sections of it.

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Wow, that looks amazing.

North Carolina is best State. Its the antebellum southern homeland

Atlanta is not exactly representative of the rural south but its close. There are a lot of italian americans around.....You'll be is a melting pot if you have something to offer this country....

Be nice to the negroes for they are easily offended...
Its fiction, but Forrest Gump is good to realize some southern things....

If I were going to recommend things to do...Atlanta has a ton of things from urban to natural....Chattanooga, Nashville, Birmingham, Savannah, St. Augustine. Asheville, Charlotte. Charleston. All deep in southern could just pick two or three & be fine....

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The entire deep south is a sprawling methamphetamine addicted trailer park.
