Which of the following is safest?:

Which of the following is safest?:
>Tap water that (((they)))ve pumped full of fluoride to calcify your pineal gland and make you their slave
>Bottled water that's got so many xenoestrogens dissolved in it you may as well be on HRT
>Sips that contain caffeine (proven to boost test and give you energy to fight ZOG), vitamin B12 (more energy), l-carnitine (less bodyfat and better cognitive abolities) and taurine (improved mental and exercise abilities). And to top it off it's white to spite the anti-whites who'd rather you drink their poisoned "water".

Attached: 5aF6-Vzkgf9XNWaCZSDplP6E0BSLpc9E6uKZD1F46lE.jpg (1024x768, 108K)

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Use a water filter



Check if you are effected. It's for brits.

sips give you bran cancer

Drink loads of water and have an energy drink with lots of water so you don't get kidney stone.

Move to an area where they don't fluoridate water. Or if you live in a fluoridated water area, work to get it out of our water supply.

"Fluoride is added to the water supply at the request of a health authority because a small amount of fluoride in the diet strengthens the enamel on teeth, especially in children."

Well tell their parents to stop giving them so much soda and stop buying sweets.


give no choices.


>not drinking booze and telling those kids to get off your lawn

"The results from Public Health England found that areas such as Birmingham, where the water supply has the chemical artificially added in, five-year-olds are 15 per cent less likely to have had tooth decay, and the number is greater in deprived communities. "

deprived communities. hmmmm poor families give kids cheap shit.

Sort out their living conditions not force fluoride on everyone!

THE LOGIC !!!! no wonder there is a conspiracy theory.

bro all that niacin is bad for your liver. Sip in moderation (no more than 1 a day)