We are Russians! What a delight!
-Alexander Suvorov
We are Russians! What a delight!
-Alexander Suvorov
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I like you guys. If you honestly did hack our election and Trump is a Putin puppet. He's doing just fine in my book.
-Mikhail Kutuzov
He lead Russia in its fight against Napoleon and the entire Europe (which he took under control).
All Germans generals failed, but Kutuzov defeated Napoleon's "great army", because he is Russian.
the only things russians ever did that were decent was their architecture.
new russian empire when
It's the other way around, retard. The only Russian architecture ever was in 1920's, it wasn't impressive, everything else was copied.
Russia did things in all other fields though.
Igor Sikorsky, creator of the first heavy bombarder and the first helicopter.
Fedor Dostoevsky.
Pick one.
Brave Russians were defending Russian city Sevastopol (Crimea) for 360 days against larger forces of Anglo and French dogs.
> Thanks God, we are Russians
-Alexander III
I wonder if you will ever recover from communism, lol.
> Two Romes have fallen. The third stands. And there will be no fourth. No one shall replace your Christian Tsardom!
Moscow is a Third Rome.
Nope, we germanz wuz da third romanz n' shiet.
the Russian aristocracy was truly admirable blood... before the ((bolshevik revolution)) had them all slaughtered, they were firmly amongst the cream of the crop of humanity.
The Russians are waking to exactly what happened to the Romanovs et al... this is why the jew wants them dealt with, and quickly
Fuck off you ruSSsian scum we ukranians are superhumans oyu trash scum, we have built civilization and made the black sea!!111
The question is if they ever recover from the fall of communism
How intelligent. Ukranians are turks.
also this, one of the best things i've seen in a long while:
Are hohols even human?
sorry to break it to you, but you folks are impostors
there is no real continuity between The first two Romes and any 'Third Wannabe'
The Byzantines literally were Romans. Russian monarchy is a mix of Byzantine, Mongol and Tatar leadership ideas and if you look at the 15-17th century Russian uniforms and customs, you'll notice
so, larp as much as you want and brainwash 19-year old incels here, but any thinknng man knows that Russia's nowhere close to being any Rome, third or thirteenth
Russians are subhuman niggers
I like Shostakovich
Hello, Ahmed.
all you need to know about the Third Rome and the state of an average 'Roman's dignity
>the Russian aristocracy was truly admirable blood
Because the Russian aristocracy was GERMAN, not slavic.
>he got drunk again at work