Redpill on Religion

Religion is the ultimate separation from God.
The kingdom of God lies within you.
You are God.
I am God.
Everyone is God.
God is the Universe.
You are the Universe, experiencing itself.
We are all one.
We create our own realities.
You cannot find God, if you worship some fictional deity.
You have to look inwards.

Seek enlightenment.

Peace & Namaste.

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you are with but you are not.

>You are God.

Yeah, exactly, figured...

Jesus the son of God, is the ONLY truth and the ONLY way, period!

I do partly agree with these 2 statements though:
>Religion is the ultimate separation from God.
Yep, it's about relationship, not religion. Is there a law in my house that says "Scratch your wife's back because it makes her happy"? No, I do it because I'm in a love relationship with her.

It's the same with God. We love him, we have a personal relationship of prayer and obedience to with him, therefore we do what makes him happy, we do his will.

>The kingdom of God lies within you.
We are the body of Christ here on earth, we are part of the Kingdom of God, and since the Holy Spirit lives within us after we accept Jesus, and our bodies become the temple of God, in some sense this statement is true.

>God lies
They all are.

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>I am God.
t. Satan
Get out with this new age garbage.

What part of "We are all God" did you miss?

>You are God.
>I am God.

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It's bullshit.
Thinking that weak frail humans are gods is completely wrong.

That's what they want you to believe. Humans and especially human consiousness is far more powerful that you think. We can actually influence reality with our minds.

More meme garbage.


Do You Believe?

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>I am God

I know what you mean I think. But I think this is saying too much. Certainly you and everyone else are of God. But you cannot be God. You are merely human. To say you are in the image of God might be proper though.

Thanks for the post, it's a good one. Religion is a shell game, where the host hides the ball. God is always within and without at once.

Open your heart and you will find it. Search for synchronicity, but reflect on that which you love before all else if you will it to be a good first impression.

If you don't believe me, look into the law of attraction.

>Spout some vague bullshit in order to try and sound smart
Fucking brainlet

>In the New Thought philosophy, the Law of Attraction is the belief that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, people can bring positive or negative experiences into their life.[1][2] The belief is based on the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from "pure energy", and that through the process of "like energy attracting like energy" a person can improve their own health, wealth, and personal relationships.

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>Stop believing in fiction deities and use ur telekinesis

I can only imagine that this is nonChristian. Am I write?

>Well, no one can deprive them of their boasting about blood and the tribe of Israel. In the Old Testament they lost many a battle on that account. (No Jew understands this.) All prophets have chided them because of it, for it is a proud, carnal assumption without spirit and faith; but they have also been murdered and persecuted because of it.

Muh relationship

Get right and fight for whats right

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It's true and it happens to me all the time. You have to believe in your power. If you think you are a meek and weak human, you will get exactly that. Can't you see it?

That belief is older than judaism.
>muh jesus
fuck off kike

Most people do not want to accept the responsibility of having control of their destinies... much easier to let someone else be in charge and especially TAKE THE BLAME. They'd rather not even try and subconsciously they know this. New generations are coming in with this knowledge already as a genetic memory.

Yeah, it goes back to the day the serpent beguiled Eve and told her that she can be like God. And morons 6000 years later still falling for it.

You mean it goes back to the day jews said: goy, don't try to be a god?

>Nobel Prizes have been awarded to over 850 individuals. According to 100 Years of Nobel Prize (2005), a review of Nobel prizes awarded between 1901 and 2000, 65.4% of Nobel Prize Laureates, have identified Christianity in its various forms as their religious preference (427 prizes).
Yup, so good to abandon God, right?

Morons today still take Bible literally and are too dumb to actually interpret allegories.

Nobel Prizes aren't right about everything.

The story about the fall of man is no allegory. Satan possessed a snake and did talk to the woman.

