Why is gender neutral parenting wrong? There's no difference between FORCING a boy to wear blue than to let him wear a pink dress? Honest question, as gender is a social construct and healthcare professionals agree with me. There is no 'male or female' behaviour, that's just what you assign and it's culturally relative.
Why is gender neutral parenting wrong...
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>Why is gender neutral parenting wrong?
because there is no such thing as a neutral gender.
quit trying to be above nature when you are nature, dumbass.
>((((healthcare professionals))))
When we deem that your existence among normal people is a social construct and hang people like you from a rope will you decry that as culturally relative as well? Die in a fire pedo-faggot kike-nigger.
so how can it be unnatural to attempt to be above nature?
You can fuck up someone if you do this to them if they are a toddler.
This is only culturally relative. lol
no such thing as gender neutral but also fuck off colors aren't gendered
if wearing pink makes you feel emasculated then you werent masculine to begin with, being that fragile and all
saying gender is a social construct is the same thing as saying trust is a social construct
ideas of trust are still substantiated by the 8 model circuit of consciousness proposed by timothy leary. the imprint is all there is, the cultural reality(or, much rather, subjectivity) of it is unimportant.
well it doesn't matter if there isn't """truly""" male/female behaviour and it's all just a """cultural""" thing
if you put on lipstick, buy in girl's dep of store, wear miniskirts all the time... you look like a faggot and get punched by gen x member or one of your conservative peers since you potray bad morality- which is being an outsider
took me years to figure out why I was bullied throughout the whole school and then it just clicked---humans evolved to group and act as everyone in the group, anyone who branches out posses threat to the rest and therefore has to be ostracised for it
we as humans evolved to be mostly conservatives, and the liberal standpoint is the real indoctrination by weak parents
weak breeds weak
my parents had no discipline and I myself turned weak
your parents didn't discipline your faggot ass and you stayed gay
I agree that if a boy wants to wear pink, whatever. But you don't need to actively encourage your child breaking gender norms. Just let them be into the stuff they're into. And there is definitely differences between the genders when talking broadly.
Psychological problems being problems is indeed 'relative.' Suicide is only bad if you call it that!
If that's the case, then it proves gender is social. Raising someone binary/hetero can and does "fuck them up" even worse
Letting your kid do whatever they want is a recipe for a failure of a human being. You don't let your kid do every retarded thing they want to do, you make sure they brush their teeth and take care of themselves, you set them straight if they think they can flunk out of school or whatever.
You can argue that a young adult should be able to develop their own identity and orientation to some extent, but letting a literal child decide what they should wear and if their genitals should be cut up is a recipe for disaster.
A pink dress isn't gender-neutral, you disgusting degenerate.
indeed. death is honored in other countries, celebrated, some mourned. it is only the imprint that you are given. if you were told that death is the gateway to something better, you would not see it as bad.
i meant that you can see chimps have gender specific behaviors, so saying that humans don't have them normally is like saying something as ingrained in human culture as trust is also a relatively new concept
Uh-huh, sure. Go tell that to your kids so mine won't have to deal with them after they kill themselves.
YOU are not your body, gender, race or sexual orientation, you are using the body as the vehicle for experience. Your nature is that YOU are an absolutely unique living energy of tremendous capability, which is experiencing life on 3rd density Earth. You are a Higher self. You have always existed. You were never created. You are currently extending part of your energy into this dimensional frequency, connecting it with the physical body for experience, this is your current incarnation....Many costumes will be chosen by your Higher Self to experience various incarnations. You should not identify with one, as that is sequentalisation, instead seek a Simultaneous path of Living...
lol, surely. this is ideal for your ego and cultural imprintation in which you are narrowed into, parochialistically unaware of the surroundings.
Because humans aren't gender neutral, and treating your child like it is a thing and not a gendered human being will fuck it up.
>1 post by this ID
because one of your jobs as a parent is to guide your children.
It's like when you notice they favor one arm over another and teach them to use it for writing.
> There's no difference between FORCING a boy to wear blue than to let him wear a pink dress?
yes, there's the fact that you're actively encouraging your son to grow into a man by participating in the process, clearly what you father did not do, Bob.
> as gender is a social construct
how can it be a social construct when it's completely tied into your physical existence and your body's normal healthy state's functions?
> and healthcare professionals agree with me
you mean the once that sell you hormone pills and charge you ridiculous amounts of money of "sex change" surgery, after which your body tries to heal back into as close to normal state as possible?
> and it's culturally relative
how can it be culturally relative?
