Why do only Americans seem to be conspiracy theorist types?

Why do only Americans seem to be conspiracy theorist types?
Why don't we see this in other countries??

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Because we have free speech


Also conspiracy theories are important for the Jews because they can distract from real conspiracies and labels the people interested in the man behind the courts in as lunatics

Just thrown in some flat earth pizza gate shit and suddenly people talking about Jewish supremacy are boxed in with these loons

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Slavs and Middle easterners also love conspiracy theories. I know a lot of Iranians who still believe Khomeini was a Sikh and the mullahs work for the British royal family.

You see it in the Middle East

Middle Easterners also have retarded conspiracy theories and magical thinking similar to Americans

Europoors get locked up for wrongthink.

Pretty much this.

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Because the corruption in other cunts happens out in the open. No need to theorize.

because that's not true and you're an idiot

What is the The Tuskegee Study?

came here to say this

More than half of Americans believe in the official explaination of 9/11. With such a credulous populace it's obvious crazy conspiracy theorists have a fertile land to plant their bs

We don't trust our government and media. That leads people to speculate about what really happened. Some people are the types who have to know so they extrapolate something.

I've always been struck by how so many Europeans have a complete wide-eyed trust that their government is just trying to do what's best.

Yep. Came to make this post. When people are allowed to think freely you get plenty of theories. Some good some bad.

Because liberals are fucking stupid. Putin only controls most of the world.

They are

Source links? I know it's true, and probably compiled from multiple places, but normie """skeptics""" will instantly disregard something if it's unsourced.

to be fair pedogate had some truth to it, just anything remotely useful was successfully swept under the rug. There's reasons why they didn't deny the emails n shit, they wanted the least amount of people to see the few examples of creepy shit
>would i do better playing dominos on cheese or pasta?

And to be even more fair the earth is hollow! ;)

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I always chuckle when people who believe in illuminati or chemtrails or mind control through cell phone signals or social engineering from mass media act like the Jewish conspiracy is a bit too much.

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I was writing:
They are far more conditioned by their media. Look at the immense hatred of Trump in most Euro countries. They have State News and little access to real information. When they have almost nothing but "official" information sources they will get almost 0 exposure to conspiracy theories. That, and they are less free to discuss them because of both laws (free speech restrictions) and social pressure.

Gee, what set of rights could we possibly have to exercise that most others don't? WHAT COULD IT BE!??!

other countries know but choose to be leftist idiots.
Well, at some point our shitty public education is going to be transfered to you, if it hasn't already.
Sure you'll have high math and science but under athesit or feminist bullshit.
Also, most other countries know the world is fucked because the corruption is so in their face. So when they come to America, they don't realize it a long con vs transactionional. but.... why not both?
And the white papers or the black budget agency print them out here and America is the final bastion at this momment in time.
And the memes are like drugs now, first it's the pure shit, then it's cut with ig and twitter garbage.

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i know that feel. it's like people can't comprehend that the rabbinical class of jews is the oldest continuous secret society in existence.

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America is the capital of the elites, the modern day Egypt, the launching ground of nearly every major change in world culture, so of course people will question things if they aren't made fun of for doing so.

Alex Jones, who admits to being in a Freemasonic bloodline and knowing all their symbols, is an actor playing a joke character in an over the top way so most people won't take him seriously.

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