>inb4 bonus an egg at easter
So as a White Christian, what are youre perks??
Other urls found in this thread:
Less financial aid obviously
+1 privilege
not going to hell
Not being a nigger
I work 60 hours a week to pay for my house and other horse shit I need. That’s my white privelage
so they're really talking about "the Jewish advantage", right?
>what are youre perks??
Being an actual human.
i don't rob rape and murder people all day long
>so comfy
My income gets taxed at roughly 1/3 to pay for niggers and illegal immigrants abusing welfare programs
-5 detection by guards
well i do consider knowing my father a perk, whether its unmerited or not remains to be seen.
kek…...my sides
>fox news
to have a father
Intelligence, wisdom and stamina. I can still put up with this shit and not even get tired of it.
>Live according to God's commands
>Received God's blessing in return
Really activates the almonds
Other white people like me better because we share a commonality that is shrinking. Whites are less prone to random acts of violence so we're trusted more to. Lastly if you're some one who is christian and white you are the intended person for this country. We're the best sorry not sorry.
Make Africa Great Again
>university seminar says
nailed it.
>unmerited perks
That's kind of an understatement of "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast."
As a Christian I have the "perk" of salvation. And guess what you get by complaining about it? Nothing. Just as in the parable of the workers in the Vinyard, God doesn't care about your notions of fairness.
My white perks are no criminal record, schooling, and a lack of reliance on drugs or alcohol
>be Black woman - pump out shiftless basturd kanglets so she can tell the niggahood 'bout baby daddy
>doesn't give 2 fuxx about da baby
>be Black man - fuck everything on two legs and some inanimate objects. have zero intention of ever being in their lives. his life goal is to get a long stint in prison for street creds and a toothless White meth-head land whale to marry and get conjugal weekend visits. +BONUS: all of the down-low sex he ever wanted
>be 14-year old quaing. fuck every nigger in the niggahood so she can talk 'bout dey baby-daddy. screw the kids she bears
>be kanglet. fuck every quaing in the niggahood with no intention of raising them
>never break the cycle
>always blame someone else
Mother Demands Someone Takes Care Of All Her 15 Kids
I thought libshits didn't care about meritocracy?
They just want to give niggers all our money.
>hirer lurning
>father with strong family values and worked hard
>had enough money so my mother could be a stay-at-home mom and raise my brother and I properly
>family had enough money saved up to pay for most of our college, relieving us of student debt
>father had enough experience to advise me on how to get a job in pretty short order
I'll admit I'm pretty privileged, but I don't think white skin was the reason
Absolutely communist propaganda
They really should take George Washingtons name off that place if they're going to be some fucking anti-American and bigoted like that
>god rewards the faithful
really makes me think
christians tend to do better because of the conservative values and tight communities. In the UK the religious schools do better as well although you could argue it's because they get to select their students and have smaller classes etc.
basically they do better and then it's call it unearned.
Because a cucked SJW university said so then it has to be true?
Damn, the left are the most retarded people on the planet.
>muh dick ol' school
Yep just more destruction of our social and family units. Communist.
My great-grandfather saved his money, bought a house and then all his kids served in the military and went to college on the GI bill which ensured all of them were entitled to be officers. Having served as officers in the military, my grandfather and his 7 siblings went on to lead successful lives and were able to send their children to college without those children having to enlist in the military. My mother in turn was also able to send me to college.
Essentially, then, even though my great-great-grandfather died a horrible death while commuting to and from his 16 hour a day factory job (he was crushed by the train, back in those days you commuted by illegally jumping into a moving train car) more than 100 years later my family has "made it" into the middle class due to generations of hard workers who have done their time, saved and provided an increasingly better standard of living for their children.
And then there's niggers who blow all their welfare cash on drugs then complain that whitey won't pay for more.
I wonder exactly who gets more unwarranted privileges here, I'm pretty sure it's the fat sheboon whose only source of income is government checks to pay for all the kids she shouldn't have had.
Hmm, no jewish privilege classes though. Very interesting.
Why do people not get that?
Our society even turns to shit the more we blaspheme and unrepentantly sin and rejoice in homosexuality and abortions. I can’t wait for the coming kingdom when Jesus physically removes these degenerates who hate him, and we can be blessed forever while praising him.
>30+ years of debt on house
>Miss a single tax payment = lean
>Car payments bigger than house payments in the 70's
>50-70 hour work weeks (muh salaried employee)
>Everything is expensive
>Have to pay huge taxes for endless war and welfare
>Have news, entertainment, clergy and (((fellow whites))) all tell me I'm shit all the time
Whew lads, loving this (((privilege))).
Redpill: The soviet union won the cold war in the end. Western institutions are successfully subverted by socialist/communist ideas.
>civil war
>cold war
again this is black people complaining, they have the highest rate of complaining of all races.
Their lives are a lot shittier, so it makes sense. The question is why? Are they systematically oppressed? Then why are there black ceo’s and lawyers and leaders? Are they on average less intelligent and incapable of fixing their life situation while biting any helping hand? Is there any solution to this?