Who are your favorite red-pilled youtubers?
Who are your favorite red-pilled youtubers?
Dead ones
>putting poods and /ourguy/ jontron with some nobody pseduo-intellectual
JonTron is funny, and Pewds has charisma. The fuck does that weird spic have?
Die with your idols
if mods were based they would move this thread to /v/
youtube """"""""""""""""""""""""""""stars""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Did JonTron lose or gain subs from his destiny debate?
at least you made me laugh spencer
I think in the immediate aftermath he lost subs, but after the panik died down he gained subs. problem is that the kunt never uploads
kek does he know who Chris is dating?
>being a not insane center left liberal makes you a "red pilled" 14/88 gas the kike race war now alt right figure
Leave jontron alone of this slander. He's a good boy.
Jon is hungarian = east european = russian
Pie is white with a thick accent = russian
I don't know who the middle guy is, but take a wild guess who he's working for.
Close, but not quite
jon is persian = iranian = russian ally = russian
pewds = swedish = close to russia = russian
down syndrome spic = fucking jew = israeli shill
Jon is Iranian. I've met his family. No joke.
Spencer is just a charlatan that sits on streams/makes content because it nets him patreon/hatreon bucks and has little interest in most of the shit he says (in fact, he makes it up to sound controversial to get views). Prove me wrong.
He's Persian you dipshit.
grimes is nazibol
THe only Youtubers I could unironically enjoy are Pewdiepie and Jake/Logan Paul.
Pewdiepie's political exploits are well discussed here, but I am equally impressed by the Paul's (at least Jake, I've never seen Logan mention politics at all) very slight and very occasional pro-Trump moments, especially given that half of Jake's fanbase seem to be 6 year old spics. I think if nothing else, they like Trump for being a maverick.
Ok this is epic
None. They're a psy-op.
ive seen a bit of logan paul videos i can barely stomach them but i have a feeling he drops some pro trump pills pro western culture here and there
Logan Paul.
Unironically Sargon Of Akkad. He acts like he's on the liberal side so normies who were on the verge of becoming leftists become redpilled. without realizing he's not an actual liberal.
All (((Jewtubers))) are zionist shills-ESPECIALLY the red-pilled ones. Controlled opposition, people.
>how to ruin the career of based youtuber in one step
Then you'd know he was half-iranian (actual Iranian not arab).
Spencer and Dr. Duke have been doing this for a while, I doubt we'll see shut down, considering how much revenue lost will this cost to YouTube.
>sargoy is based, totally /ourguy/ he's redpilling the normies guys
>what is white, Richard?
God, fucking neck yourself.
Coach Red Pill
Millennial Woes
he is genuinely the litmus test for cuckdom. if you fell for his terribleness, congrats. enjoy feeling Tyrone's feet on your stomach as he uses you to prop himself up to get your wife's g-spot
ChrisRayGun is honestly one of the better ones
ChrisGayRun is a faggot that is most certainly not redpilled. Jon does browse Jow Forums and probably so does Felix, but they are entertainers first. I don't go to them for my politics.
Ah yes the classic "I disagree with this thing therefore he's a shill!".
Sargon has easily 20 times more following than Kikespencer.
And blacked.com get back 50x the hits of stormfront.
Squatting Slav TV
>and probably so does Felix
Implicit Dick is probably just trying to get a reaction out of these three, or tether Soÿgon of Mossad to his shitty shekel-grabbing (((movement)))
Even the anime-addicted retards at TRS realized he was cancer, he literally only has a platform to help kikes figure out who to pressure and bully into backing their globohomo bullshit
Fuck off to Reddit
Way to miss the point
Chris is a spic and jon is a sand nigger. Pewdiepie is a good aryan man.
>appeal to popularity wins my argument
Fuck off back to plebbit, you nigger kike. Sargoy's only redeeming feature was being able to handle banter well and that's gone out the window since he started larping as an IRL politician big boy. He's become a massive faggot who can't control his emotions, can't win an argument unless it's coming from some braindead tumblr landwhale, won't stop moaning about how everyone is after him and won't stop calling everyone who disagrees with him alt-right. He's the very definition of the horse shoe he so much likes to bring up. Don't even get me started on the libertardist movement. Get a buckshot mouthwash.
>(((((they))))) have deployed Spencer to taint /ourguys/, destroy any plausible deniability they have and now will be forced to denounce us
Goddamn it.
absolutely rekt, op. gtfo
Iranian identity is passed patrilineally. This has been so since Sassanian times. He is, thus, fully Iranian. I'm full Persian, and I look like a skinnier version of Jontron.
Sargon is one of the most vocal anti immigration advocates and you know it.
He's a berniefag
Sargon of Akkad desu
Lol. Chris Gay Gun is "redpilled"?
Kill yourself leftypol. Richard Spencer isn't the evil sociopath that the Jewish media claims he is. If all it takes for you to turn on someone is for the jews to say that they're evil, then you're retarded. Most likely you're some leftypol faggot trying to attack every WN you can
I'm not saying that, I'm saying he's a much more important figure to the movement than any of the alt-kikes divisive faggots that no one wants to associate with. Not conservatives, not most white fellowmen (evidenced by their bans of going to Europe) etc. etc.
I'm not saying he's evil, I don't mind evil yet smart people on our side that WIN. I'm saying he's fucking dumb and ((((somehow))) ends giving the far-left victory after victory after victory. He's either fucking stupid or doing it on purpose.
He just got married so he won't for a while.
All he's producing are weak mild opinionated left centrists, I have no clue what you're smoking but it's corroding your brain.
Oh okay, you're baiting. You got me good.
E;R the guys videos are just filled with Jow Forums memes, but in a subtle sort of way.
I still can't figure out if Spencer is a fed or autistic