Daily reminder that waifusm is degeneracy because it prevents you from having white babies

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Leni would never say such mean things

My cartoon girls love me.


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daily reminder that having white babies means nothing compared to a full understanding of the universe that a grand wizard has. 2d women are a way to satisfy yourself along the journey

Waifus are good.
They make you strive for what can never be reached. This is a white trait. We wouldn't have cathedrals and other wonderful things if monks didn't work their entire lives devoted to their craft.

t.waifufag virgin

Nice try Satan but I will never betray my waifu.

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Mein neger.

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This is the face a white woman does when your average 4channer hits on her

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Came here to say this. Unironically best girl.

This is the face a white woman does when she can never understand a mans love for his waifu.

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There are 6 people in this photo, only one of them is not enjoying life, lmao

>fapping to your waifu
How utterly disgusting.

Man of culture right here.

Also this, I have better companionship then with real people.

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White women are what is preventing me from having white babies.
I'm a 29 year old virgin and you don't get any powers at all except perhaps a marginally increased tolerance for depression.

I married a white woman who claimed to believe in God and to be against divorce, she left me, took our daughter and then sued me for support in Canada where she is from.

why didn't you just lose your virginity to a whore

And if I have a child he/she will have to work for the jews.
The only way to save the planet is with human extinction. We must cleanse this world with destruction in order to begin anew.

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should have made it clear to her you'd kill her if she'd try that

i did that to my first wife and she settled with no alimony or payments

>Not trying to have both
You're weak

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ur a faggot

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She went to her parents up in Canada under pretense of it being a trip for the holidays, my mother-in-law encouraged this to be closer to her granddaughter.

Sadly humanity has not entered this age yet, although you are ahead of your time, you are truly missing out on love. A truly successful man is one who has offspring, this is what evolution dictates, and truthfully, by any other philosophy or religion is also measures a man's success.

For now, I am in the same boat as you, I especially love being a NEET, but I wish I had a hot and beautiful lover, multiple ones actually. Who knows if I'll ever get that.


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>not interested in women
>no wonder you're a virgin
Do these people even think?

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Feeling threatened, roastie?

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i doubt that a canadian court can force an american citizen to pay alimony though

regardless i'd say take it as a lesson learned

Because it's illegal and I'm sure I'd get caught.


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It's also sleezy, I want a pure girl, no disrespect to sex slaves enslaves by the non-White pimp filth.

Where the fuck do you think you are?

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You're not spending money on her, so yes.


>he actually thinks he'd get caught
if she believes you she'd be way to afraid to risk it if she thinks you're capable of it

besides you can't be caught unless you're stupid enough to say/imply that while being recorded

I fuck my gf and when she goes home I also watch big tiddy anime girls sue me faggot

rate my waifu /b/

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What can you do if you're exclusively attracted to 2d?

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I'm gonna make the
joke before someone else does.
But that's actually right, I've spent tons on anime figures and other merch, I have never spent a single cent for a 3DPD female.

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Not that guy but what is with people and saying "just get laid lol, hire a prostitute". I don't know how that is suppose to solve my problems or improve myself as a human. Not only that but I guess I kid of realized that most female humans are dirty and unattractive.

Guess I am too much of a sperg to understand your type of attraction.

As far as I know the only way to find whores is online, and I believe all of my internet activity is monitored.
Even if I'm wrong about that, I heard that the big sites for meeting whores all went down recently, starting with craigslist personals.
Also, masturbating for 15 years to pictures of 9/10 girls will wreak havoc on your standards. I don't think I could get it up for some 4/10 obese slob just for the sake of saying I'm not a virgin.
I'm sure there are hot escorts out there but I don't know how to find them or how to pay for them.

Why do you need escorts when you have 2D?
Prostitution is legal here, and well regulated. There's even independent review sites with special systems so they can't be rigged.
But I was never tempted, since 2D exists. What's the point of real women when 2D exists?

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maybe if the modern woman wasn't garbage I'd be inclined to spend some money on them.

Sadly I live in California. I'd sooner entertain going prison gay if things get that desperate over the vapid spic cunts roaming the wastelands in the south.

I want sex because I'm a man.

Your picture makes me wanna play Warframe again


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>Not that guy but what is with people and saying "just get laid lol, hire a prostitute".

They're just talking shit, most people who suggest this wouldn't take their own advice


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Redpill me on this hentai thing.

Already have children. Admiring a fictional character is harmless if you have your life together.

>then sued me for support in Canada

didn't surprised me

>Autism house
Please go back to /trash/.

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