Thoughts on Varg Vikernes?

Thoughts on Varg Vikernes?

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he's a big guy

A bit crazy, his understanding of some science is child tier, he's flat out wrong about some of his facts, obsession with religious matters is irrelevant and overblown, he's unreasonable and unwilling to admit he's incorrect and that's a major character flaw, but he lives a lifestyle and has a general, keyword general, thought process that more people should mirror.

care to clarify on that thought process of his? sounds interesting

For you

He's a nigger faggot

>What do you think?
Lurk moar newfag.

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I think it's a shame that he's most people's introduction to paganism.

Autistic LARPer who lost his marbles and burned down a church and killed his friend. Did his time in a Norwegian hotel and now is a welfare bum in France.

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There's that word again


He's a massive waste of time and a retarded time sink.
He distracts from non-meme figures who are presentable and make actually good approachable points that you could even show to normies as a gateway to further redpilling like Jared Taylor.

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Can't fault me if it's true.

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Christian larping as a pagan.
He teaches his kids Christian values disguised as Pagan.

Snow nigger

wow same arguments on every thread why even bother?

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He's wrong about a lot of shit but I'm still grateful for his contribution to the discussion. He brought up some topics which needed to be discussed. There is value in Indo-European paganism and there is something wrong with mainstream Christianity. He takes it way too far but in a way that was necessary to shed light on the middle ground.

He is a Christian. His name is literally Christian. He’s still wrestling with it, though.

>claims to hate all Abrahamic religions
>burns down several churches
>doesn't even so much as scratch a Mosque or Synagogue

Varg is a kosher attack-goy deployed against other goys to keep them from aligning under a common cause. A tool for divide and conquer. Nothing more, nothing less.

What has paganism accomplished? Nothing, because you are another word for heathens.

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Has great advice on a micro scale, his homesteading and family life videos are my favourite. I consider it basically the idealistic life.

On the macro scale of society, he's clueless. He actually sounds like an idiot when he talks about global geopolitics. If he was put in charge, we'd be fucked.

This. In terms of family advice he's alright, but politically he's a fucking idiot.

Christianity is just Hellenistic Philosophy and Hellenistic philosophy is Indo-European since it originated with Greeks.

Since Germanics were also Indo-Europeans, Varg is basically hating on his own culture when he hates on Christianity. Even Varg's own advice (improve yourself, be rational, reject degeneracy etc) is just a carbon copy of Hellenistic era philosophy that you could see in any Hellenistic era philosophy like Stoicism, Epicureanism, or Christianity.

I guess fuck historic clothing, huh? Remember, it's only okay when nonwhites do it.

Fuck Germanic people, am I right?

The weeb cocksuckers on this board used to like him until he called Japan out in this video

Why are his videos in English?
The peoples he claims are white are not British nor are they American.
Kind of weird no?

He is a false prophet.

"I'm just going to hang out in nature. Be with my family. And be Pagan. Then everything is going to be fine, and their won't be any reason to get involved and stop the ongoing invasion of Europe".....

Apex chad

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He’s the Jordan Peterson of neopagans.

I don't think he considers the builders of Stone Henge to be white either...
I mean they were Celts and Druids right?
Originally from Iberia. Spain.
ie not white.

His wife is surely not THAT thicc

>still no reply 1h15m later
I think it's safe to say that our american friend is just talking out of his ass, making shit up as he goes.

"Emulate his fucking thought process". He's been focusing all of his mental energy on being a dindu nuffin and a victim mentality for the last twenty years. Truly the pinnacle of self improvement

Considering the fact that as far as the Scottish unilaterally believe that the Picts were scythians, anyone that tries to claim Stonehenge as being western pagan is a uniformed larper. That's not even getting to the fact the Stonehenge is even older than the aryanization of Europe.

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He plays a wicked game of Tetris

That guy looks like a semite

>even older than the aryanization of Europe.
Aryanization occurred after 2000 BC...
See this is what i am talking about
Verg only considers a very small group of whites white.
Scots Slavs Irish Britons French Germanics who emigrated out of Germany (anglo Saxons, lambardians)
Certainly no med would he consider white.
Fuck i don;t even think he thinks most Germans are white.
Why he fuck are his videos in English?
No first language English speaker meets his standard of white!

I've never watched one of his videos, but my opinion of him is that he must be decent because the shills are very concerned about him.

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only you ameriburgers like your precious capitalism

most people see that it's garbage

(((Varg Vikernes))) is a closeted (((Jew)))

Think about it like this, the Irish are either the same people that inhabited Ireland since like 6000 bc or they're the last sole celts which is why no one else is even closely related to them. Either way they didn't interbreed with aryan linguistic tribes until the scythians and their assorted brethren landed in Gaul.

This is not to say that the Gaels and Britons aren't white because they're related to ancient Persians but to bring notice to their partial non European ancestry, which happened over two aeons ago.
By comparison you have the Nordic peoples who interbred with Huns, Slavs, and Mongols. Actual low cultured savages. The Nordic peoples who the romans used like the US does Mexicans and are used as strawmen to explain how Christianity enriched the west. To treat Nordic peoples as the only whites would be like British Canadians claiming Scottish Americans aren't.

The your not white arguement is the period at the end of a sentence making excuses for their inherent lack of cohesion. I wonder why varg would dislike the Irish when the Norse intermarried with the Gaels all the time.

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In certain videos he implies he doesn't care about who is white and not white, but who is European and who is not European. And his definition of European is fairly standard, including Slavs, Meds, etc. IIRC