Will the third temple ever be built? I'm so tired of waiting. Israelfags, why not today? Now is your best chance as long as Trump is in office. The next president might not be so Jew-friendly.
Will the third temple ever be built? I'm so tired of waiting. Israelfags, why not today...
>Will the third temple ever be built?
>why not today?
because we still have 3 more horsemen to go.
Once the temple is built, all of Israel gets holocaust in thermonuclear fire.
Then the satanist come out and tell us how they took care of the Jew problem, blame "God's chosen people" for the miserable war and we are ordered to embrace satanism.
Might just work.
Those that live, the 7% of humanity, are bug eating slaves.
why would you want an abomination to be built.
So that the End may begin
>Will the third temple ever be built?
No the kikes will be exterminated before that happens and all the christfags who tell you otherwise will also be exterminated along with the kikes.
It’s already been built user
Nothing will actually happen if the 3rd temple is built. You're reading the bible incorrectly. You probably still believe the jews are the chosen people too. In reality Christians are the chosen people now. All jews have to become christians to avoid hell.
>Nothing will actually happen if the 3rd temple is built.
yeah cus its fucking magical nonsense
Hell is forever
>hurrr heaven is forever too, and im sure eternal happiness with no sadness makes sense because reasons, it certainly wouldn't turn into hell thats for sure
Soon. (Pic related.)
I assume you have, given the thread topic, but others need to...
Admit your sin.
Believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and rose again as prophesied and recorded in the Bible.
Call on His name and confess that He is Lord.
Who knows? You certainly won’t, because unless you acknowledge your sins and understand that Jesus Christ died for them on the cross, you won’t be going there
I don't think you goys realize the symbolism of comparing Trump to Cyrus the Great. Cyrus is the greatest good goy of all time in Judaism. The redeemer of the Jewish people in the Second Temple period.
I don't think you realize that the Jews at the Temple Institute in Jerusalem minted these coins. They did it in conjunction with the Sanhedrin (yes, really).
These are legally a half shekel that a male Israelite will need to pay the annual temple tax. The last ones were minted in the first century right before the temple was melted and taken to Rome.
We are that close to the End.
>greatest good goy of all time in Judaism
I'd have mixed feelings about being called this
how do i believe?
Trump is not on any real Israeli shekel. These are religious groups minting challenge coins not the valid tender in the State of Israel.
This is the group that has ALL the instruments built for the Temple and has trained priests to use them. The secular government does not have power in religious matters. This is THE first half shekel that has the requisite amount of silver to pay the temple tax as ordered by God!
Yes but they need the governments approval to actually build the third temple
The first step is the hardest. You have to want to believe. Pray. Tell Him you want to believe but just can't. Ask for help. Study your Bible. Don't know how? Chuck Missler's Learn the Bible in 24 Hours, book & youtube, will help and probably clear up most doubt.
I'll pray for you.
Pic related.
So, the government that is in the process, this month, of declaring officially that Israel is a Jewish state is who has to approve it?
One more chimp out by the Palestinians in Jerusalem and they will seize control of the Temple Mount. They took it briefly last July.
When will the Jews give up the Talmud and become Tanakh only believers again? Its been 2,500 years since they were "real" Jews.
Study natural sciences. Everyone who grasps a REAL general understanding of natural science understands the true nature of this REALM that we are living in. No modern science book will teach you what you need to know about the truth of our world. Just know that it is quite literally a REALM created by God and not a spec in the unending void of our force-fed fabricated ‘reality’.
Israel totally has sovereignty over Temple Mount and all of Jerusalem. They just delegate non-plenary authority to the Waqf. But that's not the point. Speaking seriously, the chimpout would breathtaking if Israel approved even a Jewish shack on Temple Mount.
I have no doubt Christians would support rebuilding the temple. Many Christians believe that the existence of Third Temple will hasten Jesus return, and maybe the temple will be the place in space where he will return, where he will rule over the recreated world or rapture the believers. This is considered a Good Thing. Jews believe that the Third Temple will herald a messianic age. Really, not too different from the Christian belief, although the identity of the messiah is up for debate. So Jews and Christians both have their reasons for a Third Temple. The problem is the Muslims here.