It is starting to seem like stopping or reversing illegal immigration is going to be impossible. Why not just become one nation and exploit the resources of the Mexican country. They have oil, silver, gold, agriculture, prime beaches, etc. We are already mutts anyways, so what is the point of resisting?
Why not just Absorb Mexico?
Because fuck beaners
You should kill all the spics first
Fuck that. Leafs first. At least they can bant without trying to chop your head off.
If they have all those things, why is it such a shithole then?
The United States should just annex Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean. Then they should divide it into 11 different states.
Which state do you want to live in, and why?
When you have a neighbor you can take advantage of disparity in laws/economic policy to turn a profit.
For the past 40 years, we've been taking advantage of that, for better or worse. For instance, even though it's not giving Americans jobs, Mexico's manufacturing industry is starting to heat up again. If Mexico doesn't fuck this up, they could steal a lot of business away from China, which will offer many Mexicans lucrative jobs, ESPECIALLY if the USA curtails welfare programs for illegals. That reduces our dependence on China, keeps things between actual allies, and betters both countries.
if they agree to becoming mere colonists that have no rights sure we'll fix their country
Mismanagement and America crowds out the Mexican economy by subsidizing out farms and not allowing Mexico to compete. If the USA absorbed Mexico, then it would no longer be a competitor.
It's no coincidence that the periods we've seen the worst illegal immigration in coincide with American corn booms.
Because Mestizos suck at just about everything so letting them be part of our country would ruin the US
And make off the fucking beaners legal???
All of*
Why not just eat a pile of shit? Surely there are SOME beneficial vitamins left in it.
Do you want them all be in America officialy? Do you want to jump from 56% to 31% over night?
Because then it's our responsibility to fix Mexico, which is far, far more trouble than it is worth.
Maybe if they all die first.
Otherwise it's like buying a building with asbestos in it. Not worth it.
I've been saying North America should unify for years. Adding *millions* of new workers to the US economy, trillions of dollars in natural resources, some of the vastest undeveloped spaces on the planet, and the most wealth on the planet. We *could* actually rival the Chinese NWO.
"reversing illegal immigration is going to be impossible"
are you turning into a lefty faggot? reversing illegal immigration it's a necessity. Mexico is becoming a national security treat to the US and the day of the first US military intervention in that shit hole is near. immigration must be stopped because the illegals will be a major treat to the US in the imminent conflagration between those countries.
Except that wouldn't benefit canadians whatsoever
>millions of new Democrat voters
No thanks
Its full of Mexicans.
America needs to be balkanized, not expanded
it's pretty clear a federal US government just becomes a bloated imperialist mess
I'm with ya, but we have to kill everyone there first.
Because mexico is full of mexicans, you stupid cunt. Build the wall.
Oh, it's Americas fault again. Got it.