>using the word "it" instead of "them" implying the child is an item lmao.
grow up, brainlet
alright you lost me at the existentialist bullshit. you should have kept the talk to nature that can be measured, not spirit realm and material vessel stuff
Yes, it is ideal that your mentally distorted children will off themselves so that the gene pool will be purified. Thanks and continue in what you're doing.
this is why your incarnation chose you to live in a shitty place like romania whilst you struggle to understand the physical limitations and dynamics of basic parental pavlovian piagetian conditioning
>thousands of cultures have existed on earth thousands of years and miles apart
>somehow men are always, as a whole, more aggressive while women are more passive
but gender is just a social construct. smash the patriarchy
they aren't mentally distorted, you can't prove that. gender neutral is fine
>There's no difference between FORCING a boy to wear blue than to let him wear a pink dress?
If you want to be neutral then make both male and female wear pants/shorts and a tshirt. It's not neutral for them to wear a dress.
Obviously hasnt raised a boy and a girl
they are, see
It is unacceptable to raise your son gender neutral, but if you raise your daughter like a man she'll be able to avoid beta cuck males.
>I am babling about bullshit and trying to justify my fucked children
Explain that to your child when he comes home beaten up and bullied
>completely tied into your physical existence
it's tied to the mind which has freedom, not the physicality, fool.
Mind isn't some cloud you retard homo faggot.
Mind is physical and everything you do to your body influences it.
Dick isn't just random stick it completely changes the chemistry of your body.
>as gender is a social construct
Gender is literally a "construct" of biology. Gender and Sex are synonymous. What you are is objective; how you think yourself is not necessarily reality.
It's not, the whole entertainment industry grew on the fact there is a difference to the content that attracts boy's and the stuff girls enjoy. It's not something we came up with, it's how things progressed trough out the ages, if you where a kid in the late 80's america and the"MASSIVE BLOOD RING OF DEATH" titled game was there; boy's where all over it, on the other hand Barbie had a massive success with girls. Also "Culturally relative" yes in 2018 West, it's literally non existent in the rest of the world where men do what men do and women do what women do, even in the west i have yet to see a women with a sledge hammer pounding away 8h a day at the construction site or a male kindergarten supervisor.
>as gender is a social construct
It isn't, it's a biological reality.
Your mind is a result of biology and as such it's influenced by sex charicaristics such as hormones and brain structure. Google determinism.
>Why is gender neutral parenting wrong?
Wait 10-20 years and google "suicide rates since 2010"
>Why is gender neutral parenting wrong?
Because it's not gender neutral in practice. Even parents who say they practice this will only actively encourage atypical behavior instead of truly being a neutral party. People aren't neutral by nature, so the idea they can be gender neutral in parenting is bullshit.
>what is pre-programmed biological behavior
>it proves gender is social.
You lunatic it confuses the person making them unsure of what they are.
but if gender is a social construct, and so is sexuality, then that would mean that conversion therapy is totally valid
gender is a social construct but you are to reatarded to understand what its for. gender is simply what society expects from the sexual reproduction roles that are inherent within a genitalia. and society created traits and expectations to help people fulfill the reproduction roles. you will always have gender as you will always have differing reproduction roles. you cant be transgender or transexual as you cant change reproduction roles
Don't try to normalize this shit in front of us you degenerate faggot.
Anyone who is reading this, the ONLY proper response to this in real life is merciless BEATING.
cool faggot flag shill
Gender is naturally occurring. If you don't understand this then I don't give a fuck about you because you are to stupid and naïve to deserve reality.
>liberal scientism agrees with me!
and plenty of actual healthcare professionals dont
ive seen legit studies proving the biological basis of gender but hey
Hey you! Shut the fuck up with this retard shit.
If you don't tell your baby what gender it is the child will never find out if he or she is homeschooled.
op i know youre either a troll or close minded towards other opinions. but in the off chance you are a legit person capable of changing your mind when presented with compelling information...
watch this series. if you want to understand why anyone would think you are full of shit, watch this series on youtube. it will show you the other side of thinking and how they have science to back up their ideas. its not some weird hate thing or whatevr you think it is. its reality, and we are just not willing to be delusional for political correctness.
gender has a biloogical basis
its been tried. boys like boy toys over girl toys even if they are never told they are boys
When I say kys just know I mean it. You tranny faggots have a 42% successful suicide rate anyway.
