Is there a better way to test a persons true character than to see how he treats his fellow animals?

Is there a better way to test a persons true character than to see how he treats his fellow animals?

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yes, you are shit if you treat animals better than humans

There is an animal near you that is hurt, hit by a car or something right? Now, will you call animal control to come get it, or will you put it out of its misery yourself?
The animal is going to die and nothing can stop that. What will you do?

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Yeah, ok Muhammed.

Dogs are more loyal than any human will ever be. Why don't your people discover the virtues of toilet paper before telling the civilized world how to treat animals.

if i can tell for sure that he's mortally wounded and i have something at hand that will do it quickly, yeah i would


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>Dogs are more loyal than any human will ever be
Dogs are retarded wolves they dont know any better, meanwhile chimps are more intelligent and will randomly kill you for no reason no matter how nice you are to them.

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Here, Sven

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>chimps are more intelligent and will randomly kill
nigger detected

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I meant actual chimps you stupid fuck.

>Dogs are retarded wolves they dont know any better
They are beta cucks who bow to any creature that offers them food
Loyalty is only a human concept, they are just submissive to you for their own self interest

Niggers are not humans. niggers are subhumans and they need to be killed or send back to africa.

>Dogs are more loyal than any human will ever be.
>a cheap animal who follows you because of food will be more loyal to me than my own kin

>admitting actual chimps are less aggressive then sand people

Love how Jow Forums is so full of Mexicans and Moslems nowadays.

To niggers animals are just food so they dont give a shit how they treat them.

Yes. I've always said that people treat animals the exact same way they'd treat humans if they honestly believed they could get away with it.

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The greenpill is the final redpill

Caring about animals and the environment are traits only whites (and native americans) possess

You don't have to be a tree hugger, but showing no empathy for wildlife means you are not white

that is not what i meant but it still true when it comes to black people.
Animals do care somehow about their childrens, they will sacrifice themselves because of their nature. Niggers won't, they are truly anti-human monsters

Animals dont care like humans, they care in a robotic mindless manner while humans have deep concern. I have seen my own dogs watch their puppies die without a single shit given.

humans are animals too m8.

>doesn't understand animal nature
are you a nigger?

Only humans truely care for their young, animals are not cognitively capable of that except a few.


>Only humans
>except a few
listen to yourself idiot, become self-aware, that is the true sign of intelligence.

Dogs dont care about their young like us.

>Dogs dont care about their young like us.
humans can not care about their young just the same as dogs, just go to a abortion clinic, or a cildfree forum.

If only humans deserved better trreatment.

Stop comparing primates to canids retard.

nice augment, i feel bad for you, you cant accept humans are animals too.


>a species which has several offspring that starts running around after only a couple of weeks of doesnt pay as much attention to them as a species whos single offspring will die if left alone untill atleast a couple of years
i wonder why

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