Become an individual and isolate yourself from who you are, so you and your kind die quietly under an landslide of brown people.
Become an individual and isolate yourself from who you are...
Other urls found in this thread:
>landlide of brown people
>in Poland
ok bucko, go clean your room but dont ever dare to talk about jews, you just cannot
Why should I care about my "kind"? A white man I have never met isn't any less of a stranger to me than a Mexican.
>Unless you're Jewish.
>Then it's ok to care about your heritage.
>die quietly under an landslide of brown people.
Brown people have never threatened violence against me. The biggest threat to me is the government, which extorts huge proportions of my income from me every year and threatens to put me in prison if I don't obey the thousands of laws imposed on me.
Completely right brother, the real enemy isn't the far left, it's right wing moderates who are afraid to talk about the jewish conspiracies in public. We should shun anyone who is not willing to go all the way in exposing the jewish conspiracies on camera! Hail victory!
>your kind die quietly
your kind is a degenerate diying breed, fuck'em. Make yourself strong so you can become the kind that you want to save.
Unironically that's what the what the jews did, that's why they control everythin, only the strong surived while the rest where genocided
>Brown people have never threatened violence against me.
>The biggest threat to me is the government, which extorts huge proportions of my income from me every year and threatens to put me in prison if I don't obey
Who benefits from your obedience?
Stupid kike, identity politics is always the jew. kys
>Completely right brother, the real enemy isn't the far left, it's right wing moderates
This can not be emphasized enough.
It's the same dynamic in the "muslims vs. domestic traitors (jews)" problem. If you're a dumb, retarded, onions, slave (and most likely circumcised) drone lemming faggot, you will talk those "fuck dem mooslems" shit.
And that means you're dumb.
Jews that cooked all that shit up are to blame, mooslems will be mooslems, if jews didn't invite them over nobody would give a fuck what they do at home.
But when you're a brave Murican that willingly and proudly, vigorously enlists to die for Israel, trying to drive this point home is like trying to grow a foreskin.
Death to jews and gatekeepers, I couldn't care less about muslems or antifa, those factions wouldn't exist in our perspective without jew agitation.
Look at all of those white attractive couples coming together for his lecture right now. I think they will have plenty of white babies and will be very successful in life.
Unlike you.
That's actually crazy. Would like to attend one of his lectures but in the UK he's debating a low IQ atheist cuck, don't care for that.
this is one of those, its the dublin one, going on right now.
t.boomer (((intellectual)))
Holy fuck. I haven't seen a crowd that white since I went to see Disney on Ice when I was 5 years old.
I have never met a person with a three digit IQ you likes JP. It's always the dullest sharpies in the drawer thinking he's some profound intellectual. He's just a psychoanalyst AKA a fraud.
We don't sign up to fight for the kikes, but we come out knowing the (((enemy))). Many of us take our money & training home to start/join militias. I wish I wasn't just waiting around, but you can't jump the gun.
good god i cringed so hard...
at least my room is clean
Now realize, its for its 3 hours of 3 dudes talking
Jewish nepotism destroys his worldview of individualism and competence hierarchy. Even if it wasn't the case, he's not going to name the jew.
At this point the guy is a conservative Christian self help guru.
Great he gives people motivation, but there's little besides that.
I said it from day one.
The most obvious case of controlled opposition, use this man as a template to compare future controlled op theories to.
Daily reminder JP worked for the UN creating a blue print for an SJW global government.
He isn't your friend. What he wants is for you to be a little rat in the rat maze he and his globalists buddies have made for you.