Fascism is for subhuman bugmen prove me wrong Statists
Fascism is for subhuman bugmen prove me wrong Statists
Once sin entered into the world, we could no longer live in Eden.
Similarly, once the shitskin entered western civilization, we could no longer have a constitutional republic.
Go back to China
s a g e
fpbp, Muhammed will never recover from this.
It's okay, OP. You're one of us now, whether you know it or not. You don't need to pretend anymore.
>implying libertarians dont think cops work for zog
not an argument
Corporatism requires a government to function retard
bootlicking reichaboos will reply to this if their masters allow it.
In fact corporatism is a key element of fascism unless you're using mental gymnastics by somehow claiming it's le third position and national socialism was different