The red parts must be nuked.
The red parts must be nuked
Other urls found in this thread:
the eternal kraut
Why would we nuke Anschluss?
Why US though????
the real map
What's so special about Transnistria?
My god g*rms are truly autistic subhumans
>The blue part must be nuked.
>If we nuke eastern europe we could import much more BBC directly through land routes!
Why mixed feelings on Ireland?
Stop bullying Finland they have the best fembois :'(
>Ukraine OK
>Russia Mixed Feelings
Switch them
>The green parts must be nuked
Whiter than u Ahmed
Never heard of a colorblind person who would confuse red and blue.
why Austria and Switzerland you moron?
>Le Ahmed serving the "Le germs hate za east" meme.
halts maul untermensch
>desire to destroy half of Europe
Like pottery
pokaż flagę kurwo biedaku
>wanting to nuke ourstria
Germans always hated white people
So EuroAfrorabia vs real Europe ?
Ok, are you just a germ on vacations or a self hating pole?
fuck off
Germans do indeed love their puppets.
>"white" people
i bym pisał po polsku kurwa?
jestem polaczkiem robaczkiem i mam obowiązki polaczka!
>Grouping all the balkan countries instead of having an opinion on each
The eternal amerifat.
White men of N. European descent have the highest rate of being color blind/color-deficient. Color deficient is a better term to describe it. There's more of us than all LGBT+ people combined. It pretty much only affects men, and it affects white men the greatest, so guess why no one cares . . . anyway, could we get more maps that take into consideration the 8-10% of white men who can't fucking tell what going on in this picture?
>Austria deploys thousands of soldiers on their southern border to stop the flod of niggers going north
>Hans hates him
There really is something terribly wrong with you Hansi.
Tell me about it, I'll help if I can. It really saddens me to see you like this.
Try to remember the good times, back when we cleaned house and got rid of the kikes. Great times eh? Even though you were a bit mean back then. I forgive you, rather that than this sickness that's consuming you.
why do you hate the swiss and austrians yet like czechs? you must be part czech or something
London needs to be nuked.
>nuking the countries with a less cucked government while allowing the future caliphates to survive
Polska stronk.
Remember Hussars in Vienna 350 years ago!
I may be able to shed some light on that.
Maybe he visited up there, and you served him Mämmi.
Sven sure as hell didn't feed him Surströmming, or he'd hate them too.
But why Austria? It's as if we hated Norway. It just dont make any sense in any way
Insha'allah Islam is the only cure for the west.
kys my nigga
Reminder that when Chernobyl went into meltdown, the cloud came straight back to us. Nuking this close to home is a bad idea. And I say that as someone who lives near the Dutch border.
>Liking all those Balkan countries
Aw, you're so cute Amerifat. Time to educate you a bit:
2 of the countries in the Balkans are majority Muslim. Can you guess which ones?
Hint: Neither of them are Turkey!
Why love Montenegro?
if the muslims were white
otherwise it will be just a shithole like the middle east
Why am I not surprised
Fucking based
>Turk LARPing greek
i would spare the mountain jew
That's not as easy as it sounds, and the answer is technically none are majority Muslim . . . maybe. Albania has been majority Muslim for centuries, but it was suppressed during the Soviet era and is now in further decline. It's not clear if they are or not because polls differ drastically and irreligious people often cite the religion they are closest to culturally. It's somewhere between 40 and 60%.
Macedonia and Bosnia/Herz are both under half, which might change in coming decades. Neither is currently majority, though. Kosovo is almost entirely Muslim, but they are not universally recognized as being independant.
Nice try though, Leaf.
>living literally in Turkey v2
>projecting so hard
>leaving out Transnistria
What makes you hate Ukraine more than Belarus or Russia?
No u.
it was just a quick map, friend.
Only thing important on there is who I hate
fag detected
Id trust an Albanian or Bosnian over you, leaf
Look in the mirror and tell me unironically that you're european haha
it's a 1post by this ID shitposter
everyone knows austrians are germans and rightfully belong to the confederation of german states
Love the blue. Like the green. Teal is okay. Yellow is mixed feelings. Orange is dislike. I hate the red countries.
> What makes you hate Ukraine more than Belarus or Russia?
Nobody likes beggars
The UK shouldn't be considered part of Europe anymore. It should be considered the islamo-europid coastal island states
sad but true
The removal of Yanukovych and his replacement with an anti-Russian pro-EU was one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen happen in a supposed European democracy. If you are going to turn your back on an ally like that dont be surprised if they reclaim land they gave to you in good faith, especially when 90+% of Crimeans want to be a part of Russia anyway.
fucking EU sanctions fucking our trade...
funny but true
>Not including France in the Red countries
>mixed feelings about scotland
you'll be moving here if things down south get real bad, laddy. best start liking it.
he was too stupid to even use the right template, so his opinion can be causally ignored
Why mods not deleting there crap threads?
Nuke London aswell
Loves Serbia ,hates Montenegro
>he thinks is Kosovo, vol15615611548977666
many do that mistake, for some reason
We are still 80 % Christian ffs.
from when is this map? because I saw one which is quite different from 2015 or something
>Isreal green.
Why are all Germans Achmeds here?
What did the austrians and swiss ever do to you?
I'll run over your sister with a truck of peace if you say that again, plus never give you back your loans, ΓΚΕΓΚΕ?? It won't be difficult to ask a t*rk to help me anyway, right??
Most care about Serbia because of the remove kebab meme
the 2nd is for
yeah but fuck off and be serbia's port again
fuck my drunkness
Nobody does.
Come on, why so hostile Hans? I thought we were best friends forever?
What do you know about our relations ,De Boer faggot .
>The red parts must be nuked.
To be fair so must we.
I actually don't mind to be h.
So obvious you are a rapefugee living in Germany.
Thanks germbro Wesh poster here
Most of us are just LARPing.
Germany consists of 6,8% muslims, do you think anyone here is unironically muslim? Kek.
>not red
Is this supposed to be a compliment?
Why aren't you in your shithole, mehmet??
>because it's a shithole
I only pity your uncle who got arrested for anti erdogan activity, even though he voted religiously for him