Just give up

Half the donations for the Dems come from us, all your president's grand children are members of the tribe, and Republicans would gladly die before challenging us.

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> Jow Forums_demoralization_36.png

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Death to Israel

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there is but ~~>ONE

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>he thinks the jews are more than pawns

None of this bullshit is true.

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The need to protect Israel.

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Blonde IDF babes trigger Nazis

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How do i become jew? i'd like to be on the winning side .

we outnumber you 300 to 1 and every day I get at least two more people to hate jews.
You’re fucked

A Beth Din (Jewish court) that is accredited by the Chief Rabbinate can convert you

the Zionist disease, which is but an extension of Jewish Nationalism pimped as a global idea; and no one seems to know why
>reject bottle blonds
>there is only one true blond people

"Just give up." Hahahaha. That's the sort of thing that might work on other Jews, but it won't work on us.

The day of the oven is coming, Shlomo.

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