Daily reminder that you`re literally a subhuman if you don`t like dogs or atleast tolerate them. and that goes above everything else. even niggers and shitskins are better than people who hate dogs
Daily reminder that you`re literally a subhuman if you don`t like dogs or atleast tolerate them...
Dogs are great, I love dogs, can’t get enough of them
based doggos
Not all dogs are equal. Fuck Pitniggers.
of course they`re not all equal, but that also doesn`t mean that every pitnigger goes up crunching on some kids. they`re like special people who need extra care
post your doggos r8 mine pic related
Do you like your dogs well done or medium rare?
I think this dog has Autism.
proving me right good job fellas
Very true. Dog eating nations need to be ethnically cleansed
Bases border collie
Owning dogs for non-working purposes is degenerate. They're animals, not substitutes for human companionship.
Ive known great Pits but they should not be breed anymore. They just need a good doggo life until their shitty line goes out.
>inb4 someone post webm. with dogs abused by nogs
Not a political thread.
Dogs are okay but those small, yapping rat-like cunts some people call dogs are useless.
Dog worship culture is fucking degenerate shit. OP and dog fuckers like him should be fucking drawn and quartered. Dogs are literally bred to love humans unconditionally.
I like jack russel dog here is why -
from medieval times to the industrialist revolution they were used to power the cooking spit using a hamster wheel. after this becomes automated they are used to chase down small children who attempt to escape the tin mines, coal factories, ect..
Found the niggers.
dogs are the best, sadly there are a lot of uneducated people in my country that treat them terribly
Dogs are submissive Bitches. Cats are alpha
oh and i agree with this, many families have little mutt yapping dogs here that do nothing but non stop bark, so even if they're meant to be guarding something it's useless because they're ALWAYS barking
i prefer cats.
dogs are fucking annoying.
Dogs are the niggers of the animal world: violent, stinky, retarded, poo in street, unclean, unpredictable, alpha/beta mentality (pack animals)
If you own one you probably have low IQ or are lonely