If Jews want to destroy the white race to turn the races of men into an easily controlled populace, why aren't they going after Asians, who have higher average IQs?
If Jews want to destroy the white race to turn the races of men into an easily controlled populace...
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they're trying but china and japan told soros to fuck off and arent accepting immigrants freely like the retarded anglo countries are
Khazars/Ashkenazis were originally from Mongolia. They were kicked out for being too violent. That says a lot, but that is probably the reason for Asians being protected by them.
Just look at their countries.
They obviously aren't cucks and wouldn't put up with anything close to the bullshit Western countries do and already have.
Jews also don't look like them so it's harder for them to infiltrate since they are very obviously an outgroup to them.
My cock
Asians have no creative thought. They are insects.
It's kind of hard to race mix them too. The goal is to get the body to change not so much the color.
Asian + African = Dark Asian ( Not light African )
Asian + European = Light Asian ( Not brown European )
>easily controlled populace
asians already are.
Because this breaks the Jew scheme narrative
What's with all the artsy Asian stuff if they have no creative thoughts?
They are going after east asians, look at the UN doctrine on replacing the populations of East Asian countries like Korea and Japan.
asians are docile and easy to control
Why do they need replacement migration if robots come into being.
>That list of nations
>Yeah, let's get the goyim and their yellow friends, to
Bring it the fuck on I say, there's a noose waiting for every kike on the day of the rope
IQ doesn't mean shit when you are soulless, collectivist insectoids.
There is a reason Asians needed the white man to give them advanced technology.
You see, the Jews are destroying races one race at a time. First they ruin the niggers, then the sandniggers, and so on, now they're ruining whites, and Asians are next.
This is already happening btw, Abe has loosened the immigration laws and has permitted 5+ million non-Japanese into the country in the past few years, with further plans for another 200,000 Indian IT workers
>Jews also don't look like them so it's harder for them to infiltrate since they are very obviously an outgroup to them.
>implying Asians (chinks in particular) aren't the perfect bugmen begging to be enslaved (as they have been the majority of their history) for the glorious Khazar masterrace
The Chinese population will literally slave away for eternity and never revolt against their leaders, they will even eat their own and will have no problems with their new (((leadership))) eating and drinking their children.
Why do you think the kikes have put so much effort into getting the Western world to prop up China and move all their industries there?
The kikes are even starting their mass migration to China already to solidify their own positions in the Chinese hierarchy.
This however isn't the case for Korea and Japan... so they've gotta go get BLACKed to stay out the way of the new Sino-semetic world order (previously anglo-semetic)
So the big game plan
>move all industry and wealth from the Western world to China
>China will be the new world power
>europeans will engulf themselves into a war with arabs
>mainland Europe will get BLACKed
>mainland ME will get BOMBed
>mainland America will get BEANed
>mainland Canada, Australia and New Zealand will get CHINKed
>mainland UK will get PAKIed
>without any whites left, the 100% shitskins population of Europe, Americas, Japan, Australia and Africa will die of starvation
>Greater Israel will expand into the completely unpopulated Europe, Americas, Africa and Australia
>kikes will collapse chink economy
>kikes will let chink mass starve
>kikes will wage war against remaining chinks
>kikes will exterminate them
>kikes will use MACHINES developed by the old extinct Europeans to perform the work people thought would be done by low iq mixed populations
There will be no slave class, machines will be their slaves. They will exterminate EVERYONE until only they remain.
A slave class will only eventually lead to revolt or mixing with their own. Essentially a chance for goyim to rise or for them to fall. Why risk it when u have machines?
because all those theories attacking whites originated in the Frankfurt School in Germany. if the Frankfurt School had been in China it would've been the Asians who are hated and having calls for mass immigration. Its the ideology thats the true evil, and why day of the rope is going to be fantastic.
Mutilated Jews don't feel as threatened by the categorically smaller Asian penis.
>easily controlled populace
implying asians need to be made in to this
Why even produce shit in china? Waages there are going up and its not that cheap anymore. Itgs all scam and shit quality. Trump is doing the right thing with his trade war. Tarif the shit out of china and produce the shit we need cheap in mexico and romania or something.
