Why do the Jews promote race mixing?

Why do the Jews promote race mixing?

What's in it for them?

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Sup niggerlover?

Is that Idris Elba?

Part and parcel


the offspring will have shit for brains

A mixed race slave class that they can use for manual labor for generations without having to worry about a revolt because they all have an IQ of 85

While also whipping out the whites, their only threat. So two birds with one stone.

Forgot to add that part

Getting all you bitch made white boys in your feelings and ignoring the other things they’re doing. I swear nothing makes you faggots chimp out like a BM/WF thread.

Disrupt nationalism.
Jews form insulated groups within the host community. If the host community has a very clear cultural background, the actions of the jew are more easily noticed.
In a globalist society full of various disaffected ethnic groups, jews just blend in. Theyre just another ethnic group among many.

Just be careful that they're everywhere.

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dumber offspring which slaves off in their work hivemind while living hedonistic lives

But I thought whites were already subjugated.

It seems like middle class whites are easier to control than blacks from the ghetto.

they know the whites are the superior race, it makes their shit itch

Making future (((humans))) too stupid to do anything except work and follow orders

They literally stole the idea from an angry hapa who was probably told he wasn't white enough to hang with the cool kids
To any yellow fever fags reading this, do you still think race mixing with Asians is a good thing?
>"The only thing that can cure his yellow fever is a bullet"

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I don't get the problem with race mixing between Blacks and whites. You get the high intellect of the white and the physical superiority of the Black.
Win win.

It is a race war and jewz are winning unfortunately.

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But aren't most people like that anyway? 99% of people don't "revolt against the system" except when they go through their goth/punk phase as a teenager.

Also this. Whites are smarter and blacks are better at sports and physical activities. The combination should be perfect.

He's the piece of shit who inspired jews to do what they're doing now.

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They like the bbc.

black people are not physically superior to white people nor are white people intellectualy superior to black people those are lies that the elites spread to incite infighting and thus rule the masses with more ease


It's only half time since WW2. Things will pick up again and the jews will have their day of reckoning. They have been shaking in fear of us since Commander Rockwell and Dr. Pierce. It's why they have things like the ADL and SPLC. They are afraid

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Miscegenation offsprings aren't low IQ on average, they are in fact way more dangerous for the white people.
Mulatos have barely a choice : either they promote multiculturalism, or they have litteraly no other purpose but act like primitive animals.
Consume. Procreate. Repeat.
Identity crisis can be found with some mulatos because they litteraly don't know where they're from. The same thing happens amongst white/black/asians people with heavy cultural backgrounds, but the solution is far more easier than mixed people.
Some mixed people might be alright in their shoes and tell everyone, but they are a monority, just like Meghan Markle. I knew a mulato, friend of mine. I can tell you he had identity issues and promoted rather his white part than his black part, even if he never met his father ( the white part). How did he not end depressive ? acted like a degenerate rat.

easier control of the debt serfs through diminished IQ, and erosion of social race cohesion. They also have a large vanguard of minority voter drones, that will only grow.

pure revenge

Literally nothing will happen. Race mixing will continue. You're powerless to stop it. Everyone is pacisified by media and their shiny little "things".
You've lost the culture war.

Revenge for what?

Racial supremacy: they don't racemix.
Destroying nations by their root: erasing racial identity.

Just one of the cultural psyops towards the (((NWO))).

It turns out that stupid people with zero cultural identity are relatively easy to manipulate.

Mental health and neuro-psychological assessment of the typical politically incorrect poster.

Pepe Frog, MD, MPH, PhD, Wojack Feel Guy,MD, PhD
University of Meme,Kek State

Behind all the hate.Behind all the monkey and KANGZ memes,Tyrone sheeit comics,gifs,demotivational pictures, and webms - pol/ users secretly admire the Negro.Every three or four threads created on the board you will find one discussing them.The raw brass confident masculinity that they possess which they are quick to compare to a feral animal,and yet at the same time acknowledge is what women truly desire at their core and what is lacking in many white heterosexual unions.Their intrinsic ruggedness that enables them to stamp their mark on any field of physical activity that they enter.The amazing sense of rhythm that they naturally seem to possess that they liken to ape gesticulations and yet are oh so majestic to witness.Then there is the stereotype of the black man's sexuality,particularly his phallus.It has become a bodily protuberance of myth and legend.There is a reason that r/AsianMasculinity trolls are laughed off while BBC and Blacked generates anger and solemn disdain.For where the asian man's masculinity is considered a joke the black man's is a threat to be taken with utmost seriousness,for there may be a kernel of truth to it. Based on our assessment,doctor Wojack and I have thus concluded that pol/ is a board populated with manic depressive autistic shizoid individuals afflicted with a sort of Freudian-Jungian-Pavlovian psychopathological negroid-complex.

