I'm fucking seething.
I'm fucking seething
Other urls found in this thread:
Eugenics is an idea.
Why do you care? How do you even have a computer?
what the fuck ?
No quarter for the Semite.
>tfw you girl can't even do a split
feels bad
?? Okay?
>have anudda servin'
of mephisto gefitle fish
It's all about the (((definition))).
but somehow you can for muslims
This account has to be a false flag, no way an actual kike would be this obvious about their kikery.
it has to be a troll
May not be as mutt as us but goddamn you are trying.
Albino whites look like Final Fantasy characters in my opinion.
Kill yourself
Dude this is a fucking troll, no jew is this retarded , it's impossible.
At least you HAVE a girl.
Kikes are disgusting
Very pure
you get one too,believe user
kek nice one leaf
And then they wonder why they have been expelled from their host nations over 100 times throughout recorded history.
So much for the high Jewish IQ meme.
oh my bad I thought I was using a meme flag
why do people bother arguing on the internet
Is the Penelope Cruz?
>Judaism is an idea, it's not a people
Give it a shot.
>you get one too
Doesn't work that way German bro. Feminism has ruined them all.
Lmao what even is this?
1) People barely even know about MS-13 tbqhfam
2) A criminal gang is less dangerous than "muh aborshunnn rites!"
3) ur dumb
This tweet was triggering
Holocaust is idea - it is not a people.
I think one of the first things you learn as a heeb is to keep your power level from being this exposed, it has to be a troll
>why do people bother arguing on the internet
I don't know, I've never convinced anyone of anything on the internet, at least not by arguing and making snarky twitter comments
so you just spam pics of mediocre looking women? nice..
then correct them Jack,it's up to you to be the man in their life they lack
Fwoaar! Fackin lavlee
Okay this is epic
The problem is the laws. The laws here incentivize women to be horrible feminists.
hmmmm, i wonder why jews get kicked out of every single country they have ever been to?
Nope. When the jews get exposed on here with keywords it triggers something that lets the JIDF know and they will start spamming thread to hit bump limit fast to kill the thread. Common shill tactic. Just hope mods might get off their asses and ban it.
Are they really this stupid or are they just evil?
Why do people fucking worship this guy? God the right is fucking retarded. This is why the jews are winning.
Jews aren't white!
Feels personally weird to hate Jews t b h but you gotta do what you gotta do
i figured as much, but didn't think they would resort to such boring ass tactics, kek
technology addiction
well true
im lucky I found a girl whos relatively normie and doesnt care that much about politics,whether left or right
doesnt like refugees though so we gucci
Pretty sure that's a parody account.
At least that is what I'm going to tell myself so I can still sleep at night.
Based Israeli
>ideas, not people
That's what Israel is supposed to be.
Don't dare call Penelope mediocre even if the rest are
Lower your standards and actually make attempts. Online stuff should be easier, if you're not an assertive and social guy IRL.
I don't know what to believe anymore
>doesnt like refugees
Oooh that means she's perfect fertile ground for the redpill. You've got a chance to actually turn her into the perfect little Jow Forums waifu. Good luck!
I wouldn't even care if those kikes were killing sand niggers of a desert like they have been for 5000 years I just care how much whites pay for it and the fact that kikes will do everything to stop us from having a normal country (ethnostate) ourselves. Those heebs can get fucked!
I have three deal breakers
That's it.
>a literal non-state claiming that Europe isn't a set of nations/peoples
>Europe is ideas
Is one of those ideas kick out all the wogs?
You know i dont even care if that is probably a dude, would smash, 10/10
What is the definitive guide to spotting the Jewish vermin? I wish to avoid doing business with them as much as possible.
We all want you guys to change more then we want you to die.
It's the ones who won't change who cause this shit to build up.
The world is a global village now, and this time when you guys get pogromed, there won't be anywhere to run.
I have no advice other then to find like minded Jews, and get the fuck away from your bretherin so that you don't get dragged down with them.
Obviously don't make family turn on you.
I have long accepted that I will die for the sins of others. It's ok user.
Look up those infrographs on recognizing jewish faces,but those arent always buletproof.
Besides that you will see that any jew has a nature aversion to any in group preferences/self organizing that is almost impossible to miss.
>I'm fucking seething.
Italians and Greeks don't exist.
Perhaps he lives in one of the more prestigious villages in all of Brazil that boasts of such luxuries as a sewage system, clean wells, and even a village computer.
why do jews think they have a right to speak for Europeans?