>higher IQs
>easily controlled
>why aren't they going after Asians.
You answered your own question.
>easily controlled populace,
possibly this. asians are less prone to political correctness and self destructive ideals such as diversity, tolerance, and race blindness compared to whites. real asians are more race aware and their governments aren't ZOG.
because they're weak manlets
chinese are already brainwashed commies
japaneses are betas
dont know much about koreans
Mainly this reason, they don't look like them and are obviously an outgroup.
The high IQ Asian meme is just a demoralization tactic to use against whites
>japaneses are betas
maybe individually, but collectively they are proud of their heritage and won't let non japs flood their country
Once they're done with the whites, they'll attack. Japan is going down first as it's dying.
Koreans are preening pansies more concerned with looking good than anything.
Because the Jew fears the Samurai.
>all the dumb goyim in this thread who don't know that one of Mao Zedong's top advisors was a jew
Because Asians have always been collectivist in nature. Asians require a ruler to tell them what to do. It's "mission accomplished" already for Asians.
Whites still have a grain of individualism. That individualism is the "problem".
IQ alone doesn't make a society great or threatening
The Jews control China and Japan, those countries are absolutely compromised. Japan is a literal satellite nation of the US, it’s culture was stripped and replaced with corporatism. China’s sovereignty was controlled back during the 20th century, the communist regime is controlled opposition
They're already genetically bugmen. They self-subjugate whenever given the chance.
Chinks are insectoids that cheat on their iq scores. Japs are a bit better and (((they))) are trying their very best to immigrate millions to them.
They try, but they lack a solid foothold in those countries. Lesser Korea let in like ten sandniggers and the Koreans were out in the streets.
If Europeans lose the battle with their Judaic infection the diaspora may move to East Asia.
is the high iq jew as well? or are jews really the master race?
I would disagree. China, despite being nominally communist, still basically behaves the same way China always has. The lesser states in East Asia are all naturally puppets of either America or China but even the American puppets aren't totally ZOG-controlled the way Western Europe is.
Don't forget, Japan, the country legally forbidden from having a military, has a better military than Germany.
I would be willing to believe that one particular number is a little higher on average, but I regard it as meme-tier because the difference is small anyway and Jews as a people are mentally deficient in other ways.
It'd be like trying to say that maybe blacks or whites have bigger dicks on average when really it's not by much either way and more like a difference in the shape of the distribution of sizes.
Because Asians/China don't give a fuck about >Muh Biblical Significance of Israel.
There isn't one ni the first place. The West somehow forgot to stop falling for Jewish lies.
American high-church Protestants, who constituted the previous elite, have a comparable IQ to Ashkenazim (I think it's 110 vs 112).
The thing about Ashkenazim is that they're a race with only an intellectual class. There is no Ashkenazim worker class, soldier class, etc., so their average IQ is higher.
Sounds positively parasitic.
wtf are you talking about. They hold up their members of society who do functional as an intellectual class but tons of them are postal carriers, grocery baggers, soldiers, barbers, loafing landlords who pay other people to do all the skilled work, middle men who just profit off of transferring shlock from one nepotist to the other. They have an entire class that does nothing but sit around and get neurotic about a bunch of rules that have nothing to do with their alleged religion while the rest of the community pays for it.
For some dumb reason the goyim believe the lies the Jews tell them and themselves about high noble and great they are.
Don't worry, they'll get around to them soon enough. Trust me, there will be some crisis that will require immigration to and fro China/Korea/Japan/etc. soon enough. They just need to get them into 'first world' status so they can brainwash them all with music and movies first.
They did stupid. Jewish bankers financed and backed communism in Asia.
>why aren't they going after the harder target?
What was the opium trade that led to two wars, Alex?
The kikes failed and are using the same tactics now against whites. Afghan poppy right into Europe and America.
they fucking are, except, their offspring have other ideas
Jews don't hate the white race, they hate intelligent christians which happen to be a large majority white people. Judaism was formed in response to christianity to destroy it. They do not worship the same god as us. They are antichrist and sons of their father, a liar from the beginning.
Lol America literally owns all of East Asia and America is owned by the Jews.
asians are more naturally subservient to authority. Just look at their own countries. Look at how they vote in the west, for more government control.