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Jews hate niggers. What is the fastest, easiest way to delete their race? Guilt the shit out of the prettiest white girls into dating and fucking them. Also, Jews hate whites. Jews hate everyone, with a passion.

There will always be a cultural segregation. A lot of people will racemix, and some will sustain their white lineage. If all the remaining white ally they could litteraly build the dreamt ethnostate.
Don't worry my brown friend, no one wants to genocide you. This is jewish slang for making you useful for them against the whites.

that (((almost))) everyone looks alike so we don't have to squabble over such insignificant things like race. what, are you against people coming together?

I'm white myself.
But racial purists are just cringey at this point.

The same reason they promote mass immigration, homosexuality, abortions, free birth control, and anti-white propaganda. They hate us and they want us to disappear.

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yeah keep posting this copy pasta nigger.

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That image just screams beastilty even we poo are fade up with this. I can remember last time when I went to see black panther in theatre people were just yelling and mocking the cast by saying niggers

Why's whitey so goddamn worried about it?

"You've lost the culture war" - maybe that's why most of the political channels on youtube are right-wing along with Jow Forums and the gaming fanbase and such......y'know the places where the youngsters hang....

Black pride is a thing, asian pride is a thing, white pride is seen as a bad thing.
You think you're white ? You don't act like one I can tell you. Your lineage will be destroyed forever and I don't give a shit about this. Do whatever you want, if you don't think that whitness has to be preserved then your path through knowledge isn't even in the middle.
I'm not a racist, I'm an ecologist.

Prematurity and Low Birth Weight as Potential Mediators of Higher Stillbirth Risk in Mixed Black/White Race Couples

Diversity is a threat for social cohesion and lowers social trust between individuals


>Uit het voorgaande blijkt dat Putnams hypothese – etnische diversiteit erodeert
>het sociaal kapitaal – niet zonder meer kan worden verworpen of aangenomen.
>Etnische diversiteit heeft vooral effect op buurtverhoudingen. Dat komt overigens
>ook naar voren in het werk van Putnam. Daarom hebben we zelf een uitgebreide
>analyse gemaakt van het verband tussen diversiteit en een belangrijk indicator van
>buurtverhoudingen, namelijk de buurtcohesie. Buurtcohesie betreft de sterkte of
>zwakte van de contacten en bindingen tussen bewoners.

>From the above it appears that Putnam's hypothesis - ethnic diversity erodes
>social capital - can not simply be rejected or adopted.
>Ethnic diversity mainly affects neighborhood relationships. That is, by the way
>also forward in the work of Putnam. That's why we have a comprehensive
>analysis made of the relationship between diversity and an important indicator of
>neighborhood relations, namely or neighborhood cohesion. Neighborhood cohesion concerns the strength or
>weakness of contacts in connections between residents.

This is not jewish psychological bullshit. I know it could be a bit burning but the truth and reality will always prevail.

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As a parasite, it's hard to mimic the host in ethnonationalist states. The Jew cannot keep up kiking, so blending races gives the jew opportunity to subjugate their host even more thoroughly. Mutts lack identity and cohesion, so tribalism won't be an issue that the Jew have to deal with. The Jew is only interested in power and a dumb host that won't be asking any questions, so a slave race is exactly in their interest.

>Its just your home goy, why are you worried?

They want to enslave the whole world. To achieve this they need to destroy nationalism. And what better way to do this than getting rid of the foundation, the nation. They want to rule over a muttified, raceless, nationless horde. They promote everything that disintegrates the ethnic and cultural majority: Immigration and decadence. This results in a mess of mongrels that cannot organize, doesn't share beliefs and thus cannot free itself from the jew, or even recognize the eternal banking jew as a threat.

they promote it for everyone but themselves. they want all the other ethnicity to dilute, leaving people with a weaker sense of identity.

It's because whites were the only people in existence to actually threaten their existence.


Miscegenation lowers the viability of offspring. You end up creating Africans with enough admixture to be dangerous.


This. They literally believe all of the non-Jews will be their slaves one day.