Begone demiurge worshipper

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In Sufism you would get that

Look mate, God/Jesus and Satan is allegory for the universal dichotomy. They are personified versions of Yin and Yang. Satan does not exist, God does not exist (in the sense that they are separate entities). You are both, God and Satan, light and dark, 0 and 1, matter and anti.matter.

What the fuck, we are not all one, just because I aknowledge it's an old religious idea doesn't mean I support this nonsense.

>that 2018 year old boomer who thinks he's the Messiah

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>shoops monster
>doesn't shoop sunglasses

It's okay. Maybe one day you will see it.

No, fuck this shit, gnosticism is (somewhat) true, I achieved gnosis, you have to ignore religions or you will fall prey to the demiurge, you have a true Self inside, you find it trough meditation and you experience the god outside of religion and above the demiurge.

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As it is written: "A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject; Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself.

Yet I will tell you one last time that Jesus Christ is God and by believing on his name you, too, can receive forgiveness of sins and everlasting life.

>I achieved gnosis

I'm already on my path to heaven, didn't need your kike on a stick.

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God is only in you if you have accepted the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit indwells you. We are all born into sin because we are children of Adam (Eve sinned through ignorance. Adam sinned willingly to remain with her through even death.) We know sin like fish know water. Unfortunately, we are drowning and will eventually die of it.

God must punish sin to be just. He provided a sacrifice for you, if you are willing to accept it. If you refuse the pardon, you will bear the punishment.

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Has never occured to you that humans have a dark and a good side?

You are both, and it's up to you to decide how you shape your reality.

God is pure love. He does not reject the souls that did not open their hearts to him in this life.

Human is a buzzword, we do not really know how everyone else is internally, we assume that since they have the same organs they must be the same.
But spiritually I assure you I'm different from the majority of people.

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That'd be nice, but unfortunately the scriptures are clear that there's going to be a judgement for the unsaved, and the results will be very sore.

>the scriptures
Hey, what do you know, maybe reality doesn't revolve arround what some jews wrote long ago.

Free will allows you to believe those scriptures. You can not convince someone who was fortunate enough to get a second chance at life.
The other side is not a nightmare. Make peace with you past traumas, forgive yourself, and love yourself.

Jesus was just an enlightened man. A bodhisattva. His words corrupted by the church and used to their own nefarious power hungry ends.

"I am" is more deep than you know. We only are what we are. God "is". Whatever currently "is", is God.

What if i told you that ALL religions were invented in order to shape a moral society and to control the people.
If you are in constant fear about ending up in Hell, well, what does it do to a human?
Think hard and for yourself, don't let a book tell you how to live your life.

This is an incomplete picture. You contain the image of God, but you have to follow christ to get closer to the father.

sounds better than a dead jew on a stick, or a paedo prophet or any other stupid Abrahmic religion.
But I dont think mentally ill fucking trannies are God.

t. satan

Hell is a real place you end up when you intentional move away from what is good.

"You are God."
"I am God."

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Also: i'm not dismissing the Gospel of Jesus and his teachings. I think Jesus was a good man, but his words have been corrupted by cultists.

Yes. But Hell isn't this lake of fire or burning for eternity. It's a state of mind that you end up in, if you give yourself into the darkness.
You Reap What You Sow. And here we are again: law of attraction. Full circle.

You say you like his teaching and then turn around and say they have been corrupted. If the Bible is corrupted then how do you know what his teaching are, to go and like them?

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>If the Bible is corrupted then how do you know what his teaching are

Good question: it's a matter of deep research. As i said: seek answers and you will find them. There are uncorrupted versions of the Bible available, but the masses don't know or care about it. Many translations are just false. Also you can try it for yourself: just translate something on Google translate over and over again and you will understand.

An example:

The beast and 666. It's not referring to Satan, but to Nero. Also it's actually 616.

>You are God.
>I am God.
>Everyone is God.

And the fires of hell are already burning hot for you

Good job on cherry picking and misinterpreting my words. Just like the cultists back in the day that probably deliberatly corrupted Jesus words.