Will Jow Forums ever get over this?
Will Jow Forums ever get over this?
Why not just completely destroy this part of the world?
>get billions of dollars in funding from U.S.
>Steamroll your enemies
Geez, I wonder how they won!?!?!?!? They must be such great fighters!!
climate, weather patterns, logistical concerns and the pollution from the hypothetical destruction of such a large area!
Your pic is the fake one. Everyone knows Jews are cowards.
>has billions of dollars of funding
>still manages to lose to viet congs
Idk man even with our help that’s still a very impressive feat
The 73 war was decided when Golda Meir phoned Washington and Moscow and told them that Israel would nuke Cairo...Israel was being completely defeated. 67 was a fluke because Arabs tend to be dumb and undisciplined and in 73 the Russians did a semi good job at training and preparing them.
literally all of that is preferable to what's happening right now because of the region
Israeli's were fighting standing armies which are much easier to destroy because they don't just simply hide in the population after they've killed a few guys or use cave networks to engage in guerilla warfare. It's much harder for a standing army to take on a guerilla force than for a standing army to take on another standing army.
>50 US CIA and special forces die during the war
The jew has no honor.
still doesnt adress the issue of how this would be carried out logistically.
furthermore the bulk of the people killed would never have been involved with the cancer destroying the west.
imagine if we rid our countries of the traitors within, we wouldn't even care about that region!
Even if that was true, getting outnumbered by 1v5 and still manage to destroy is impressive.
You don't have a clue how things work. You don't have a clue what Jow Forums even is. I guess that makes you a dumb fuck.
>what Jow Forums even is.
Jow Forums is a religion of peace!
>Why not just completely destroy this part of the world?
>issue of how this would be carried out logistically
just nuke it
>furthermore the bulk of the people killed would never have been involved with the cancer destroying the west.
don't care
the only foolproof solution to the subhuman question is total extinction
changing policies now doesn't mean anything if your grandkids will have to face the same shit in their time
>imagine if we rid our countries of the traitors within, we wouldn't even care about that region
i agree
the jewish question should be dealt with first
but afterwards the middle east should be made into a glass dessert
They still lost though. Arabs only point to 73 because it's the only time they weren't completely crushed. It's not like US intervened directly in 73, they only provided weapons. US contributed almost nothing to the 67.
They Arabs had attacked first. On the battlefield outnumbered the Jews 3:1. They had more tanks and artillery. They had the same number of planes (good planes too - MiGs). They attacked during Yom Kippur when everyone was on leave. And they still lost. Remember that. They still lost.
Arabs can’t fight conventional war. It’s cultural, they’re scrirmmish fighters, that’s why they love asymmetrical combat. Israel is build, and fights, like a western force
Calm down, Milosheviq II.
>just nuke it
i actually know how much dame a nuke does its under powered for such an area and the cost of delivering so many would bankrupt whichever nation does it.
Plus would would need to evacuate and resettle most of eastern Europe into a still contaminated western Europe and Asia.
even then Jews and communists would still exist in large enough numbers to be a hostile filth column.
if you honestly want to destroy Israel bring the Muslims in Europe there!
if they could encircle the area long enough to simply out-breed them to later move in Israel would lose its demographic advantage, plus it would get them out of Europe and the left cannot criticize this plan as its in line with all their views.
never reply to me again you cocksucking albanian dog
It's easy if you have billions in American funding and that the enemies are not up to date in warfare technology.
m8 russia and the us have 8 000 nuclear warheads
if you unironically think that the this isn't enough to get rid of 90% of the population in the region you're delusional
>us getting bankrupt because some measly warheads
sure m8
Israel stands with Rhodesia.
No, it's too funny
Russia is packed full of Muslims,
MAYBE they attack Israel but the threat of M.A.D. would discourage that.
How 'bout this idea:
Muslims hate Israel and want the area to be Palestinian/Islamic, yes?
So why not "persuade" them to move there?
if there is a common goal would it not be better to collaborate to this end, get them out of our back yard and into ((theirs)))
if anybody WAS going to bomb the shit out of that area they would have long ago!
Will Jews ever get over this?
i want the whole africa and the middle east to be exterminated not just the jews my friend
"Step 1" resolve the self loathing cuck problem
"Step 2" would be to stop our productivity and wealth being taxed and donated to them by our governments.
jewmerica is missing on the israeli side
It should be obvious by now how arab(incl. Syrian and alike) can't fight conventional wars.
>jews making fun of ANYONE for not "getting over" shit
You faggots are trying to claim Holocaust trauma is genetically inherited come the fuck on
Not really, even if you don't like Israel. This was hilarious.
How did the arabs fail so hard.