Also red elephants did a really good video on this subject today.
you are advocating rot, and you don't even know it. you're the embodiment of a virus
Does a baby know if you are cross dressing it?
the baby boy will act like a boy and perfer boy toys and boy games over girl toys and girl games. and vice versa with the girl baby. even if they baby was raised without any knowledge of gender yes. it has been tried countless times and studied and its all in that documentary series i sent you that you will never watch in its entirety. they review experts in the field of gender on both sides of the debate. but because your bias isnt reinfocred by that video series, you wont watch it. and so you will never undertstand the opposite side and their arguments so why even bother
gender neutral parenting only works with girls
nobody cares if you let your girl play with a truck, ds, or barbie
you can let your daughter wear shorts and a T-shirt and no one will bat a eye
so if you want to try this stick with your daughters
I'd rather have a faggy son than a fake daughter.
Bring back the feminine male. If he wants to be one. Forcing people into a "real men do this and don't do that" ideology is what turns feminine men into the gender-anxious, and then the gender dysphoric.
Men of the past, if they so wished, often ended up dressing up, going into theatre, writing poetry, wearing makeup, and styling their hair. he men of today are held to the standards of action heroes, football players, and blue collar joes. To some guys in the west to not like a busty blonde is borderline homosexual, yes, that's right, if I like a modestly sized brunette instead and say that bimbo on the other side of the bar isn't my type I get told "bro, what are you, gay?". Anything else aint manly and you might as well wear a skirt! Men of weaker constitutions would definitely falter in the face of these standards, and begin to experience identity issues. if they aren't REAL MEN, what are they? It soon becomes apparent, and then fetishized, with the help of sissy/cuckold porn...
The suicide rate is because 42% never had the brain of a woman in the body of a man or anything. "AGP" male tranny brains in particular are identical to those of male homosexuals, rather than being in any way womanly. Why? Because they are male homosexuals who used becoming a woman as a way of coping with not being a "real man". They were not born with identity issues. To borrow from the SJWs, society's "toxic masculinity" corrupted them.
All that a man is, is dignity, honor, loyalty, respect, civility, and independence. That exact combination of traits is rarely found in women or children. There are no trucks, beers, parties, harley davidsons, hooters girls, old blue jeans, dirt stained shirts, greasy calloused hands, football games, promiscuous outings, or strip clubs in the equation and you should not feel like less of a man, or god forbid a woman, for not larping as the great american peasant.
>pitbull is just as smart as border collie
gender is not a social construct you screeching autist
you clearly have penis envy you filthy pussy
>it's culturally relative.
>thinking doing something outside your culture is authentic
authenticity depends on recognizing and respecting your culture and history and pushing it forward, no just doing whatever irrespective of your culture.
a white man who puts on a dress or a sombrero, or a ninja outfit is not being authentic.
and authenticity matters. more than anything.
if you aren't authentic, then you aren't free.
the male and female brains are physically different. neuron density, levels of white matter over grey matter. women have better connected lobes. but whatever, thats not politically correct.
tranny brains are shown not to be female brains in male bodies. but rather just a brain with gender dismorphia which looks the same whether you think youre the wrong gender or the wrong species. its just a sick brain disconnected from the reality of the physical form it occupies due to extensive mental illness that needs to be treated rather then having delusions entertained for the sake of feelings
One day we'll have to tell you the facts of life.
>people will defend a dress is natural for women to wear and unnatural for men
>nature giving a fuck about clothes
literally nothing wrong than my feels triggered. clothes are literally products that humans created for warmth and later fashion. to suggest that wearing one kind is inherently feminine or masculine is basically retarded and proof that gender is socially constructed
conservatives: appreciate human nature and want to work with the better aspects of it
liberals: hate humanity, despise human nature, and delusionally believe they can rewrite human nature in their own image of oppresive totalitarian "equality"
Most trannies have female normal areas controlling sexuality and emotion. Every now and then you find one who is female-normal in other ways, but most only have it in the sex and sexuality aspect.
In other words, they're fags. They deny being fags because they don't want to be gay, so they become women because that's the only way they can feel secure in liking men.
women want to look pretty. clothes for women are all about looking pretty. theres a biological basis for why women try harder then men to look pretty and cute. therefore male and female clothing preferences is at least partially biological in origin.
Not that a man can't have that female trait without still being a man.
If you disagree you are part of what creates trannies.
>trannies are just homophobes who want to suck dick but think being gay is wrong so they develop a delusion where they are women so they dont have to be gay because they hate gays that much.
surely we can use this to divide the left further
i agree
i dont even hate crossdressers because theyre note delusional about what they are they just want to look like faggots. ok so its degenerate, but i have to give them credit for at least not being delusional like the trannies are.
