I fought for your rights. I gave you healthcare. I made government honest and accountable. I fought for you, but you still hate me. Why?
I fought for your rights. I gave you healthcare. I made government honest and accountable. I fought for you...
1. Not my rights, faggot, I'm not black
2. No you didn't, you made it more expensive and of lesser quality.
3. No you didn't, you made it even less transparent.
4. You did nothing, you sack of shit. You were a one-off diversity hire and nothing more.
>I gave you healthcare.
Thank you - it came in handy recently.
shut up nigger
Every Obama thread gets pic related
You didn't do any of that for me, Liar
WHAT rights did he give the blacks?
>I made government honest
Pull the other one, it has bells on it!
>separates immigrant families, puts children in cages
>creates fema camps
>continues an unnecessary war that has cost billions
>plunges country into another recession
>drone strikes innocent civilians
>hangs around with sexual deviants
Thanks Obama. Pic unrelated.
This nigger made my life and everyone I know lives objectively worse.
I will one day kill him, his tranny beard and nigger daughter's, in Minecraft and after due process of course
He must be leering at the $65,000 of Chicago hot dogs and pizza being wheeled in.
The right or should I say the illusion to think that anyone of those monkeys can become president.
Fuckoff traitor!
Because $2 gas was bullshit. I want Trump to get it up to $5/gallon. Thx a lot Obama
Healthcare is a service, not a right. You can't force people to provide you a service without violating their human rights. That's hanging you for crimes against humanity is morally just.
s/That's/That means
You did exactly what you were told, nothing else. You were a paid actor, you had no political line, no opinion, that much was obvious.
> made government honest and accountable
No one actually believes Obama did that. Nice bait.
> I fought for you, but you still hate me. Why?
You're a half breed mutt
Because you're a nigger.
1. You took rights away for feelings
2. I work. Already had
3. Fast and furious
4. Im admsian, u didnt do shit
The """""""right"""""" the act even more like a degenerate subspecies
>honest and accountable
Hang yourself for high treason.
I gave you healthcare, now pay for it or pay the fine thanks.
Every productive American had the HR meeting where they explained coverage was going down and cost was going up. That (you) don’t know that proves you’re a useless faggot
Exscuse me. I had healtgcare before Obama Care. And now my insurrance increased after the Affordable Care act passed. So you fucked me over.
Im not even going to mention the owner of our small business. And how your administration ass rapes him on taxes.
Even the office manager feels bad for him
Interesting post
Interesting digits
fpbp obamacare devastated my family financially
Obama was just terrible.
Trump slept with a pornstar. I would never do that. He is literally a monster. Not of this world. He better not come here or me and my trans buddies will parade the streets showing off our mutilated bodyparts
When will Trayon have justice
The right to chimp out and have weak minded whites kiss the feet of dindus
> I fought for your rights
What rights? He was anti-gay marriage before being elected, he fucking ran on keeping marriage between a man and woman!!
HILLARY TOO, they both switched in 2014-2015
Trump was the first candidate in history to support gay rights before being elected.
And working with silicon valley to censor conservative views and ending free speech for controlled speech by UN, is hardly equality
>I gave you healthcare
YOu mean stole money from middle class and gave their money to minorities already on welfare for free healthcare because they make below $20k a year.
So he gave them something that wasn't them and caused great pain in the middle class who turned out to vote for trump to remove fines for not paying for health care premiums tat are too high and $5000 deductibles.
> I made government honest and accountable
made MSM lie for me to hide all the crimes of the billions I stole and funneled into lefty groups CFSB was a big trap, that he used to fleece America.
The iran deal, Bengazhi, and Syria caused more destruction of Western culture than anything done in 200 years. MOre Islamic Supremacists are now taking over Europe our forefathers ended in the crusade.
What exactly did Obama do to stop russian hacking?
Why did Rice tell US intel to "Knock it off" when they started going after Russia before election?
Why didn't the FBI examine the DNC server?
Why did FBI use a report Hillary payed for by CrowdStrike as "proof" of hacking?
Why did Obamas stay in a FSB hotel in Russia?
Why did Putin use his Trump puppet to pick Mattis as Sec of Defense?
Why does Putin want Trump to have strong borders?
Why does Putin want all of NATO to pay more?
Why did Rod Roseinstein sign a letter telling Trump to fire Comey?
why are Comey and McCabe's testimony at odds?
Why was the top generals in the FBI and DOJ all fired ore moved off the team for bias and unprofessional conduct?
Why did Meuller take Flynn's guilty plea to lying to FBI when he didn't and FBI agents testified he never lied, even Comey said to congress he didn't lie?
> promised most open administration ever
> instead most closed - and most prosecutions of whistleblowers
'k n*
You are not white Obongo. You should do this for Africa instead.
Why didn't the FBI demand to see the servers?
Why would they trust a report Hillary purchased from a company who's owner is best friends with Obama and had just been infused with $100M dollars?
These are real facts. facts that are not told on TV..
Hillary and Obama even set up the Trump Jr meeting, Glenn Simpson is Fusion GPS CEO, his wife was in the White House weeks leading up to election, and Simpson was payed by Hillary through Perkins Coie, and Simpson met WITH THE RUSSIAN LAWYER BEFORE AND AFTER THE MEETING...
If russia is so bad, why do you shrug when Hillary got $145M from them after selling them Uranium?
Obama was given all evidence of bribes and told to hide it all and gag the witness the FBI was working with BEFORE THE DEAL WAS MADE!!!
These are facts you have to face
you gave hi power guns to the cartels of my country starting the deadliest years in mexicos history, you should be tried for crimes against the people of mexico.
>we still believe in lynchings you know