Fascism is for subhuman bugmen prove me wrong Statists

Fascism is for subhuman bugmen prove me wrong Statists

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Once sin entered into the world, we could no longer live in Eden.
Similarly, once the shitskin entered western civilization, we could no longer have a constitutional republic.

Go back to China

s a g e

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fpbp, Muhammed will never recover from this.

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It's okay, OP. You're one of us now, whether you know it or not. You don't need to pretend anymore.

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>implying libertarians dont think cops work for zog
not an argument

Corporatism requires a government to function retard

bootlicking reichaboos will reply to this if their masters allow it.

In fact corporatism is a key element of fascism unless you're using mental gymnastics by somehow claiming it's le third position and national socialism was different