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Got a licence for that how the absolute dare you?
The press here are all literal satire organisations now and everyone knows it
Bloody ell at trump betta get away fom tha chair. Get me a point for me headache. Eh? He betta get out o britoin or ill squeeze is balls meself. Bloody knackered mate.
>undermine our special relationship
Who was it from the UK that just said last year that we don't have a special relationship?
oi wheres your womp womp loicense
This is beyond belief, he can't keep insulting our allies and stepping on international diplomatic norms. When the american public sees how he has behaved on this europe trip his approval is going to nosedive
womp womp
How ironic that the Mirror gets everything backwards.
*farts in the chair*
Arrest this man
So, he didn't bow to the queen, and he doesn't want to make the UK a gateway to EU trade abuse against the US (how dare he!), and he sat in a chair.
>The outrage!! How utterly terrible!! REEEEEEEEE!! Impeach now!
Seriously, the UK has lost it's mind. Ya'all belong in a straight jacket so you don't hurt yourself anymore. I can't even be mad at the UK because they're genociding themselves and handing it all over to mudslimes.
What the fuck are you faggots going to do about it? This is what you get for letting that baby balloon happen you retarded bongs. What do you think was going to happen?
>Trump sat in an old Chair!!! IMPEEEACH!!! IMPEEEEACH!!!
Trump knows how to make those that oppose him look like the damned fools they really are.
Your tears are delicious. MAGA.
The Daily Mirror is a left-wing tabloid, as can be seen from the use of the word "our" five times in that headline. How fucking dare THEY claim to speak for the British people? Trump also looks great in the picture, no homo.
>How dare you sit where he sat
Oh Jesus my sides
Wait I thought leftists hate Churchill or is this another 'Trump did a thing, therefore I must hate it'?
>Insulting foreign caricature balloon.
>Mayor literally insulting him.
>Disgusting demonstrations "free speech" where you can't even say there's a law against praying in the square where the Muslims are praying.
Get BTFO because he didn't bow (Americans didn't starting with Ben Franklin) and sat in an old fucked up chair.
Okay, UK.
>He can't keep insulting our allies
Yes he can, and I encourage him to insult you specifically. I got 15 minutes to spare, would love to watch some useless amoeba kike crying in disbelief and shame.
Fuckin checked.
Fuck the anti British and totally (((American))) shills in this thread.
Being a trump supporter you'd think you would be wiser by now to fake news and media sensationalism
Obviously not
>Get arrested for quoting Churchill
Oi you cheeky wanker!
Churchill was a drunken Jew puppet, it was President Trump that GRACED that chair with his ass, giving it a little respectability, again.
OI u got a license for this thread?
have a bit of a think to yourself
If that's who's protesting, i think it just encourages people to support trump. Fags should be sterilized.
Need that maga queen meme faggots. Get on it.
i always fucking recognize these images
>increasingly nervous man
Churchill was an alcoholic war criminal. Trump is a total abstainer and, more than any US President I can remember, a man of peace. They should give him the chair as a gift, if he wants it.
don't libfags hate Churchill because of muh imperialism?
this. we all suffer from it
That is exactly who is protesting, all countries have their faggots, try not to take it too seriously.
OMG, I love commies, race-traitors, and faggots, now.
The hypocrisy is incredible, the Mirror complaining about Trump "humiliating our PM" when that's what they try their best to do on a daily basis, it's a Labour paper.
I notice that very few if any news sites are reporting what he said about immigration destroying European culture
Oi guvna! Mr Dumpf be insulting our mother queen, this can't be happening!
What a fucking badass
They call Winston Churchill a racist and shit on his legacy, yet Trump sitting in his chair is suddenly disrespectful to the man. How does this work?
Quite, I literally punched the air when I read he'd said that.
Fuck the bongs. I wish the ones living here would fuck off back to their open air prison island. It's great to see them put in their place. Vile peasant scum that they are.
>anti British
Even the BBC is ant British. You people are such cucks they won't even show Monty Python because it insults trans queers. There is nothing British about you faggots.
Don't be a chump
Bin that womp
its the same in the US. suddenly the left loves Mitt Romney and George Bush. they have no principles.
America please invade us.
It's finally the end of Trump's campaign, for real this time
Hows that victory working for ya Britain?
STOP sitting in chairs
kek, underrated
Is this image from the onion? Subtle, kek.
You know that once he firmly planted his rump into the chair he let one rip.
Americans aren't familiar with the leanings of your various papers, nor do we care to learn. You're consistent petulance and indignation towards trump is evident enough. We don't hate you, we pity you.
>we don't hate you
speak for yourself, I want to see london nuked
>Americans aren't familiar with the leanings of your various papers, nor do we care to learn.
>So we just believe everything we read
>They call Winston Churchill a racist and shit on his legacy, yet Trump sitting in his chair is suddenly disrespectful to the man. How does this work?
You don't understand...President Trump sat in that chair, but he had not even APPLIED for a chair loiscence.
Now that's a man
Showing you bongs how It's done
Learn a lesson from the god emperor
>Implying we've given a single fuck what you think since 1776
i would have thought the Daily M*rror would hate Churchill
>Jow Forums
>spend weeks trying to figure out how to pop a balloon.
>literally BTFOs an entire nation's worth of lefties by sitting down
Why are you people even bothering? Trump's got this.
What's there to believe? That your country isn't full of self hating cucks? That your politicians aren't actively undermining and jailing those who oppose your nation's rapid decline?
This user might be right, euthanasia seems to be the most humane solution.
We literally shit on bongland.
they pick and choose because their fish and chip wrapper paper is going down the shitter.
they're trying to pander to the cucks thinking they will get them mugs to buy it.
Thats funny 'cause its true.
>Never trumpers assblasted he sits in a fucking chair
Lol fuck bongland.
Posts a article from a meme news-propaganda.
Do people like this exist because circuses are no longer in fashion?
More respect to YOUR EMPEROR!!, be thankful that he chose the UK as his Private playground
Holy shit! I hate americans now.
Literally shut it down
They're just upset that he didn't apply for his chair loicense.
RESPECT your MASTER... He is your KING now...and pray that he choses to make the UK his private golf club
>you will never be florida man
Kek speaks
Underrated post
That chair was buit for a fattass.
Who even knows if he did sit in the chair and who cares, but he is sending a message and as usual the dumb press take the bait.
Ha ha ha he's the most entertaining pres i've ever seen.
Trump is simply not racists, murderous and oppressive enough to sit in Churchils chair.
At least I can pretend to be user everytiem I post here
How well known is his alchoholism do you think?
So what people in history beside Trump and Churchil sat on that chair
With this approach on the armchairs of the British prime ministers, even Hitler would not be able to sit.
>his approval rating
my sides
Eat shit you taxi driving cunt.
How very dare
Wow the British haven’t changed much after all these years after all