Being smart isn't the only thing. White people are the only ones who have the power and will to conquer the world.
We dont have the same hive mind.
That's what they are, if you take the perspective of civilizations being higher-order organisms. They're a hostile elite, obligate parasites, an infection of which weakens and potentially kills the host.
I didn't say that every Jew was an intellectual. I said that every Ashkenazi Jew has the intellectual phenotype, so to speak. That neurosis you're talking about comes from thinking too much. Trust me, what I'm saying isn't a compliment.
They used to have a worker class (Polish and Russian Jews) but they killed them during the Holocaust.
asians are tired of war after multiple millenia of conflicts.
kikes fear the samurai
asians do not believe in god's chosen ones bullshit
china will just use flamethrowers on refugees
The aftermath of the opium trade leftva power vacuum in China, the west filled it and you would be foolish to believe they removed themselves from that position. Their occupation brought forth many institutions, one of them being a Yale College, guess who was in attebdende? Mai Zedong, the future ruler of the nation, a puppet of the west. Realize that the capitalism/communism dichotomy is meaningless to those that control worldly affairs as those two economic systems are both a productv, created and governed by them.
Individualism vs Collectivism is the fundamental struggle right now. Taking responsibility vs abdicating responsibility to the group. We can only grow together by growing individually. Each soul has to make it on their own merit. To let the tribe do things for you and shirk responsibility is animalistic.
he may be referring to the fact that jews over represent elite classes, despite their relatively small population
>Asians, who have higher average IQs?
That's not truthful.
The tests are not representative.
Look at China. It grew thanks to foreign investors.
If they pull out China is fucked.
>I said that every Ashkenazi Jew has the intellectual phenotype, so to speak
I just don't agree with that at all. Possibly they may have a greater average inclination toward that, but from my experience it's just a cultural thing they pick up from pilulling rabbies and an expectation of jewing each other around all the time and desiring to appear like they're upstanding valuable members of the community.
Here again, I think a lot of that comes down to the cultural expectation that a person should hold some high office or other, and that Jews are the chosen superior race so it's right that they ought to.
Yeah. Basically my claim is that Jews are an IQ top-heavy race, basically equivalent to the elite class of other societies, but without a body. They usurp the elite of other nations and parasitize the lower classes.
Also note that 110 is not an elite IQ. 110 is middle manager-tier.
Asians are good at memorization but not creativity like the Caucasians.
Asians are already easily controlled. Plus they work hard at what they're assigned. They're already the perfect golems
>lol no matter what you do, who you're talking to, what you're reading, what you're watching, who you hate, who you like, who your parents are, it's all da joos
This is you.
The Jew fears the Samurai.
>and that Jews are the chosen superior race so it's right that they ought to.
could also be nepotism
>Individualism vs Collectivism
Why not both?
Yeah, definite factor. They'll straight up think and do things just because it's good for the tribe.
>Oh, the store is called "Metlzebergers?"
>Oh, let's go shopping there!
Update for Jow Forums
South Korea recently accepted few hundreds of refugees from Yemen into their southern island, Jeju island.
These people are all Muslims and they claim they will never let go of their traditions. Our recently elected North Korean loving leftist government in South Korea is doing their best to ignore the public outcry not to let these muslims in. As far as I know, more than 500,000 signed on petition to kick this refugees out. South Korean government has been acting like a populist regime, claiming they listen to public, but only on this matter they are ignoring the public.
Also, these muslims are using their wits to get to the main island by faking illness and claiming the "wage" isn't high enough.
South Koreans are raging all over right now. But as you know, stupid leftist government of theirs will use every power they have to weaken the public unity.
I, as a gook myself, believe South Korea is the weak chain for the jews and the communists in East Asia. Watch out folks, you got a traitor for an ally
We can act collectively to help those people who are by nature individualistic and take responsibility for themselves and their family ie white christians
>believe South Korea is the weak chain
I've thought the same thing. Thankfully all the Asian nations still hate each other so there's no chance of any Schengen Area style Jewery, right?
SK wouldn't be the only place in that part of the world that fell for Muslim Tricks. I would hope that Asia-Pacific has enough experience with how the Muslims there operate like a criminal cancerous parallel society.
