wtf how are we gonna handle this problem Jow Forums?
Wtf how are we gonna handle this problem Jow Forums?
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You repeal the Amendment allowing for direct election of Senators.
It's simple
We gas the kikes
What a fucking jew
We should just burn the Constitution and let the mob rule
>checks and balances defends against mob rule
>this is somehow a bad thing
those 15 states will determine both the house and the presidency, and somehow they're complaining that they don't also get the senate
Popular opinion doesn't mean something is right or correct. That's the fault with democracy and any sort of majority rules system.
>population condensation
>they will be more rural
This is probably one of the most retarded things I've read all day and that's saying something
Divide the states into two nations again. Because once there are no swing states left, and there will not be in the future this person sees, then democracy and republicanism are both dead here and there's no point.
And how many house representatives of congress will they elect? Learn basic civics ffs. Senate is for equalizing across the states, house reflects the population size. This is to prevent one state from dictating the others to BALANCE the power.
I’ve said it for years. Shitlibs self segregate and dilute their power.
Sucks for them.
>I'm very Jewish to say the least
Looking for some fucks to give.
What other retarded shit have you read today?
>((( )))
The jews have to leave. They can take the rest of the shitskins with them, and maybe drop some niggers in the ocean for good measure.
But if they're old and white that's unironically probably a good thing, let's just let this thread go to sleep and never talk about this again.
They want to blow everything up yet get their feelings hurt when somebody makes a joke. No real solutions, just flinging shit around
Based founding fathers save our nation from destruction once again
which problem?
the fact that jews can openly talk about white people is the problem
>by 2040 or so, 70 percent of Americans will live in 15 states
this is the power of jewish intelligence.
I'm so sick of this shit, just let it end. I never wanted to be an anti-semite, but it's so hard once you see how things are.
>minorities ruling is a bad thing
Don't be so racist
>In 1790 about 60% of people lived in 5 out of the 16 states and territories
>How could the Founding Father ever have foreseen 30% of the states having a majority of people?
>This is not what the country was found on!
>hamilton thought people were so devisive naturally they wouldn't know which rights to take away!
Constitution was written by statists.
>the demographics of the electorate aren't favourable to me, therefore they are bad
Absolutely. Every time I see a kike in real life I'm waiting for it to say something so I can name it publicly.
>Oh, yeah? Well you're a lying kike! Fuck you!
I want to murder them until they leave, and I can't be the only one.
wow good stuff