>user, thanks for helping me with my Kant essay. But I want to be really upfront. I'm not romantically attracted to you in any way and I hope you don't expect any romantic favours for helping me. I don't want to seem like a bitch that promises you anything more than the satisfaction of helping someone, and maybe the opportunity to better understand the material yourself. Nothing personal, I'm just not attracted to you, I'm more in to tall, muscley, outgoing football players. Not the quiet, pent up, intense type like you.
User, thanks for helping me with my Kant essay. But I want to be really upfront...
The fuck is a kant essay?
Biitter, bong?
Seriously, I sat in an office next to one of these user women.
She'd dole out her work to a dozen incels, and it was sicking to watch them take their assignments and then report back.
Never heard of Immanuel Kant? Why are you here?
fuck you, also kant was basically retarded
>a woman being honest about not being attracted to someone instead of leading them on to get more free stuff/attention
thats a woman really worth pursuing
Let me suck your feet
Thank you user.
Easy, simple, and taken care of.
Stop thinking with your cock and allowing women to take advantage of you.
how are you going to pursue her, dumbfuck. she already friendzoned you
>Stacy, all I want is to help you complete the system of German idealism.
If a woman actually said this in private to you then you should respect her opinion and be glad that she didn't try to manipulate you for a long time.
asking for help with an essay isnt an invitation to fuck in the first place you retard
if the bitch isnt flirting or outright asking to fuck then she probably doesnt want to fuck
Unironically this. Thank her for her candidness and tell her you have no interest in being friends.
Let's not turn this rape into a murder.
What's with it with the foot fetish.
I mean, breast fetish means your mother ignored you.
Ass fetish means you're gay.
pussy fetish is an oxymoron
foot fetish... my gawd.
Bide your time for when she tries to use you again (and she will), offer to help again like a good little white knight, write a shit tier essay for her on purpose (make sure it is totally retarded), watch her fail miserably, when she comes to whine about it laugh at her.
walp time for you to find a new study partner. if poon isnt a possibility im not interested. have fun being a college drop out
i ended up marrying the person who wasnt interested in me at first, dumbfuck. maybe you just dont have any game
>helping her in the first place
Ha, GAY.
No, but seriously, never help out a girl who asks you who doesn't put forth any effort herself.
Bongfag, women don't like pussies. Most want to be collared, leashed, and spanked like whores.
Don't be such a pussy.
you think that's some kind of achievement, or even game? and it somehow makes your advice worthy?
you're a loser who fell for marriage. kys
>get laid every day, combined income, strong family unit to raise children properly in, twice the family to help support you during hard times
why are you so salty? is it because no one will ever love you?
t. Hedonist
That's completely ok. What kind of beta thinks that doing favors for a women will get her attracted to you ?
If a woman ever says this to you, laugh at her and say, "You thought I was trying to get with you? I'm so glad you said something... I'm sorry but you're not really my type. I'm just not into the superficial things. I need a girl who can keep up with an intelligent conversation. I think you're pretty and all that, but I don't know if I could ever be romantically involved with you... I hope this won't hurt our friendship."
Friend zone her, chicks hate that. Especially the superficial ones. It threatens their artificial sense of self-worth...
I remember this shit from high school. What you do is this...
Give them really good work three or four times. They never check it and always take full credit for it.
Then, you do something completely wrong. The first paragraph and the summary at the end need to look good. The rest should be barely above random gibberish. They will take credit before they know what they just turned in.
Then, enjoy the meltdown. Best thing is, you can probably apologize, say it was a word processor foul up, and repeat it at least once.
God damn incels
Stop bitching
Wwaahhh rejection waaaahhh
I wish I had done hot girl's homework in high school to do this. Instead I just copied from the hot girls.
In Latin class I passed back wrong answers on a test and a bunch of people used them. My teacher thought it was hilarious.
Okay, cool, that's fine.
>emails professor and let's him know I wrote it
You should have ended after one sentence. Don't explain why. Now you're in high IQ rick and Morty territory