Because Jews aren't even legal in China.
>This is a list of ethnic groups in China that are not officially recognized by the government of the People's Republic of China.
>Jews (犹太; Traditional: 猶太; Yóutài) (Jewish people of China and Jewish people in general)
And besides the Jews don't own Chinese bank and don't lobby into Chinese government.
Japan on other hand is getting migrants, since Shinzo Abe is anti-Communist aka pro-Jewish.
>current Prime Minister of Japan
>moved to the United States and studied public policy at the University of Southern California's School of Public Policy
>Abe was elected as the president of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party
>In a bid to address the nation’s acute labor shortages, the government aims to draw up a plan by summer to reform the immigration system in order to allow in more professional and skilled foreign workers, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
>George Soros came into 2013 with a large currency bet: shorting the Japanese yen amid intense monetary easing encouraged by the administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
They have tried and are still trying unless you missed the me too horseshit and the push for Japan to take migrants because their aging workforce.
They are! Have you not read some of the many articles by Jewish economists, and journalists etc. Urging Japan to embrace mass immigration and multiculturalism??
But to be honest. The East Asians are also so woke and based and don't have white guilt or been assaulted by (((Culture Marxism))) and (((Critical Theory)))
So they can't be subverted as easily as whites
>because their aging workforce
What has that got to do with anything?
You have towns with 100 people and they survive.
Nobody is accepting multiculturalism you dumb capitalistic shithole. They are embracing integration of capitalism.
The goal is worldwide communism. Asians already have proven they make good commie cattle.
Jews love loans ponzi schemes. So they view Japan's economy as a ponzi scheme that needs more people to pay off the loans and keep the ponzi scheme going.
No it isn't, the goal is world-wide free trade and EU is a right wing capitalistic project, NATO is anti-Communistic army. EU was created by 100% Christians and right wing political parties.
Money is nothing else than ticket for work. There's no such thing as too little people to sustain economy. 10 people can create economy. They want more ants to work for them, that's all. They be printing money and employing more ants, nothing else. There's no such thing as bad low birthrate.
Asians are too stronk for them.
They cannot simply infiltrate and subvert China, so they will have no choice but to use their golem to destroy them first. Then they can help them "rebuild".
Koreans are...
>dumb, uneducated
>hates Japan because government educates them to do so, also hates China because why not
>Blinded by hatred, ignores long-term profits in exchange for feeling short-term superiority.
>Still tribal, believes in weird alternative medicine called "한방"
>Majority of population believes in fake christianity
>Hates corporations and claim the government should increase taxation of corporation even more (despite the fact that Korean companies are one of the highest tax payers in the OECD), and claims to decrease tax for the middle class
>People hate everyone who are better themselves
>People are rude, throws garbages on the street and feel any guilt what so ever
Basically Koreans are 19th century Russians who wished for the worst for their neighbors and friends to feel better
>t. gook hating gook
I'm not a fan of capitalism any more than you but you have to understand that in the west the situation is a bit different. Here, nationalists are considered right-wing even if they don't embrace capitalism.
Because Japanese are superior to jews and "whites"
history proves who their foremost threat is, with regards to their desire for world domination, and the literal enslavement of mankind.
Western man has dominated virtually every last aspect of the world for millennia... in comparison, this IQ nonsense seems trivial. Asians are technically bright, much like a calculator is technically good at math, but they obviously lack something, if history is any guide
>who have higher average IQs
says the asian countries where they make false government reports and run over many children every day.
asians are machines and lack creative free form thought
I agree. The problem is that if you fall in to the trap of building your economy around ponzi scheme loans in the form of pensions or whatever, then this sets up significant social tension if there isn't enough coming in to the system to take care of the pensioners.
Same thing in the US: you're expected to give your earnings for the Jews to take care of so they can make money in the markets and then give you more money back for retirement later on, but then when the system doesn't work right you have a lot of people trapped wondering how to retire and now slave to the Jews who hold the money. Now you have the classic parasite situation where you have to get hurt in order to detach the parasite.
Japan literally took 2 nukes and said "Is that all you got? We have more important things to do than go extinct."