*changes your county's demographics*
*changes your county's demographics*
Gibs for votes. Literally the gibs for votes President.
As a Hungarian I simply can’t believe these numbers, why didn’t a string right wing populist reactionary branch develope as a reaction to what happened?
You just let it happen....
Ted Kennedy lied and said his immigration bill would not "upset the ethnic mix of this country". LBJ was more than happy to sign it
I know. We were fucked, but a bit before I even had a voice and the jew media was unchecked by such things as the Internet.
*changes your voting district*
literally who?
Yeah but was no right wing politician looking at the numbers and the changing face of America?
It’s literally like you have been sedated by Koop aid and high fructose glucose syrup and you’re waking up from this horrible past 50 years
tom delay you literal toddler
There was, but it was quickly incorporated into the Republican Party. Pic related, brown is the segregationists. The leader, George Wallace, was nearly assassinated on the campaign trail, leaving him crippled and unable to lead, killing that branch. Even though he was polling well beforehand.
Didn't recognize him.
So the Jews literally killed all the people who stood against their master plan
It’s freigtening the power they have
*kills Kennedy to do it*
i fucking hate lbj so god damn much.
if i had a time machine
i would go back in time, shoot his father in the face, and fuck his mother.
W-what if you already did? That makes you responsible for LBJ.
Maybe you did this and that’s why he hates white people?
wait, i know.
when i go back in time, shoot his father in the face, and fuck his mom, i'll just put it in her pooper!
crisis averted.
Old Bane Of America Johson. Fuck him.
LBJ is possibly the most loathsome politician america has ever had. This alone should speak volumes.
Pretty much, Wallace was lucky to escape with his life, to be honest.
Many others came before him, too, Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, Walt Disney, President Warren, Fr. Charles Coughlin, etc. All of them were threatened with their life or reputation or died in mysterious circumstances. That includes Kennedy, too, who no-one thought would win and did not involve the US in wars and dropped a lot of support for Israel. Also he campaigned against the end of segregation, anti-miscegenation laws, and a few others, so he needed to die too.
Mind the dribble, user. There's no small amount of doubt in my mind that LBJ was a backdoor dribble baby.
fuck it.
i'll just raw dog the bitch, and then shoot her in the face afterwords until it stops being funny.