The left is already dividing itself over this
Sometimes, they stop trying the maintain the delusion, go back, and become staunch "transphobes". Women who tried to become men also do this, for the same reasons too. Almost all transexuality stems from deviant sexuality and an inability to cope with it + environment encouraging harmful coping mechanisms.
Everyone should wear togas again.
Their not old enough to make decisions dumbass. Guiding your children down a wholesome path is your number one duty as a parent.
> health care professionals will agree
show Germany flag faggot
to the liberal mind, human nature is unwholesome and reality itself must be rejected if it doesnt fit into politically correct ideals. reality ends where feelings begin. and they feel that being a boy is wrong, that theres no such thing as masculinity, or that all masculinity is toxic. and that the ehuman race must be rewritten so that gender no longer exists.
of course the end result will be a world where families dont exist. but thats fine. see, the government will raise the children if the families dont. and the liberal thinks thats a good thing because they trust big government.
and the government loves it, they want the power over future generations raised from bith by the state. and so that is where all this is going, the ultimate goal of the liberal delusion.
>Why is gender neutral parenting wrong?
You're a faggot for even asking. Leave it to complete fucking psychos to recognize that gender is a social construct and yet base their ENTIRE fucking lives around it by extrapolating the concept and trying to fuck with it in the same way a child fucks with a fly while it picks its wings off.
ehuman was a typo i just meant to write human, but it gets me thinking.
if the liberals cant rewrite humanity... they may just upload it and rewrite it in the computer. and they can fuck off and go live in a computer somewhere fine, but not fine, because theyre going to try to force the rest of us into the machine as well.
because if humanity wont cooperate the left and their government backing will have to replace humanity. fine, because humanity wont change, and we will defeat any replacements. so they can fuck off.
but you think trans sex is the end? no, they will go trans human and work that into their degenerate movement to defy human nature
clothes looking pretty is just a social construct. throughout history and every culture what is considered pretty has changed and even reversed
you guys always take this argument too far. its not like people were rolling around in black robes as the height of cute and adorable while bright colours were seen as dull and boring.
bright colourful outfits. like the birds and the animals and the plants, we emulate the bright loud colours we see in nature in our outfits. bright colours are naturally stimulating as they represent so much in nature. human beings are a product of nature and we like colours.
take a pretty and cute outfit from any culture on earth and its going to probably in most cases look pretty and cute by most peoples standards everywhere. cute and pretty and basically universal concepts with regional variations not overwhelming the core ideas.
>cute and pretty and basically universal concepts
are basically
not everything is a social construct. and even the things that are, dont come from vacuums. the social constructs are built upon some underlying principle of human nature or they dont stand.
we have a nature. we are not completely blank slates.
colors have flipped from pink and blue, classic example.
meh argument
yeah, there are some changes and variations over time. but cute bright colours are still considered cute and pretty.
so what if arbitrarily one colour is a boy colour and one is a girl colour. why shouldnt boys and girls be seperated a bit in terms of colours? helps them set each other apart as different because they are and theres nothing wrong with that.
the fact that we like bright colours is human nature. that we think colours can be pretty and cute is human nature. that we seperate boy and girl children to do boy and girl things is human nature because boys and girls have different natures generally.
its fine, its not some social justice issues. its just people being human
but noooo, the left doesnt want us to be human anymore
fuck off
the debate is not the locality of the mind but the aspects of it which are dynamic and free and the rules we make are derived from these principles, which makes gender a social construct.
get owned idiot
uhhh no it's a social construct.
>boys and girls have different natures generally.
socialized into that yes
wheres the argument idiot
in fact the only people who reject human nature and reality is the far-right who can't even set an argument for why gender neutral parenting is wrong besides saying 'because of biology' which isn't an argument it's a statement and you have to back it up.
evolution, actually unless you are some sort of christcuck who puts a magical space fairy above science
the social constructs have a biological basis and arent randomly created. the social constructs are built upon the natural natures of boys and girls. aspects of the social construct may change over time but its just surface level changes while the core concepts remain the same, because those are the bits rooted in biology. little girls will always prefer paying with dolls over toy cars no matter how you socialize her, its human nature. and all successful social constructs are built upon human nature.
>little girls will always prefer paying with dolls over toy cars no matter how you socialize her,
in general obviously
individual exceptions are always a thing with humans to any general rule, its nothing to get excited over seeing the rare female that likes dude things, thats fine.
Gender neutrality leads to and is degeneracy is decadency and decadency leads to societal decay and eventually the down fall. Lmao you cancsee this in the roman empire and the persians.